• One more thing about planes & carriers:
    A newly built carrier can also give your planes a legal landing spot.

  • @WILD:

    One more thing about planes & carriers:
    A newly built carrier can also give your planes a legal landing spot.

    Yes. Is this a question or an answer to someone else?

  • Let’s say you declare an Amphibious Assault that requires sea combat in the Sea Zone adjacent to the Territory where the combat will take place.  Two questions:

    1. Can the attacker retreat from the sea battle if it gets dicey?

    2. If yes to 1, and the sea zone the attacker retreat to is adjacent to a friendly territory, can the attacker unload the land units in the transports onto the friendly territory during the non-combat phase?

    Thanks!  I apologize if this is clarified elsewhere, but I could not find it.

  • @Griffin34:

    Let’s say you declare an Amphibious Assault that requires sea combat in the Sea Zone adjacent to the Territory where the combat will take place.  Two questions:

    1. Can the attacker retreat from the sea battle if it gets dicey?

    2. If yes to 1, and the sea zone the attacker retreat to is adjacent to a friendly territory, can the attacker unload the land units in the transports onto the friendly territory during the non-combat phase?

    Thanks!  I apologize if this is clarified elsewhere, but I could not find it.

    1. Yes
    2. No, ground units stay on board until next turn (or if owned by ally, the ally’s turn)

  • Rock on.  Thanks.

    Do you happen to have a reference for that?  I have a Japanese player that won’t be happy about that.

  • Reference regarding Amphibious Assault: AAE40 page 15 Section: Transports, second and third paragraph:

    "A transport can land units while in any friendly sea zone along its route, including the sea zone it started in. If a transport loads land units during the Combat Move phase, it must offload those units to attack a hostile territory as part of an amphibious assault during the Conduct Combat phase, or it must retreat during the sea combat step of the amphibious assault sequence while attempting to do so. A transport that is part of an amphibious assault must end its movement in a friendly sea zone (or one that could become friendly as result of sea combat) from which it can conduct the assault.

    Any land units aboard a transport are considered cargo until they offload. Cargo can’t take part in sea combat and is destroyed if the transport is destroyed."

    Based on the above text, loading the transport during combat means the units must be unloaded during combat, and if not unloaded during combat are treated as cargo since unloading a transport is part of the transport’s move and the transport’s move has ended during the combat phase as a result of the amphibious assault. Also, it clearly states that units loaded during combat must be offloaded in a hostile territory and a friendly territory after the retreat would not be a hostile territory for unloading.

    Furthermore, with the exception of air units, no sea or land unit moves in both Combat and Non Combat phases, therefor it is logical to assume they are stuck on a retreated transport until their next turn, in which they may be moved during either phase as normal.

    Well, that is my best guess anyway. I am not affiliated with the game so this is not an official answer. I hope this helps.

  • Official Q&A

    Sounds good to me.  I’ll add this from page 30: “If a transport retreats, it can’t offload that turn.”

  • Is the US allowed to move trough sea zones touching Europe into a sea zone that doesn’t(eg. from Z118-Z124) when not at war?

  • Official Q&A


  • Any IPCs spend on research is it lost if the attemp isn’t successfull?

  • @Pomme:

    Any IPCs spend on research is it lost if the attemp isn’t successfull?

    Yes, that’s the OOB rule now.  But Krieg has said to feel free to house rule in tech tokens ala AA50 if you like.

  • Thanks Gamerman.

  • @WILD:

    Now that’s classic!!

    I can see a troll at the booth now, $5 buddy, and answer 3 questions.

    Three questions? Here we go (Monty P style):
    -what is your name
    *admiral so and so
    -what is your quest
    *to sink german navy
    -what is your favorite color

    OK u can pass :-D

  • I played my first game this weekend.  I am not the owner of the games, so I don’t have the rules or board to look at and I am going off memory for this question….

    In our game, UK Pacific started to march troops west to get the troops and income in pro-Allied Persia. Persia is located on the European board though.  Who gets this income?  Also, a question on the UK NO’s.  While it didn’t state it in the rule book, we agreed that the NO regarding all German subs cleared from the board should go to UK Europe.  How about the other NO.  It requires the UK (and I think ANZAC) to own all original territories.  Is it my choice to split that NO income as I see fit?  This can matter since UK Europe and UK Pacific income is kept separate.  If I can choose, could I split it, say, three ipc to Europe and two to Pacific?

    Thanks for replying in advance.

  • @13thguardsriflediv:


    Now that’s classic!!

    I can see a troll at the booth now, $5 buddy, and answer 3 questions.

    Three questions? Here we go (Monty P style):
    -what is your name
    *admiral so and so
    -what is your quest
    *to sink german navy
    -what is your favorite color

    OK u can pass :-D

    That"s what I had in mind  :-D

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    Is the US allowed to move trough sea zones touching Europe into a sea zone that doesn’t(eg. from Z118-Z124) when not at war?

    So is Iceland considered part of Europe (for game play)? The rules specifically call out England and Scotland, but not Iceland. I thought sz123 was legal. Sorry if this was answered already.

  • Official Q&A


    In our game, UK Pacific started to march troops west to get the troops and income in pro-Allied Persia. Persia is located on the European board though.  Who gets this income?



    Also, a question on the UK NO’s.  While it didn’t state it in the rule book, we agreed that the NO regarding all German subs cleared from the board should go to UK Europe.  How about the other NO.  It requires the UK (and I think ANZAC) to own all original territories.  Is it my choice to split that NO income as I see fit?  This can matter since UK Europe and UK Pacific income is kept separate.  If I can choose, could I split it, say, three ipc to Europe and two to Pacific?

    From page 34 of the Rulebook: “The United Kingdom’s objective is “The British Empire”—to retain control of
    its old centers of power.  To reflect this objective, the United Kingdom Europe economy (see Global United Kingdom Rules, pg. 32) collects bonus IPC income during each of its Collect Income phases in the following situations.”


    So is Iceland considered part of Europe (for game play)? The rules specifically call out England and Scotland, but not Iceland. I thought sz123 was legal. Sorry if this was answered already.

    Yes, Iceland is part of Europe.

  • @Krieghund:


    So is Iceland considered part of Europe (for game play)? The rules specifically call out England and Scotland, but not Iceland. I thought sz123 was legal. Sorry if this was answered already.

    Yes, Iceland is part of Europe.

    Ok thanks for clearing that up, are you adding it to the FAQ?

    By the way any idea when the FAQ may be ready?

  • Official Q&A


    By the way any idea when the FAQ may be ready?

    Not yet.

  • @Krieghund:


    In our game, UK Pacific started to march troops west to get the troops and income in pro-Allied Persia. Persia is located on the European board though.  Who gets this income?



    Also, a question on the UK NO’s.  While it didn’t state it in the rule book, we agreed that the NO regarding all German subs cleared from the board should go to UK Europe.  How about the other NO.  It requires the UK (and I think ANZAC) to own all original territories.  Is it my choice to split that NO income as I see fit?  This can matter since UK Europe and UK Pacific income is kept separate.  If I can choose, could I split it, say, three ipc to Europe and two to Pacific?

    From page 34 of the Rulebook: “The United Kingdom’s objective is “The British Empire”—to retain control of
    its old centers of power.  To reflect this objective, the United Kingdom Europe economy (see Global United Kingdom Rules, pg. 32) collects bonus IPC income during each of its Collect Income phases in the following situations.”

    Thank you for the answer.  I have a couple more questions and I would like to apologize in advance if these are in the rule book (I don’t have it), but my game group missed it if it is.

    India is split in two between the Europe and Pacific board.  W. India (I think that is what it is called) is on the Europe board but counts for the UK Pacific income, correct?

    Italy and Russia both have NOs that talk about warships in the Med. or sz 125 respectively.  What exactly is the definition of a warship?  Does this include subs or transports?

    If UK Europe falls, can UK Pacific “liberate” any of the territories on the Europe board and then collect that income?  I mean if the US liberates a UK Europe territory while London is captured, it gets the income.  I would think UK Pacific should be able to ‘liberate’ and collect UK Europe income too.

    Thank you

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