And before anyone says anything about 18 infantry, they wont last long if Japan makes 1 concentrated effort to kill them. Unlwess I misunderstand some neutrality rule or something.
A good opponent won’t group the 18 infantry together where you can kill them. More territories = harder to kill. Also, USSR goes before Japan on turn 1, so the 18 infantry will be safe J1 (except for the 2 or 3 that pre-emptively took over Korea, possibly)
Like you I may be completely wrong because I haven’t played global yet, but based on my experience and assessments, I think Japan’s gonna have a helluva time succeeding. They can’t take a money island or attack ANZAC or UK without bringing the USA into the war in the first couple rounds like they could in P40 (that’s gotta be a bad move in G40 any way you look at it), and with 5 enemies…. well, it’s not gonna be easy at all. I don’t think you’ll be able to send one turn’s purchase into Russia to “screw with them” and even if you did, it’s an awful long way there, and probably won’t have air support (at long last - a much more realistic simulation of this front)
USSR and USA are gonna be complete beasts. Complete beasts.
Way too early to say this, but I can’t resist. I predict that with skilled and experienced players who are equally matched, the Allies will have a significant advantage (win 60-70% of games) when played 1v1. When Allies are broken up among 3-5 players, then this advantage should drop quite a bit. I would list all my reasons and analysis, but it will take too long. I’ll just throw this prediction out there (since I can’t play the game yet!!!)