Good points Hobbes.
One thing to note in this game as opposed to Revised is its nice if a location has an aa gun in place. So if UK is going to build an IC in its colonies then India is a good spot.
A Sink factory is thought of as a good complement to the India factory, but it lacks that aa gun. A better complement to India is a USA Pacific push and a Sinkiang factory can be a distraction from that.
An Egypt factory might have its uses in a KJF game….but if you’re gonna go KJF why not just go India? Sure, you can hold Egy from Japan by propping it up with the USA, (ie an Atlantic strategy) but in that case UK might be better using its resources to hack at Germany from the other side.
The best factory for the Allies in a traditional KGF game is Norway, with UK or USA building it depending on the game situation and overall strategy.
For Japan, I agree with Hobbes, FIC and India are the closest to Cauc/Mos.