If Spain is neutral, the strait should be opened taking both Morocco and Gibraltar
But if Spain is not neutral (I mean, after is attacked by someone), the strait should be opened taking Spain and Morocco (because Gibraltar garrison will have then a very hard time trying hold the rock, for not talking about blocking ships, and south edge of Spain is nearer to Morocco than Gibraltar)
You could say the same for Kattegat (or whatever name has Danish strait): if Sweden is still neutral, the combo is Denmark+Norway, but if Sweden is at war, the combo should be Sweden+Denmark (and this is even more clear than Gibraltar)
Let’s hope that Larry gives to the neutrals a proper treatment or we are going to have a fantasy scenario again
No, Gibraltar is the nearest point at which Spain comes to Africa. Closing Gibraltar should require both the closest African territory and Gibraltar. I think closing the strights between the Baltic and the North Sea, whatever they are called, should require both Denmark and Sweden as well, or even all 3 between Denmark, Sweden and Norway. But I’m not so sure this straight should even exist to start with. I guess its ust a way to let the German player biuld a navy in the Baltic if he wants. It would be more fun that way, albeit, probably not smart.