Wow. Thank you.
you are right, but the defending player can submerge instead of attacking too. and if he don’t the the attacking player can submerge
Sorry, w_l, but let’s disagree.
The defending SS(s) would defend, submerge, or submerge /retreat or retreat(only). Then the attacking SS(s) could choose to retreat if desired.The rules in the manual are conflicting. P. 10, col. 2, par. 3 states, “Submarines …defending… may withdraw…”. However, p. 11, col. 1, para. 4 states “®etreating is an attacker’s privilege only.”
Take your pick… or have I missed an OFFICIAL CORRECTION UPDATE :P ? - Xi
Just noticed I got ripped off of a post again.
“When men have minds set on victory, all they see is the enemy. When men have minds filled with fear, all they see is their fear.” - The Methods of the Minister of Wae, Fourth century B.C. Chinese military textbook -
Sorry, w_l, but let’s disagree.
The defending SS(s) would defend, submerge, or submerge /retreat or retreat(only). Then the attacking SS(s) could choose to retreat if desired.No I believe it is up to the defending sub (after the first round of combat) to choose whether to retreat (space permitting) or submerge.
is that 3rd ed. rules? I’ve got a Rules clarification booklet that came with my game(2nd ed.). It says
under RETREATS, p. 2, col. 2, Para. 2, (3) An attacker cannot retreat from NOTHING, and (4) Partial retreats are never allowed except for subs.
(A)…both attacking and defending subs can withdraw…(D) if there are several attacking(or defending) subs they can retreat to different sea zones on different rounds, however, those that retreat on the same round must retreat to the same sea zone.
What’s it say in the 3rd ed.?It is the spring of 1942. The world is at war. Five world powers are struggling for supremacy. You and your opponents control the military and economic destinyof one or more of these countries. The Axis powers are Germany and Japan. Challenging their expansionism are the Allied powers of the United Kingdom, the U.S.S.R. and the United States. You must work as a team with the country or countries in your alliance. Tabletalk is encouraged. In the game, you’ll discover that cooperation and negotiation are just as important as tactical maneuvering. - Page 1 introduction to the greatest game on Earth, Axis & Allies
Wait… I’m confused. Did you just answer you’re own question. Attacked cannot withdraw (retreat) except for subs. Under 3rd, planes and retreat too.
LOL!!! What a mess!
Yeah, it’s takes a skilled poster to decipher some of Xi’s post.
Consider yourself lucky Xi! You have just recieved my coveted “No Prize” Award. :)
:oops: Oh-kay! Anybody know where I can e-mail/write to get a copy of the 3rd ed. rules?
Thanks in advance!Just talkin’ 'bout subs at the moment. I know about the planes being able to retreat(old news - even here).
Sorry, Don’t have a scanner :) - Xi -
Ask SUD or Bossk. They’re practically walking rulebooks.