NEW RELEASE from WorldsForge
Field Command: Singapore 1942 Cards Expansion is a card-based expansion to the Field Command: Singapore 1942, which is about the Battle of Singapore during the Second World War.

This expansion allows the player to experience many interesting and unique episodes that truly happened during the Battle of Singapore, such as Yamashita’s bluff and Maxwell’s premature withdrawal, the failed Japanese ruse of disguise as Indian soldiers, and the burning hell on Kranji river. Together, these episodes epitomize the unpredict-ability of warfare, as few real battles follow the textbook or even go according to plan.
The cards come in 2 decks, one for each side of the conflict, and enhance the re-playability of 2 campaign scenarios - Impregnable Fortress & The Almost Naked Island. Players will get to adapt to unforeseen situations and surprise their opponents. Every game is a new challenge.

Order yours today!