Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread

  • More samples please.

  • “You mean the pieces don’t come pre-painted?”

    They’re going to be molded in the colors of FMG’s dice for each nation, BD… so hopefully, the only painting that would be necessary would be if you wanted to detail them.  (Unlike, say, miniatures from GHQ [metal] or Panzerschiffe [plastic], which are all in a uniform color…)

    Which reminds me… does anyone on this thread know which paints in which colors would be the ideal ones for painting other AA miniatures so that they would all be in the same colors as FMG’s dice?  I’m thinking about standardizing on those colors and painting a bunch of my “legacy” pieces those colors for consistency.

  • @Black:

    I’m not sure if this question is premature but does FMG have an idea on what they will make for the next batch?  I’ve been giving this a lot of thought.  I think perhaps technology units would be the most useful (Long range bomber, fighters, super subs, rockets and so on).  Anyone else have thoughts on this?

    Yah peices for Jet Fighters, Long Range Fighters(like the P-51D mustang), Heavy Bombers, Rockets, and Super subs are long overdue, FMG should defintely make a set that included these.

    Having peices like long-range jet fighters or long range heavy bombers is silly though, since their were no long range jet fighters and all heavy bombers were long range.

    What other tech peices would we want? I would like a Radar Station, Rocket/SP Artillery, and an airborne infantry peice.

  • @Black:

    I’m not sure if this question is premature but does FMG have an idea on what they will make for the next batch?  I’ve been giving this a lot of thought.  I think perhaps technology units would be the most useful (Long range bomber, fighters, super subs, rockets and so on).  Anyone else have thoughts on this?

    As great as those would be, I think they should stick to making the existing countries first.  THEN branch out into the rest.

    I think It would kind of suck to have Italy, and then everything else put on hold to get tech units thus making us wait a year or more for the next country.

    Of course, once the 6 countries are done (plus I guess ANZAC and France for the new games, though I’d be willing to wait on those), then definately tech and other pieces!

  • I am most sure that they would generate the maximum sales if they just take what is missing from these games and makes the pieces for them:

    1. make real french units ( just need infantry, tank, mech infantry, artillery, fighter)

    2. make technology pieces that you swap out when you get that technology:

    a) jet fighters
    b) long range bomber
    c) paratroopers ( one sculpt for all)
    d) rockets
    e) super sub

    1. make a few pieces to fix the WOTC mess ups:

    a) allied artillery
    b) replacement German artillery
    c) ANZAC infantry
    d) Replacement US fighter ( mustang)
    e) alternative German tank (tiger tank)
    f) alternative Japanese BB ( Kongo)
    g) escort carriers for Japan and USA ( the other nations can use the same sculpt)
    h) make a fortification unit
    I) replacement German submarine ( not toothpick)

    I don’t think if they made complete sets of total replacement units of the big 5 nations that it would make as many sales as just a correction of sculpts that most people agree that are needed.

    If they went that route, then just make Germany and french for complete overhaul

  • FMG, any possibility of you guys developing your own game?

  • @FieldMarshalGames:

    Yes we have.  The first Edition run will include the following for each Nation (Italy included)

    Naval Units:
    Task Force Marker (Similar to AAP)

    Air Units:
    Dive Bomber
    Air Transport

    Army Units:
    Infantry (Two Sculpts each)
    Armour (Two Sculpts each)
    Half Track (Priest for Commonwealth units)
    Commander Unit

    Other Units Bonus:
    Bunker Unit
    Naval Base Unit-Marker (Like AAP)
    Air Base Unit-Marker (Like AAP)
    Army HQ Unit-Marker

    This is what we have so far….  (We also are working on a BATTLE CHEST to hold these units… This may come later)

    If FMG comes through with this for all six Nations they are going to make a killing. I am sure its expensive to get the molds, but once they have them they are going to dominate the A&A market aswell as other WW2 gaming markets. Every self-respecting WW2  board gamer is going to buy this.

    And BD, that is a very good question.

    PS: FMG, you said up in this post that the the UK halftrack would be the M7 priest, although that is agood unit for the UK or US artillery but the UK halftrack should be the bren carrier over 100,000 of them were produces, i think the most produced vehicle of its kind. Why dont you post what you are considering for all the molds so that you can get our feedback?

  • The ANZAC units in P40 are grey.  I assume German pieces in E40 will remain AA50 black.

    Will this be a problem?  FMG Germans will be classic grey.  What will ANZAC be?

  • '10

    I am most sure that they would generate the maximum sales if they just take what is missing from these games and makes the pieces for them:

    1. make real french units ( just need infantry, tank, mech infantry, artillery, fighter)

    2. make technology pieces that you swap out when you get that technology:

    a) jet fighters
    b) long range bomber
    c) paratroopers ( one sculpt for all)
    d) rockets
    e) super sub

    1. make a few pieces to fix the WOTC mess ups:

    a) allied artillery
    b) replacement German artillery
    c) ANZAC infantry
    d) Replacement US fighter ( mustang)
    e) alternative German tank (tiger tank)
    f) alternative Japanese BB ( Kongo)
    g) escort carriers for Japan and USA ( the other nations can use the same sculpt)
    h) make a fortification unit
    I) replacement German submarine ( not toothpick)

    I don’t think if they made complete sets of total replacement units of the big 5 nations that it would make as many sales as just a correction of sculpts that most people agree that are needed.

    IL, I disagree.  I’ll bet that most people here ultimately want a complete package.  That means all new pieces for every country, tech pieces and the special extras such as escort carriers, medium bombers and so on.  At least that’s what I want.

    No disrespect to you IL but I would not like to see a package that fills in the gaps because it would torment me.  If they made one as you suggested.  I would have this nice Kongo BB.  And because it is so nice it would make the rest of my standard BB look like crap and that would bug me.  I like everything to be of the same standard.

    My preference would be for FMG to make a complete package for each country (From seeing FMG’s quote.  This appears to be the case) a package for tech units and a package for special and extra units such as commandos, paratrooper, jeep carriers, medium bombers and so on.  (Depending on the number of units to be made.  The tech and special units can be combined.  However, I think the tech and special units might be more useful to make first then the countries.

    Another approach FMG could take is to make pieces by groups.  For example.  The next batch would be infantry.  I would include all infantry from each country plus any tech or special units such as airborne, commandos and so on.  The next batch would be armor for each country, halftrack, tanks and heavy tanks.  The next after that would be aircraft.  Fighters, Bombers, long range fighters and bombers for tech units and then dive and medium bombers as special or extra units.  Anyway, you get the picture.

    Ultimately I plan to buy everything that FMG put out as long as they are complete packages.  I’ll even buy packages that I’m not really interested in such as French units.  Why, because the only way everyone is going to get what they want is to help FMG sell as much of these as possible.  If this means buying set I’m not really interested in, fine.  Or as I mentioned earlier.  I’ll go search for hobby store for FMG to help find new customers to sell them to.  What ever it takes.

  • I was posting that if they just decided to do one more pack. Thats is to say if they sold enough Italian pieces to cover costs and a small amount to fund another go at this. I my opinion if it looked like just one more time… i would strongly suggest a patchwork of different pieces, rather than “just do Germany and stop at that”

    Its like the ‘woman and children first’ thing about the Titanic. If their is only enough to justify one more set after italy, then don’t you think it makes sence to just fix the messed up sculpts?

    Of course i will buy 6 of them not matter what. I am thinking of FMG too right?

  • FMG could title that set “The WOTC F-up fixer”. I actually think that it is a good idea. If it succeeds, then FMG can continue to produce national sets.

  • Well, hopefully FMG won’t have any trouble doing all the full national sets, and so won’t have to settle for the “patch” option.  But I do understand your point, IL: better to put all of the highest priority eggs in the first basket, in case there’s only one basket…

    The only problem is that they wouldn’t be able to do the “patch” set in 5 different colors, according to what FMG said earlier on the thread.  Of course, if I’m able to find the ideal easy, quick spray-paint solution, then that might not be a big deal…

  • '10


    FMG, any possibility of you guys developing your own game?

    I will try to answer all your questions.

    1. The Pcs Project is #1 priority for us right now.  All our efforts and all our money is going in that direction.  We will include FRANCE and ANZAC at the end of the project. (ANZAC will be easy… run UK in a diff colour)

    …if this goes all well and pays for itself…

    1. We will make TECH pcs also for a second release.  At that time I will start a NEW thread about this as this thread is getting unwieldy and long.

    …if this goes all well and pays for itself…

    1. We are working on a COMBAT CHEST, it will be a deluxe box that will have trays for each nations pcs, COMBAT DICE, Deluxe chips and TECH units.  It will be designed to look like a ww2 ammo case. NO MORE - TOP SECRET

    …if this goes all well and pays for itself…

    1. I have three games in the works right now.  They are on the shelf until the above is complete so I will not discuss them at this time.  I think AAA players will like them…  they are not AAA or WW2 games (no copycats here) but are defiantly a tribute to the AAA games that inspired them.  They will have high quality maps and pcs also…  NO MORE - TOP SECRET

    As you can see we have alot in the works here and obviously some is far off…  Right now we are giving EVERYTHING to completing the COMBAT UNITS as early as possible in 2010.

    Thanks for your continued support and interest!


  • Excellent update FMG! I’m looking forward to purchasing your products for the foreseeable future.

  • Customizer

    FMG’s latest update makes me all giddy and warm inside!  :-D

  • Yes, but why bother to make the ANZAC pieces if they are not nation specific molds ? Razor wants ANZAC infantry with the Stetson hats, not the brit helmets.

  • '10


    Yes, but why bother to make the ANZAC pieces if they are not nation specific molds ? Razor wants ANZAC infantry with the Stetson hats, not the brit helmets.

    Because like with MOST AAA games… you never get enough pieces.  AND our set will include some “special” units.

  • What color will ANZAC be?

  • FMG, thank you for your latest update.

  • @Upside-down_Turtle:

    What color will ANZAC be?

    I’m assuming the same color they are now

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