We will be working with the first factory still for GERMANY and ITALY. If it gets really bad then we will have the new factory pick-up the molds. I have given the old factory a final deadline for the delivery of GERMANY… If they miss it then it is their last FMG project.
Also remember that they messed up the ELITE COMBAT DICE and have still not delivered the replacements!!!
It was time for a move.
Oh yeah, and I was really looking forward to those ELITE COMBAT DICE too. GRRRRR! Any idea when they will be finished?
Well, it sounds like you are getting things better under control. I sure hope the new factory treats you better. I didn’t realize that you could have the molds for Italy and Germany transferred to the new factory. Then again, even though the first factory got the molds forged, FMG actually PAID for them and therefore owns those molds, right? So I guess you could have them taken to any facotry you wanted to. I guess it’s the same for whatever equipment they use to make COMBAT DICE too, right? That actually belongs to FMG. Boy you guys are investing in a lot of stuff that is being kept in another country.