Cool! I can’t wait! Keep going!
Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread
Hell, everything about the jerries in WW2 is iconic. The Tiger 1, the Flak 88, the Stuka, the very recognisable helmets of the german soldiers, the Panzer IV, the He 111 and Ju 88 bombers, the Bismarck, and so on…
God I love the german units :-D
Yeah, you have a point there. Most German equipment was very unique and probably easily recognizable from any other country’s forces.
By the way, have you ever seen footage of Chinese troops preparing defenses and getting ready for the Japanese? In some of them, they are wearing German helmets. I read somewhere that back before Japan was a member of the Axis with Germany, perhaps before Japan even attacked China, there were actually German military advisors in China for a short while and one of the things the Chinese got was the adaptation of the German helmets for their own troops. It just looks weird seeing all these Chinese soldiers forming up wearing German helmets.Some of the Finnish troops used German helmets as well. But then the Finns used a lot of German equipment. And they were allies to.
China was never in the Axis but they did have some support from Germany until 1937. China bought 250,000 helmets and about a dozen each of the panzer IA and the 221 armored car. They also bought and produced (under license) the Flak 30 and 1 other piece that escapes me right now (probably the Pak 36 tho). In 37 Germany and Japan became allies and China had to turn to other nations for help.
Yep. In fact, Finnish military aircraft are STILL marked this way.
Not really. Aircraft of the Finnish Air Force use a white and blue roundel. But the official flag of the Air Force has the Swastika.
Doh, can’t wait!
Who else is checking out FMG’s site more than once a day?
FMG? Any point in doing that? :-D
I can’t help it tho’, I wantsss my preciousss… units and dice :-)
Hahaha! I know I am!!!
Who else is checking out FMG’s site more than once a day?
FMG? Any point in doing that? :-D
I can’t help it tho’, I wantsss my preciousss… units and dice :-)
I post pictures and info HERE on the same day they up on the site. There are often pictures or info HERE that is not on the FMG website.
Who else is checking out FMG’s site more than once a day?
FMG? Any point in doing that? :-D
I can’t help it tho’, I wantsss my preciousss… units and dice :-)
Me too. Thank you, I feel better knowing I’m not the only freak in the world.
FMG, give my deep thanks to the sculptor of these pieces because i know it’s got to be dam hard to sculpt such detail on to such small scale. so… thanks. as well when can we expect to be able to order because i want to be able to manage my money.
We are just finishing the final details like set configuration and calculating final cost. Pre-order will follow soon.
My Paypal account is just quivering with anticipation to go to FMG. So ready to order my goodies.
Will you have pre-orders for the Italian units and the new combat dice for France and ANZAC at the same time?
My Paypal account is just quivering with anticipation to go to FMG. So ready to order my goodies.
Will you have pre-orders for the Italian units and the new combat dice for France and ANZAC at the same time?
My Paypal account is just quivering with anticipation to go to FMG. So ready to order my goodies.
Will you have pre-orders for the Italian units and the new combat dice for France and ANZAC at the same time?
COOL! That will be one BIG order for me then.
My Paypal account is just quivering with anticipation to go to FMG. So ready to order my goodies.
Will you have pre-orders for the Italian units and the new combat dice for France and ANZAC at the same time?
Any news on release date?
I’m interested in purchasing these combat units along with the new combat dice when they come out, but I am starting to be concerned with the total price of buying each nations set separately. Is each nation’s set going to be sold separately? Or, is there going to be a way for us to pre-order the complete set at a slight discount?
dadler, 2 things to keep in mind when thinking about cost:
The main cost of these games is the cost of the plastic units (including mold costs).
pieces for the 1940 games are going around $20-25 a set on eBay - expect to pay that much, if not more, for these.
That price range sounds fine to me considering the amount of pieces in each set. I was worried more of $39.99 each, which is what FMG has listed for Italy right now on their site (I know it says price isn’t finalized but that’s what is up). Next question, does anybody know the order of sets to be released? And what is a good ballpark figure time-wise from Italy coming out to the next set and eventually all 9 nations? Also is FMG planning on making any kind of tech units? Because I would definitely buy a set like that. Maybe plastic rocket launchers, jets, late-war air units for long distance, paratrooper units, I don’t know stuff like that.
And does anybody know if FMG is planning on making a set with plastic pieces to replace the little cardboard ones the 1940 games came with? I would buy a set that had Major and Minor IC’s, airbases, and naval bases, and maybe some plastic aa as well.
dadler, re: Majors/ Minors, that is a definite YES!
meanwhile, take a look at my post in the Global forum - title is “new major complex plastic pieces”
Next question, does anybody know the order of sets to be released? And what is a good ballpark figure time-wise from Italy coming out to the next set and eventually all 9 nations?
Once Italy is out, approximately every 4-6 weeks assuming sales are anywhere near what they’re expecting. Germany is already being sculpted.
Cool reloader-1. I checked your post and I think i may end up buying those to hold me off until FMG releases theirs. And 4-6 weeks would be cool Rorschach, I only wish they could all be magically ready today! Thanks for the quick responses guys. Everyone on this entire forum has been real helpful.
New rules for new units:
Light tank (M13-40, FMG piece): 3-2, 2, 5. can blitz.
Main Battle Tank (A&A Europe 1940 Panther V): 3-3, 2, 6. can blitz.
Tank destroyer(TD)\SPG artillery (Semovente FMG Piece): 3-3, 2, 7. Can choose the target, but it’s not an open fire. Can’t blitz.
Mech Infantry (Sahariana, FMG Piece): 2-2, 2, 5. Infantry paired attack at 2, truck paired attack at 2, can blitz without tanks.
Motorized Infantry (Truck, FM piece): 1-2, 2, 4. Attack at 2, if paired with artillery or Mech Infantry. Can blitz only paired with Mech infantry, light tank or MBT.
What do you think?