From the rulebook:
“New Chinese units can be mobilized on any Chinese territory that is controlled by China, including those captured in the current turn.”
Although US supplies the Artillery, it is considered to be Chinese.
HTH :-)
I recently emailed WOTC about getting a correct battle strip and also asked them if they were planning to update the rules at all. This was their response:
“We place great value in the feedback, ideas, and suggestions of our customers. I assure you that Game Support meets with teams around the company on a regular basis, and we make it a priority that your voice is heard. While we cannot guarantee a direct response, we can promise that your thoughts and concerns are being passed along to the right people.
In the mean time, the correct information is the provided in both the rule-book and the game board itself.”
Based on this response, and since I’m new to this website, I have to ask is errata posted by Krieghund just the opinion of a member of this site or is it an official change in works by WOTC? Again, I’m not trying to challenge anyone, I’m just an ignorant newcomer.
It’s official. He works for the game designer, Larry Harris and is our best resource here (IMO).
Welcome, pmelmike!
The errata and FAQ is definitely an official change in the works. However, since it is not final, it’s quite possible that Customer Service is not yet aware of it. Even if they are, they may not officially admit to its existence until it is finalized and published on Avalon Hill’s website. In the meantime, please enjoy the preview of things to come.
Thanks for the info!
Can you link me to a PDF of the complete rules for AA Pacific 1940, all I see here are the Eratta and FEQ’s. Even an OOB doc would do.
Unfortunately, it’s not available on-line yet.
I would hope at this point since we’ve waited this long they will reprint the rulebook with corrections and put THAT up.
And it would probably be a Copyright no-no for us the do it.
and the homebrew IPC boards aren’t? :)
Unfortunately, it’s not available on-line yet.
Any Idea when it will be available?
No. Hopefully soon.
the 1942 rule book still isn’t available online… and that has no errata and has been out for many many months…
so do not expect to get a pacific 1940 rulebook for at least a year probably more.
Unfortunately, it’s not available on-line yet.
Any Idea when it will be available?
No. Hopefully soon.
Is there somewhere I can order a copy?
The correct information is in the rule book? These guys still don’t know there is a problem. Gimme a break.
Is there somewhere I can order a copy?
you can do like the rest of us and pay $90 for the alpha copy they shipped with the game :)