I know. I had it printed for bud. He wants a different map now. Maybe not fond of piece chart in South America ?
Loves the map.
Why continue to play classic?
Why would players continue playing Classic and not play Revised?
Because I own a classic board not a revised board. And for the nostalgia.
Because I own a classic board not a revised board. And for the nostagia.
Those are valid answers, thanks!
Any other reasons?
Because right now I’m not playing enough to warrant having to learn a new ruleset?
1. less set-up time
2. faster play (at least in my experience)
3. less complicated rules/simpler play (less units, less special circumstances, one standardized rule set)
4. ??? i’ll add more as i think of them -
The only reason I can think is simply because it’s the first Axis and Allies game ever. Revised wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for the Classic version.
Why do people still drive classic cars
Why do people still drive classic cars
They appreciate in value
Because certain clubs refuse to grow up. :P
Ok, seriously, the games are dramatically different from each other. The armor rules ALONE make the games two totally different games and as such, some people grow tired of playing one game and want to play the other. Personally, I’d rather learn games like Pacific/Europe, etc. Though, right now I’m working on AARe which has a lot of weird twists and turns.
Though, right now I’m working on AARe which has a lot of weird twists and turns.Â
Do you have a game in progress?
Please report your findings, or feel free to ask any questions of me, I think Enhanced is a great variant rule set.
Yes, I have a game in progress with AAMC Club Member PAGAN. he’s teaching me to get me ready for the tournament this summer.
Yes, I have a game in progress with AAMC Club Member PAGAN. he’s teaching me to get me ready for the tournament this summer.Â
Pagan’s a good player. Good luck!
Please post your thoughts/questions/anything else as us Enhancers are trying to spread the word on this excellent rules variant.
Thank you!
Other then the fact it’s relatively confusing and it appears the axis are WAY over powered to the point I think the allies need a 48 Bid to win, nothing to report yet.
Of my plays of AAR, I still prefer the gameplay of Classic. But also all the reasons rjclayton mentioned.
Another Pagan gamer? Cool!
Actually, my biggest beef is, and the reason it’s going so slow is, that we’re using Mapview, a very top heavy program with nice, but useless features. Great for teaching people the rules, sucky for efficiency.
Hi, First Post/First Read….
The first thing I did was find the classic game section,
The second try to find Jennifer’s picture in a bigger size. (Initial reports look quite promising)
Not successful, but certain to try later, I post the following comment…
Axis can be defeated despite heavy advantage without “Bid”…What is a Bid? Some type of unneeded compensation to the Allies?
I played a game club of Mensa people who thought as much…
It takes coordinated play, and initial restraint, However…
England maintains a naval presence to reinforce Russia, with American GI’s and Tanks, via Norway.
This strategy will succeed even it the face of a tough German airforce and a determined Japanese Land drive to Moscow.
Russia must be willing to be rescued, no dumb bunny purchases.
America must stay focused. -
Axis can be defeated despite heavy advantage without “Bid”……What is a Bid? Some type of unneeded compensation to the Allies?
Actually it is an amount of extra cash (about $25 IPC’s, plus or minus a few) that is given to the AXIS before the game even starts to make the game last more than 4 turns and an Allied victory.
Axis can be defeated despite heavy advantage without “Bid”……What is a Bid? Some type of unneeded compensation to the Allies?Â
Actually it is an amount of extra cash (about $25 IPC’s, plus or minus a few) that is given to the AXIS before the game even starts to make the game last more than 4 turns and an Allied victory.
One would have thought that Mensa people could figure out you need to help the weaker side to balance a game….
Erica,Erica,Erica….Do you actually believe that the AXIS have a prayer of winning with no compensation against topnotch competition?? I will take the allies against you & your club and spot you 20 ipc (low bid) and leave your retarded geniuses mumbling to themselves. Let’s do it!!! :-D