It doesn’t matter if the land unit survives to retreat or not. Just its having moved into the territory establishes the retreat path.
Does a canal require a transport and another transport question?
Can I move guys across a canal without a transport? Also, when loading cargo, say a tank and an infantry from England. Does getting on the boat count as one move? Can I then more to Eastern Europe, unload and that’s it or can I unload and move to another space?
If the loading on counts as one move, then how can infantry ever get off the boat except on the next turn? Thanks.
Can I move guys across a canal without a transport?
If the loading on counts as one move, then how can infantry ever get off the boat except on the next turn? Thanks.
1. Unloading always ends movement for both the transport and the cargo.
2. You cannot make any other movement with cargo that loads and/or unloads. (eg. you cannot move an armor 1 then load etc.)
3. If it helps, you can think of loading as taking a unit’s full movement, and unloading as movement cost 0 (free move), but always ends movement for all units involved.
Hope that helps.
You can load units onto a transport, move that transport two spaces (assuming the transport does not have to stop in the first space due to enemy units), then offload the units that you loaded onto the transport that turn.
So you can pick up units from Japan, move your transport from the sea zone east of Japan to the sea zone around French Indochina, and unload your transport there.
You can not make ANY additional movement with the transported cargo. As rjclayton mentioned, you can’t load a tank that moved a space. Nor can you load a tank from Japan (that hadn’t moved that turn), transport that tank to French Indochina, then on the same turn move that tank to India or Kwangtung. Unloading from a transport ends the transport’s move and the unloaded unit’s turn.
Can you move a tank two and load on a transport? or would the load on the transport be the third (and illegal) move?
Land units must be adjacent to the seazone where the TRN will pick them up at the start of movement. Can’t move to that territory and be picked up. They also can’t move after they are unloaded.
Can you move a tank two and load on a transport? or would the load on the transport be the third (and illegal) move?
2. You cannot make any other movement with cargo that loads and/or unloads. (eg. you cannot move an armor 1 then load etc.)
Please read first before posting.
Can you move a tank two and load on a transport? or would the load on the transport be the third (and illegal) move?
2. You cannot make any other movement with cargo that loads and/or unloads. (eg. you cannot move an armor 1 then load etc.)
Please read first before posting.
I saw it after I posted. Sorry.
no problems.
So you can pick up units from Japan, move your transport from the sea zone east of Japan to the sea zone around French Indochina, and unload your transport there.
Is that right? I thought that you only could load and unload in the same move if:
1. Its a combat move.
2. You have an armour opn the transport. They can unload since an armour has 2 in movement.
Am I wrong?
Yes, you are incorrect. Loading and unloading are considered the movement of a ground unit, wether it’s combat or noncombat.
So you can pick up units from Japan, move your transport from the sea zone east of Japan to the sea zone around French Indochina, and unload your transport there.
Is that right? I thought that you only could load and unload in the same move if:
1. Its a combat move.
2. You have an armour opn the transport. They can unload since an armour has 2 in movement.
Am I wrong?
You are wrong.
Forget that armour have 2 movement and infantry/artillery have 1. It doesn’t affect transports at all. If a unit loads, unloads, or both in a turn, you can NEVER move it more than that in the same turn.
Additionally, you are allowed to:
1a) move transport 0-2 spaces
l1b) oad transport
1c) move transport 0-2 spaces
1d) unload transportas long as the transport does not move more than 2 total spaces. However, you cannot:
2a) move tranport 0-2 spaces
2b) unload transport
2c) move transport 0-2 spaces
2d) oad transportbecause as soon as the transport unloads in 2b) the transport and it’s cargo can not do anything else.
Additionally, moves 1a) to 1d) can be done during combat or non-combat, depending on whether or not there is combat occuring with the transport and cargo.
Hope that makes sense and clears it up for you.
ok, I here you. I guess weve been playng wrong then for a long time. This makes it a bit easier for Japan to get troops into Asia.
ok, I here you. I guess weve been playng wrong then for a long time. This makes it a bit easier for Japan to get troops into Asia.
Japan has all kinds of troubles if you aren’t working the TRN situation right.
Your whole game has all kinds of troubles if you aren’t working the TRN situation right.
PS - Except for Russia. Russia should be just fine.
Your whole game has all kinds of troubles if you aren’t working the TRN situation right.
PS - Except for Russia. Russia should be just fine.
So say we all.
ok, I hear you. I guess weve been playng wrong then for a long time. This makes it a bit easier for Japan to get troops into Asia.
Japan has all kinds of troubles if you aren’t working the TRN situation right.
Indeed, so now I can be even more proud over the wins I had with Japan playing with the wrong rules! :-D
yes, but then again dont forget about japans lightning assault. ex. move TRNS from japan to midway assault move two spaces and assault eastern us. or from japan move two spaces south across asian border assault india then move two again and your practically to africa. if played right jpans transports can cover 6 spaces in one turn(lightnin assault then non-combat move)
I think you misunderstand movement. A transport doesn’t get a combat move, then a noncombat move. It gets either or. Once a transport has unloaded its units, that’s IT for the round. No more movement.
Lightning assaults allow you to break that rule slightly, but they don’t allow you to make a second full combat move. They allow your transport to unload in two locations while still under the normal constraints of their combat movement.
For example, a Japanese lightning-transport (JLT) with 2 units aboard could sail to the seazone between Japan and the mainland, then unload 1 unit into Japan and 1 onto the mainland. Normal transports cannot do this.
OR, a JLT could sail one space south from Japan, drop a unit into Kwangtung, then, still during the same Combat Move, sail aother space further south and drop a unit into French Indo-China. Again, a normal transport couldn’t do this.
That would be a very powerful NA for Japan the way you play it, btw! Just imagine the possibilities! :evil:
Here are a couple of other quirks regarding troop transports.
1. If you load and unload troops in the same turn ALL units on board must land.
2. If you had troops on board a transport at the beginning of your turn, you can opt to land only 1 of those units. Â The other unit must remain aboard, it can NOT land in a different territory.
3. You cannot load AA guns during combat movement, AA guns only move during non-combat. Â So if you plan to bring an AA gun & 1inf on one of your transports it has to be done during NCM.
4. If your transport carrying an AA gun is sunk, the AA gun is lost. Â This is the only way AA guns can be destroyed.