Thanks for posting this! I look forward to reading more as you fill in the content!
Napoleon in Europe where can I get this?
I was wondering if anyone knows where I could get a copy of Napoleon in Europe? It looks like a great game but, it seems to be out of print.
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Dec 18, 2006, 1:47 AM
If you lived near me, I’d give you my copy. Its a weak game unfortunately.
Try “The Napoleonic Wars” from GMT games. It’s far better.
Would you consider mailing me it if I sent you the money?
It’s not in tip top shape and some of the pieces may be painted…poorly, but if you want it, I’ll send it. Never mind about the money. If you decide it’s worth paying for, then you can send whatever you think is fair. It really doesn’t matter though. The only issue is shipping it. The box is heavy yo.
Are all the componets of the game there? I don’t really care if the box is that good of condition but, just as long as all the pieces are there to play the game. If some of them are painted badly I get pickup extra pieces from Eagle Games.
All the componets should be there. I ordered the extra pieces originally. I’ll double check tonight and let you know tomorrow.
Thank you so much. If it’s all there I will gladly pay what ever it costs to ship.
Alright, the rule book cover has fallen away. All of the cannons are painted and boy, it’s not pretty. You might consider throwing these in some paint thinner. None of the painted pieces were beached or treated before hand so the paint does chip off easily. Some of the cards are faded and I think one card is a little warped from a coffee stain. On the positive side, the map is in good shape. You have all the units you need with extra control counters and ships. The battle board is fine too. All and all its really not that bad but no one is going to be fooled into thinking this a new game.
Well, it sounds like I could still use it. So if it’s not too much trouble would you send it to me? My address is 301 Williams Street Merrill, Iowa P.O. Box 824 Area Code 51038. You should be able to find out how much it would cost to ship with that info so that I can pay you back.
beached or treated….ummmm this should read bleached.
Sure, i’ll send it. I’ll let you know when I do.
Thank you Mr. Ghoul!