Once you start making less mistakes I believe you will find the game is unbalance for the Allies. Out of the box with no bid its very difficult to stop the Axis. For this reason the bidding system was created. We haven’t used the bidding system because we thought maybe the tech rules would help balance the game instead. This has not proven to happen yet as we have never had the Axis lose a game.
We modified the tech rules to use tech tokens. Its an easier system that allows players to gain technology with little risk. The way it works is when you buy a tech token then you roll a dice for each token. If any of the dice come up with a 6 then a breakthrough technology is awarded and ALL the tokens are discarded. Otherwise if you get no 6’s then you keep the tokens to roll on your next turn. You can buy as many tokens as you want and accumulate them turn by turn but once your get a breakthrough then all the tokens are discarded. Also no matter how many 6’s you roll only one breakthrough can result for a power per turn. This is the exact system that is used in TripleA. Its not a house rule we created.
Here is a pic of our tech tokens but you can use anything even dice. We have used different colored dice before but decided to change to a custom poker chip.

Here is some pics from our last game in April. We only get together once a year now but its a blast when we do :)

Looking forward to seeing your next game. :)