Vote Libertarian!
Best voting platform I have seen yet. They need to get a chick that is less Fugly though.
You must be so proud switch! If you listen closely you can hear the star spangled banner as you read this!
(still taking a break from this, but had to see switch’s response to this)
Ill vote for those boobs!! :lol:
Best voting platform I have seen yet. They need to get a chick that is less Fugly though.
You must be so proud switch! If you listen closely you can hear the star spangled banner as you read this!
(still taking a break from this, but had to see switch’s response to this)
I’ll run for President with their logo by my name. :P
Hey, taht is how the Libertarians are running for the most part…
Personal freedom, including the guy form 2 years ago who turned his skin blue by over-taking a silver containing supplement.
But yes, chick looks like she’d have some NICE cleavage :-)
And a fuller figure too, about a size 14-16 would be my guess… PERFECT!