Does anyone know anything about the czar?

  • hi does anyone know anything about the succession of Russian imperialism. like when you go to wikipedia it tells the who would be king of France if the revolution did not happen. this is traced for a couple of hundred years so the royal Russian family tree should be easy to map. i wasn’t able t find anything. thanks for all input. can you say this 5 times fast?
    Ralph remembered the red royal Russians rambling about the rogue royal red rabbits.

  • There’s not much left in the way of Russian royalty after the purge.  It might be kind of hard to research with most of the family dead and the rest in hiding until they died. :?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    France was also a Monarchy for much longer then Russia was.

    Although, lots of Russian nobles escaped the purge. (Considering most of them were officers in teh Army and so were already close enough to escape into other nations and run away.)

  • 2007 AAR League

    what do you want to know.  the romonov’s are dead and gone, killed the family.  you are talking about cousins or something?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Not all blue bloods in Russia were Romonovs.  Just FYI.

  • @balungaloaf:

    what do you want to know.  the romonov’s are dead and gone, killed the family.  you are talking about cousins or something?

    like if russia was to turn back to a monarchy who would be king?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    what do you want to know.  the romonov’s are dead and gone, killed the family.  you are talking about cousins or something?

    like if russia was to turn back to a monarchy who would be king?

    Someone from the Hapsburg line.

  • 2007 AAR League

    hapsburgs are autrian-hungarian arent they.

    anyway the old monarchy’s of europe were just big extended families who were related to each other and found that they should all have a country to rule.  all wars were just family tiffs and squabbles, just their subjects did the fighting and dieing for them.  took those stupid euopeans until the first world war to figure that out, and the end of the second to make sure it never happens again.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Yes, they are Austrian-Hungarian, but they married into the Russian Czar line and since the direct descendants of the Czars are all dead they’re the next closest relatives.

  • there are 3 pepole who have claim to the russian thrown. one is maria from the romanv line, one is dimirti illensky(SP) (not really he doesn’t want to be czar). the thrid which i can;t find is head of one of the family depermant. i found them on wikipedia.

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