evil is the root of evil. evil is self-propagating. power, money, etc are not evil, but the lust for them is. evil inspires the lust for money and the lust for power.
Yeah. If you can handle something honestly, including the means to get it, it is not evil. But if you are driven to get it illegally, or improperly use it, it has become an evil.
Edit: On topic, nerve gasses come to mind, along with the entire Hollywood culture. They have no redeeming value. Nerve gasses are a horrible way to die, and Hollywood is filled with a bunch of rich people who think the world whould bow down to them because they are pretty, and also that whatever they say is right, even if it is completely unsupported, unproven, or proven wrong. It is a leech to our nation’s intellect.
Rap would have to come in third, becuase of the immorality it promotes.
Fourth would be politics in general, where normally smart people lose all intelligence, morality and normal thought to win an election, and then spend their time arguing over issues that their party supports, even if they don’t.
1. Nerve gas is a tool. If someone shoots you, do you blame the gun?
2. The culture of Hollywood arises from the people of the United States of America and the world. Who made them rich? Who made them famous? Why are they subject to paparazzi, and stalking, and unpleasant and critical commentaries? The people.
Also, you may not approve of Hollywood stars being political activists, but at least they are devoting their personal time and energy to causes they believe in. I’d like to point out that EVERYONE usually thinks what they say is right; Hollywood stars are no exception - the exception is the fact that Hollywood stars are attacked for expressing personal beliefs.
3. You can’t really blame rap for promoting immorality. It is easy for a politician to blame rap, it is easy for the media to condemn rap. But the fact of the matter is, the only reason why rap can promote “immorality” is because there is a ready audience for it. Watch any violent movie or TV show; some Afro-Americans or Hispanics, or sometimes Caucasians go on screen and do violent things as rap music plays. But is it rap that is causing the TV show or movie to be violent? Is it rap that causes people to watch those TV shows or movies? I say no. People are being primed to accept immoral behavior; rap is simply a small and disproportionately discriminated-against portion of the cause of the problem.
4. Politicians are often dedicated people that got into politics to try to improve the state of the world. Regrettably, the media concentrates on focusing on the controversial things a small minority of politicians say and do, and on “issues” rather than things that could change the lives of the American people. (Although I don’t blame the media entirely for this; they do have to sell their stories to stay in business). To say that politicians are all immoral is hardly true. The fact of the matter is, politics by its nature involves people, and when you have a multitude of people, you must have a multitude of concessions to attain any progress.
Is it fair for someone to ask for concessions all the time, but be absolutely unwilling to make any concessions in return? Is it possible for a group of people that pursue no common goal to make progress? If you say “no” to those questions, you understand what a politician must do. A politician must sometimes support positions that he or she does not personally believe in, because a politician must be willing to MAKE concessions as well as ask for them. Because concessions are made, politicians can work together to make progress.
If anything, politicians should be even MORE willing to argue for issues they do not personally believe in.
I like money, I like power, I like women. Is that really so wrong?