I would do Revised… most widely played version.
If he really likes it, other versions can be done for future gits events.
One thing… learn to play it with him, or realize that he WILL, if he really enjoys it, spend some time engrosed in the game rather than with you :-)
That doesn’t suprise me, I was planning on learning the game with him. The both of us love learning about historical events, so it makes it that much easier to find common interests. (Which, in fairness, isn’t really THAT hard…)
1. The A & A ranks are dominated by men as most ladies do not have the patience for it.
The true gift should be after the delivery when you actually play the game together and both master it - …together…
As I said before, I was planning on learning the game with him, and I know I’m not like many normal ladies, so it might work to my advantage for once.
2. It is a huge commitment by a girlfriend.
I would even recommend you master it to the degree where you both can enter team tournaments and actually win a few games.
That actually sounds like fun, I hadn’t even considered it. I could sugest it if and when we get good enough.
Your boyfriend may not know or even appreciate it now.
He will if you guys ever break up.
You might not notice him after a break up, but he can easily notice how many other A & A experts will be very eager to date you.
knocks on wood
We’ll never break up!! Never!!
Thank you both for your feedback.
It’s greatly appreciated, and it’s definetly helping me narrow down what to get him.