• '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    With perfect dice maybe.

    On G1 you have 4 fighters, 1 lost in Finland, 1 lost in Ukraine to Russia.  Meanwhile, Russia mobilizes eastern units towards India/Sinkiang.  Possible armor or fighters to India depending on bid locations and desire to own the land or just kill German fighters.  Maybe germany has 5 fighters, and Finland is forgotten.

    Meanwhile, America puts a few units on transports that pre-existed and moves to Sea Zone 12.  England moves to Sea Zone 12 on that same round, before Germany can move and builds enough infantry to defend against 5 fighters, 1 bomber, 1 infantry, 1 armor, thus preventing Sea Lion.

    Japan takes China, Bury.  Looses Battleship, Aircraft Carrier and 2 fighters to British Fleet.  Losses submarine, destroyer to American fleet.

    America takes Solomons.

    Russia reinforces front lines.

    Germany attempts to break down Russian wall.

    England puts more into Africa.  Advances through German controlled North Africa towards Egypt/Caucasus.

    Japan maybe has enough to hit India, probably not.  Maybe takes Sinkiang, probably has to settle for Yak/SFE.  Builds transports/infantry.

    America takes East Indies, stages units in the sea zone east of Solomons.

    Russia reinforces, maybe retakes W. Russia or Archangelsk if it was conqured.

    Germany against crumbles under Russian defensive might, on average dice.  Worries about loosing Africa entirely.

    England puts more into Africa, has now reclaimed Egypt and is well on it’s way to putting 4+ units a round into Caucasus through N. Africa.

    Japan finally has the ability to take out India or Sinkiang.

    America takes Borneo and Philipines.  Laughs at the Japanese navy and entices them to attack.

    Russia reinforces, puts some infnatry into capital for first time to defend against 2 or 3 japs actually able to attack.

    Germany finally gets a strong position in Archangel or W. Russia.

    England moves into Trans Jordan and lands more troops in N. Africa

    Japan bolsters it’s forces, maybe takes Persia or Kaz/Novo depenidn on route taken.

    America brings more ships to bear, starts landings in Asia Minor

    Russia strafes German lines, decimating them.  Reinforces Moscow/Caucasus.

    England starts moving into Persial/Caucasus.

    Japan forced to retreat to handle American aggression or loose valualble mainland territories.

    America builds more fleet/troops, continues to shuffle in through the Pac near Australia and up.  Meanwhile, Jap fleet forced to protect Japan or loose the mainland to American navy/marines.

    You can see how Japan is quickly neutrallized while Germany is stalled without much reduction in Allied forces moving into German held lands.  It only takes a minimal investment.  12 IPCs from either nation and England making fighters to hit German naval units if they encroach to close to the fleet.  Maybe even a couple british submarines up there in SZ 2.

    I really don’t see how Japan can manage to do anything other then die if the Allies turn their concentrated aggression on them.  Especially if they attack on J1 without massing and if you leave my carrier group alive in Pearl, I’ll just hit Europe with it instead of the Pac.  If you sink Pearl but leave the brits, I’ll hit the Pac since I have a cr@pload of navy to use as a shield against your attackers.

    Sorry, but Japan cannot survive when it’s lost 13 IPCs in islands and has direct threats to it’s mainland holdings.  Especially if the fleet is tied up in SZ 60 in a desperate attempt to prevent America from taking Japan proper.  That gives me free reign in the Pacific and I’ll crucify you with free reign if you let me have it.

  • Jen, if you are attacking Norway and Ukraine, then you are NOT sending 2 Russian FIGs to India to defend it against a J1 attack.

    If you want to keep double counting forces, that is your call.  But, you can;t do that in a game, and I am not going to counter your posts so long as you do things like use Russian FIGs to both attack Norway and Ukraine, AND go to India (along with an ARM) to defend India.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Jen, if you are attacking Norway and Ukraine, then you are NOT sending 2 Russian FIGs to India to defend it against a J1 attack.

    If you want to keep double counting forces, that is your call.  But, you can;t do that in a game, and I am not going to counter your posts so long as you do things like use Russian FIGs to both attack Norway and Ukraine, AND go to India (along with an ARM) to defend India.

    Ya musta missed that whole segment where I said you could forgo one or two of those attacks.

    3 Inf and a tank can take out Norway.  No fighters needed.

    Taking W. Russia with Cauc and Russia leaving 1 infantry in Cauc is also easy enough to do.  Move the AA out so you can reclaim easier and SBR with England to remove any German gains from taking it.  And you are well on your way.  After all, on R2 you have those fighters and tank back because you’re pumping infantry into India by then.

    Japan SOL
    Germany Stalled indefinately.
    England well into the mid 20’s of income until they take/re-take N. Africa
    America into the mid/upper 50s
    Japan barely hitting 10 a round.

    I fail to see how you can miss this.  I really do.  Germany just does not have the fleet to take out the allies for at least 3 rounds, by then it’s too late.  Allies can get some bombers going if they want, but basically Japan’s already been castrated financially and USA/UK should have ICs on the SE Asian mainland.  Don’t need a british/american fleet in the Atlantic if you have an IC in Sink/FIC and one in India.  Or anything else that comes up.  I mean, it’s hard to project 4-6 rounds of game play in, but it’s pretty safe to make some assumptions.

    1)  Germany will forgo hitting the Allied fleet to use 100% of it’s offensive might trying to crush Russia.
    2)  Russia will have more then plenty infantry and british RAF to defend for 4-6 rounds before they even have to think about conceeding tradeable landscape.
    3)  Japan will assume a carrier or two will protect them against Allied naval attempts…forgetting they don’t have to defend, they ahve to attack
    4)  America with british fleets for support will quickly conquer the south pacific adding immense cash flow per turn to both England and America (since England doesn’t have to worry about Jap invasions of Africa anymore)
    5)  England will basically be taking America’s role as reinforcing agent.

    I fail to see how, in the normal course of events, the Axis can stop this.  Especially since Germany and Japan won’t have a clue what’s going on until America’s turn so they’ll already be a turn behind.

    Remember, germany’s tanks are worthless in assiting Japan.  Maybe Germany can send their Luftwaffe to help, really havn’t investigated that much.  Though, I seriously think by the time it can be spared, Japan’ll be pretty much wiped off the map.

  • 3 INF and a ARM to Norway?  In R1?

    That is a 16% chance for the Russians to win against 3 INF, 1 FIG., 23% chance if you call mutual destruction a win.  The most likely result is all Russians dead, Norway remains German w/ 1 INF, 1 FIG.

    West Russia can be taken w/ reduced forces, but it invites a massive counter via Belo that Russia can;t throw back.

    And as i also found out in my current game, hitting Ukraine with less than maximum force (including both FIGs) means that Ukraine probably stays German.

    So lets see…
    Norway remains German, and Karelia is vacant or nearly so, and falls to germany on G1.
    West Russia is weaker than normal and falls to germany on G1
    Ukraine held, and Caucuses is taken on G1.
    That puts Germany at $45 for income, excluding any moves in Africa.  It also leaves Russia devoid of defensive lines between Moscow and Germany, and also gives them a build limit of 8 units.

    BAD idea.

    And your income lines aer WAY off for Japan.  You just can’t move that fast in the Pacific.  Too much distance to cover, and too few land units available to replace loses.  Japan will still be around $30 (or more) for income for the first 5 turns, by then moscow is gone.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Just did three games, it’s a bit harder then expected, but in every game Japan’s been successfully kept at or below 30 IPC income.  In two games they turtled.  In one game he successfully sunk both American and British fleets, but in the process reduced himself to 1 BB which was easily smashed by the American counter.

    Net Result, with the full offensive blast into the Pac he successfully delayed the loss of his high priced islands by 2 turns.  In both turtling instances Borneo and East Indies fell before round 3.

    Germany was successfully retained by Russia without even breaking a sweat in all 3 games.  However, they did manage to get Africa and that took a while to take back due to having to walk English infantry through Africa.  (England generally had 3 rounds to fill Africa before they had to retreat from German naval superiority.)

    America ended with 3 full carriers and a battleship after annihillating the japanese fleet in the first two games, in the third America had no need to build an offensive fighting force as there was no Japanese navy of which to speak.

    In all cases, there was an indian IC.  Once there was also a Sink IC.

    However, it seems to be the best bet to have East Indies and Borneo in control of either ENgland or America, not split.  This way you can build 8 land units in range of 4 transports and have continual landings into Asia Minor.

    A note to Japan:  If this is happening, make sure to build units to defend your capital!  Remember, Sea Zone 59 is connected to sea zone 61!  You cannot have your only fleet in both places and if you split them, you’re ready to die quick.

  • @Jennifer:

    Just did three games, it’s a bit harder then expected, but in every game Japan’s been successfully kept at or below 30 IPC income.  In two games they turtled.  In one game he successfully sunk both American and British fleets, but in the process reduced himself to 1 BB which was easily smashed by the American counter.

    Net Result, with the full offensive blast into the Pac he successfully delayed the loss of his high priced islands by 2 turns.  In both turtling instances Borneo and East Indies fell before round 3.

    Germany was successfully retained by Russia without even breaking a sweat in all 3 games.  However, they did manage to get Africa and that took a while to take back due to having to walk English infantry through Africa.  (England generally had 3 rounds to fill Africa before they had to retreat from German naval superiority.)

    America ended with 3 full carriers and a battleship after annihillating the japanese fleet in the first two games, in the third America had no need to build an offensive fighting force as there was no Japanese navy of which to speak.

    In all cases, there was an indian IC.  Once there was also a Sink IC.

    However, it seems to be the best bet to have East Indies and Borneo in control of either ENgland or America, not split.  This way you can build 8 land units in range of 4 transports and have continual landings into Asia Minor.

    A note to Japan:  If this is happening, make sure to build units to defend your capital!  Remember, Sea Zone 59 is connected to sea zone 61!  You cannot have your only fleet in both places and if you split them, you’re ready to die quick.

    Say, you wouldn’t happen to have game transcripts or files sitting around, would you?

    (If you had played on TripleA, you could just View History of the last save game file)

    I can’t imagine all that stuff in the Pacific, and USSR not even having to break a sweat defensively against Germany.  I’m interested in seeing what the Allies and Germany did in the Atlantic.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Mostly the Atlantic Consisted of Allied landings in Africa (4 Inf, US - 2 Inf, 1 Art, 1 Arm UK), lots of SBRs and Russia doing mostly a holding manuever.  They did usually buy a 3rd fighter around R2 or R3 depending on the situation.

    As for transcripts, sorry.  These were live games with a live board.  But I can say the dice were pretty random.  I don’t remember any major battle being overly decisive for either side.

    There were NAs, tech, no bids, etc.

    We found the goal was to put 3 Infantry, 2 artillery a round into India/Sinkiang to stop Japanese aggression.  He couldn’t keep up.  He was trying desperatly to put together a fleet to kill us which costs more then a defensive fleet.  meanwhile, we only needed to build a few defensive ships, some fighters and lots of man power.

    Borneo, East Indies, Phill all need at least 4 units on them.  This prevents a demoralized Japan from reclaiming them easily and ties up massive forces.  (Easy enough to do if you want a 10 round game.)

  • 2007 AAR League

    it seems like in every topic its jennifer and switch arguing about us nd japan fleet strategies  :lol:

  • Don;t worry, one of these days, I’ll be sure to spank Jen :-)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    it seems like in every topic its jennifer and switch arguing about us nd japan fleet strategies  :lol:

    Maybe Switch and I need a best out of 5?

    Seriously, the reason we argue is because there’s no definitive answer to how to attack Japan.  That is why Japan is one of the, in my mind, most powerful nations in AA Revised.  No one knows what to do with them.

    If we ever came up with a golden answer to Japan we could probably eradicate the bid forever (or double it…one or the other.)

  • Wooow, NAs.  No wonder Germany could be successfully contained.  Superfortresses = SBR death.

    There is a simple definitive guide to Japan.  Japan wants to have a stronger navy than anyone else in the Pacific, and wants to use that navy to the best effect possible.  The Allies either neutralize the Japanese fleet by simply ignoring it and concentrating on Germany, or by a gigantic US fleet buildup.

    Ignoring Japan is straightforward enough.  You just ignore the he** out of it.  Let Japan land in W. Canada or Alaska; that’s less infantry that will be pushing west on Moscow.  Let them grab Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand, and New Guinea.  You whack Germany into a pulp and reinforce Moscow through Archangel and the Caucasus if needed, force Japan’s attack to come to a grinding halt near Moscow, and deal the killing blow to Germany.

    Why do you want to have a massive air and naval buildup?  Because as long as Japan’s fleet is superior, it can land forces anywhere from Western Canada to French Indochina in a single turn from Japan, so Japan is very difficult to contain.  Once Japan’s fleet is inferior, though, those landings become more difficult or impossible, making Japan’s attacks in Asia very predictable and far easier to contain.  Also - once Japan’s navy is no longer the strongest, the Allies can start grabbing those 1 IPC - 4 IPC islands in the Pacific with the investment of only a couple of transports and a few infantry; the US already has a massive load of fighters in the area on aircraft carriers.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Actually, no one had superfortresses.  The only real NA ever used was Russian Winter and Fortress Europe…the rest were forgotten since no one ever played with them.

    Meanwhile, if you can scare Japan into SZ 61 or destroy him, you have effectively contained the Jap fleet.  IF you can tkae SZ 60 even if Japan isn’t there, and hold it, you have contained Japan.  (At least you’ve removed their largest production facility.)

    Japan is very flimsy.  Ask anyone who’s worked on a KJF strat.  One or two bad moves with Japan and Japan is neutrallized.  One or 20 bad moves with America and at worst Russia has fallen.

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