Worst invention in man's history (and why)

  • money isnt evil, its necessary as a medium of exchange. without money, how can you equivalently trade goods and services? if i make chairs, and you make coats, and i need a coat, all i can do is give you a chair in exchange. but what if you dont need a chair? i need to find other people to trade with, and further, how many chairs equal a coat? how could we function without money?

  • Moderator

    My point exactly… Is the Chair evil? No, but you would rather have the money then the chair…


  • Every invention man has made, had potential to be a great invention.  Its just the way man ended up using it that made most inventions bad.

  • 2007 AAR League

    indeed, everything can be good or bad, just how we use it.  Great, i’m not optimistic.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Yes, all man made objects can be used for good and bad, but which are worst?  We all know sliced bread is the best!  (After all, how are you going to committ evil on the world with sliced bread?  That’s rhetorical, don’t post because I’m sure the Wonder Bread Executives would use that information to take over the world!)

  • For those of you who may have ever listened to Radio KAOS, Roger Waters believes that the WHEEL is the worst invention :-)

  • 2007 AAR League

    you could stuff slices of bread down peoples throats and they would choke to death on them.  Or you could get the bread really really stale, real hard, and get a army of people to beat other people with them.  You could poison the bread.  Maybe sliced bread is the worst invention ever.  Its everywhere.

  • Moderator


    for those who were talking about the TV earlier alot of what is said can be wrapped up in what Edward R Murrow said, portrayed in the Movie “Good Night and Good Luck”…


  • 2007 AAR League

    i would say that one of the worst inventions would be the Tamagotci…  A ´big waste of peoples inginuity…

  • The condom.

    The people that are smart enough to use it are the people that are not procreating.

    What is the natural consequence?

    Why, that you will have the priviledge of eating sliced bread in your chair while watching television, while the government grows due to uncontrolled spending.  And perhaps you will enjoy some condom-free secks later.

    And is that REALLY so bad?

    Or . . . is it . . . (dun dun dun)!

  • Moderator

    I disagree with your belief there… Although a parent is the one of the most influential characters in a child’s early development, that doesn’t mean any child born under any consequence is destined to grow up and make the same mistakes of the parent, history has proven that over and again… The governments growth is not because of welfare it is because they have been given to many unchecked allowances that we need to take control of, then with a more firm control we could regulate or abolish welfare (provided we give all those “idiots” jobs, maybe something better then killing them off)…

    (Self-Editted for reasons mentioned below)


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Well, to counter your point, and I don’t necessarily disagree with it, there are also plenty of studies showing that children do make the same mistakes as their parents.  Spousal abuse.  Child Abuse.  Child Sexual Abuse.  etc.

  • Moderator

    I am not saying it doesn’t happen but isolating a whole group of people based upon there actions, and saying their abilities (or refusal to not) to procreate is a prerequisite to intelligence is not right… And Jen, I have read your “Necessaries” to procreate list, so I know your stance on this… BTW, those mentioned are criminal action, and I think newpaintbrush was referring to educational matters (if I am wrong correct me)…


  • Erm.  Back to the threads real subject.  I think the spork was mans worst invention……that piece of crap sucks.  Sometimes you cant even pick up your food properly.  The only reason id use a spork is to defend myself against a rabid hobo.

  • @Guerrilla:

    And even though I don’t think your post exactly suggests genocide, it does alienate a class of people for said action; And I would think that you will find those same people on this board, so I would watch what you say…


    Well, I hope that most posters would know that it was tongue-in-cheek.  You know, the thing about munching bread and TV and all that.

    Anyways, any time you express an opinion, you risk offending some people.  Perhaps you would disagree with that statement?

    re:  Mechanized Warfare:  As a rabid hobo, I am horribly offended by your spork comment.

  • @newpaintbrush:

    re:  Mechanized Warfare:  As a rabid hobo, I am horribly offended by your spork comment.

    A hobo with a PC and teh internets? :-o  Im doubting if you are really a hobo.  If you however are, then I still stand by my statement.  It is scientifically proven that sporks are the best way to bring a hobo to a speedy demise.  Much like the classic shotgun to kill a zombie or the silver bullet/knife/etc. to kill a werewolf.

  • Moderator



    And even though I don’t think your post exactly suggests genocide, it does alienate a class of people for said action; And I would think that you will find those same people on this board, so I would watch what you say…


    Well, I hope that most posters would know that it was tongue-in-cheek.  You know, the thing about munching bread and TV and all that.

    Anyways, any time you express an opinion, you risk offending some people.  Perhaps you would disagree with that statement?

    re:  Mechanized Warfare:  As a rabid hobo, I am horribly offended by your spork comment.

    If you feel my reaction was unnecessary, then I apologize… I don’t disagree that you do risk offending someone, the comment was in relationship to a group of people being able to reproduce, IMO a little stronger then just tongue and cheek statement of steryotype or the likes… As I stated I didn’t feel it directly was against any rules, so the post wasn’t necessarily as a mod; that is what I meant it to be… If it was taken as coming from a mod, I apologize it wasn’t…


  • I understood your post, GG.  Considering I’m one of the guilty in regard’s to New’s post, I still found it humorous that the extension of his point were that using a condom is wise, so the wise aren’t procreating.

    But there are quite a few other reasons to wear one, unrelated to pregnancy.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Thw worst invention? Capitalism, hands down! To allow a man or woman to live in nearly unimaginably luxery without doing anything to benifit society (stock brokers, donald trump etc) is horrible!

  • Moderator

    wow… Well, on the other hand, giving a government complete control over an economy and trusting that those that hold those offices will not get corrupt, is equally “worse”…

    To Jermofoot: This is known, it has benefitted some in certain ways… So are we the true “worse”? Are exsistence? Or only those whose parents didn’t plan it… BTW, while on the subject, cute kid :wink:


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