• I’m getting sick of the media in General, but more so from the local stations.  My GF wrote down all the story topics a couple of nights on different local news channels, and the list went something like this:

    Robbery & Assault

    The only thing left to possibly enjoy was the sports section.

    So, this plane crash happened (I live in Lexington) Sunday, and every news station had to have the (lack of) news delivered to you first.  They televised the conferences concerning the crash, and nearly every question was answered: “I cannot give any details at this time.”  Idiots didn’t listen to the speakers at all.  They were asking family members of the victims “how the felt.”  How do you think they feel???  Probably like punching you in the face!  They were showing people setting up for the news conference (setting up the podium, running wires, etc.), as if that was important.

    Is it their directive to disconcert us with bad news?  Where’s the good news?  There has to be some.  I’m pretty disappointed in the media in general at the moment.

  • Bad news gets more attention than good news, by and large. And attention is what pays the bills.  :wink:

    More people will tune in to a newscast about a plane crash than one about a successful  bake-sale. Sad, but true.

    I got so disillusioned with the news during the 90’s that Ialmost  bailed out completely, only reading the sports section for several years. After Gulf War 1, when everything went sour, I tuned out……and completely missed just about everything that went on in the world outside of my personal sphere. So much so that for years I had no idea that the WTC was bombed in 93. I didn’t start watching the news again until the McVeigh bombing in OKC. I followed the whole OJ circus, but only by reading the newspaper…and that was the only thing I read it for, other than the aforementioned sports section.

    Nowadays I only tune in to the news if something huge happens. Other than that, I figure there’s no point. Just the same old, same old…man treating his fellow man like dirt and worse.


  • If it bleeds, it leads.

    (News Axiom)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Which is why you hear of children blowing up in Iraq, but not US Soldiers building schools and hospitals for those same children.

    Buildings don’t bleed.  Also, reporting these actions might actually get support for the war by the people and thus the media won’t report it.

  • @Jennifer:

    Which is why you hear of children blowing up in Iraq, but not US Soldiers building schools and hospitals for those same children.

    As many times as I have heard about schools being built, then Iraq must have a hell of a lot of schools.

    Also, big deal, a school was built.  Wake County is building 5 right now.  Do you see that on Fox News or hear about it on Limbaugh?  You should, the main reason we need them are because of the massive and growing Illegal population (a major political right theme).

    BTW:  I am not exaclty happy about my tax dollars being spent on foreign schools.  We did not go into Iraq to build schools, I don;t think that was ever mentioned in the State of the Union, so pointing to schools beign built as a measure of success is totally bogus.  Talk about mission creep!

  • Which one is more important? 5 soldiers were killed in a car bomb, or a school was built. Hard choice. Maybe they will stop reporting people getting killed in Iraq when…people stop getting killed in Iraq. I agree with the majority of the posters, watch sportscenter and hope that Ron Artest jumped into the crowd again. I still laugh every time I see it. Or hope for some manager in baseball to go nuts and throw bases and kick dirt.

  • Chasing the police blotter is easy. It’s cheap, quick, and requires little skill or journalism. People enjoy crime stories.

    I really have stopped watching TV news entirely. There is no point anymore.

  • My problem is the media spends a lot of time telling you how to feel and how others feel and very little time supplying you with facts.
    They also try very hard to be the first one with the story (with or without accurate facts) instead of the first one with the correct and accurate facts.


    Which is why you hear of children blowing up in Iraq, but not US Soldiers building schools and hospitals for those same children.

    Buildings don’t bleed. Also, reporting these actions might actually get support for the war by the people and thus the media won’t report it.

    Begs the question of what the children attending these schools will be taught doesn’t it?

  • The old line comes back:

    “In every focus group, people say they don’t want to see anymore negativity on television. But they remember each piece of negative advertising perfectly, and fail to recall specifics about the positive”

  • @Yanny:

    The old line comes back:

    “In every focus group, people say they don’t want to see anymore negativity on television. But they remember each piece of negative advertising perfectly, and fail to recall specifics about the positive”


    Democratic candidates promote themselves on TV campaign ads.
    Republican candidates belittle/attack their Democratic opponents in their ads. 
    I understand now.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    My problem is the media spends a lot of time telling you how to feel and how others feel and very little time supplying you with facts.
    They also try very hard to be the first one with the story (with or without accurate facts) instead of the first one with the correct and accurate facts.


    Which is why you hear of children blowing up in Iraq, but not US Soldiers building schools and hospitals for those same children.

    Buildings don’t bleed. Also, reporting these actions might actually get support for the war by the people and thus the media won’t report it.

    Begs the question of what the children attending these schools will be taught doesn’t it?

    Dunno what they are taught.  We were told to build it, not teach in it.  I suspect they’re taught math, reading, writing, maybe some social studies, probably religious teachings out of the Quran, etc.  But that’s up to the Iraqi Board of Education.

    And I love all the lies that the media has been caught in!

    Bush’s alleged AWOL documentation (turns out was paint shopped on someone’s computer)
    Jon Bonet’s killer (which turns out it couldn’t have been him and it isn’t his DNA)
    Karl Rove (which turns out it wasn’t him, but rather Armitage!)

    I fully expect it to leek out in non-AP related medias that Katrina was actually a force of nature, not a secret weapon Bush commissioned in the basement of the Pentagon and that, believe it or not, US Soldiers are actually honorable people struggling to promote a social order in a foreign land that won’t continue the traditional woman beating, torture and tyranny that has come to be expected from those lands.

    Gee, wouldn’t it be wonderful if we actually got the truth from the news media instead of propaganda designed to further their own agendas?  Common.  Just give me a week!  I’m sure that’s all it would take to actually get the 6 oclock news some ratings again!

    Seriously, you know you’re in the rating toilet if more people watch reruns of Seinfeld or Friends then your news program!  That’s gotta tell you something!

  • 2007 AAR League

    it was armitage?!  Liberal dickweeds, thought they had rove huh, once again their stupidity and brashness are above me.  Are they all like the crowd sheep who hiss like evil serpents on the daily show.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Yea.  Armitage went to Powell and confessed before they were even hunting Rove.  Powell covered it up because, allegedly, by releasing that information it would jeapordize something else and they knew Rove couldn’t be convicted of it…

    Dunno about that.  But they have video testamony from Armitage admitting he accidentally let Valerie’s name leak to his contact in the press.  It was supposed to be an off the record meeting at a bar to shoot the sh@t, but you know how the press is!

    So basically, the press KNEW it wasn’t Rove the entire time and decided to slander him anyway to get at the White House.

  • @Jennifer:

    And I love all the lies that the media has been caught in!

    Bush’s alleged AWOL documentation (turns out was paint shopped on someone’s computer)
    Jon Bonet’s killer (which turns out it couldn’t have been him and it isn’t his DNA)
    Karl Rove (which turns out it wasn’t him, but rather Armitage!)

    #1 - There has been testimony from AF officers saying that Bush was absent for periods of time during his “service.”  Priviliged families get extra special care, I suppose.  Besides, aren’t your files in the armed forces semi-confidential?
    #2 - How was this a lie?  None of the evidence supported Karr’s claim (it was obvious to anyone paying attention), but the DA from Colorado couldn’t take a chance.  They can still get him on child pornography charges in Cali.  The media, of course, turned it into a circus, but when DON’T they do that?
    #3 - Hadn’t heard this, I’ll have to look it up.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    And I love all the lies that the media has been caught in!

    Bush’s alleged AWOL documentation (turns out was paint shopped on someone’s computer)
    Jon Bonet’s killer (which turns out it couldn’t have been him and it isn’t his DNA)
    Karl Rove (which turns out it wasn’t him, but rather Armitage!)

    #1 - There has been testimony from AF officers saying that Bush was absent for periods of time during his “service.”  Priviliged families get extra special care, I suppose.  Besides, aren’t your files in the armed forces semi-confidential?
    #2 - How was this a lie?  None of the evidence supported Karr’s claim (it was obvious to anyone paying attention), but the DA from Colorado couldn’t take a chance.  They can still get him on child pornography charges in Cali.  The media, of course, turned it into a circus, but when DON’T they do that?
    #3 - Hadn’t heard this, I’ll have to look it up.

    #1  I said the DOCUMENTS were a lie.

    #2  They trumped up the story on Karr to create a circus of their own making, thus lied to the people

    #3  Yup.  Came out last weekend, should be easy enough to find stories on.  Basically, Armitage, no friend of the President and a blabber mouth in DC, leaked Val’s name to his friend.

    Remember, we’re not talking the democratic party, we’re talking about times the press has lied to the American people, in recent history (ie since Bush took office the first time) to further their own agenda, which is to re-elect democrats to power.

  • If you do not like CNN or MSNBC, then watch FOX.

  • 2007 AAR League

    the democratic party and the media ARE linked.  Did everyone forget about how the journalists who are supposed to be “unbiased” met with some democratic office people and leaders on how to portray media events in the favor of democrats. IT was held behind closed doors with no mention of what was said inside.  The republicans knew this was bullcrap, but if ONLY fox news talks about it, many others are in the dark.  Then the people attending the meeting go and tell all their other liberal journalist and news friends, editors etc. on how to properly spin news coverage when wanted by the democrats.  Take that one liberal media, how many liberals know that their news is COMPLETELY BIASED.  cnn, abc, nbc, cbs, msnbc, bbc, all sorts of papers and magazines, time, nytimes, usa today, washington post, newsweek.  Weekend shows, night shows, morning shows, specials like 20/20 or 60 minutes, news on tv guide, mtv,  its terrible.  At least i got fox news. Â

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    the democratic party and the media ARE linked.  Did everyone forget about how the journalists who are supposed to be “unbiased” met with some democratic office people and leaders on how to portray media events in the favor of democrats. IT was held behind closed doors with no mention of what was said inside.  The republicans knew this was bullcrap, but if ONLY fox news talks about it, many others are in the dark.  Then the people attending the meeting go and tell all their other liberal journalist and news friends, editors etc. on how to properly spin news coverage when wanted by the democrats.  Take that one liberal media, how many liberals know that their news is COMPLETELY BIASED.  cnn, abc, nbc, cbs, msnbc, bbc, all sorts of papers and magazines, time, nytimes, usa today, washington post, newsweek.  Weekend shows, night shows, morning shows, specials like 20/20 or 60 minutes, news on tv guide, mtv,  its terrible.  At least i got fox news.

    Loaf, you do know that all the sources you just listed regurgitate, almost word for word, the AP press releases, right?  I bet, if someone hacked the AP and sent a news release that stated all the Iraqi’s died today from a horrible plague created in American biological weapons labs it would run night and day for months.  Then, when it turns out they were hacked, it would quietly die and no retraction would ever be made.

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