On August 19th 1942 a predominantly Canadian force attempted to raid the German-held port of Dieppe in Operation Jubilee. It was intended that this force would hold the port for a short time, gather intelligence and seize some materials, then withdraw. More importantly it would simply prove that such a raid was possible. Instead the Operation was a complete disaster.
- Roll 2D6; the higher number is the Germans and the lower is the Canadians.
- Armies are built by purchasing units in Platoons; see below.
- Army Sizes are 150 (CAN) and 100 (GE)
- Use the WotC Beachhead map found here: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=ah/aam/ah20060602c
- Canadian forces are not initially deployed.
- German forces may deploy their units anywhere from the row of Bluff hexes, back.
- Obstacles may be deployed anywhere except on Beach-Sand hexes.
Victory Points are earned as follows:
- The Canadians score 10 VPs for each of the three City Hexes they control on turn 7. They score 5 VPs for each they only contest.
- (Note that disrupted units can only contest or control the hex they are in
- The Canadians score an additional 10 VPs if at any point during the game a Canadian Soldier manages to leave the beach (past the Bluffs).
- The Germans win a Major Victory if the Canadians score no VPs.
- The Canadians win a Minor Victory if they have 10 VPs
- The Canadians win a Major Victory if they score over 10 VPs.
- Higgins landing craft can either Arrive or Depart (not both) at any point during the movement phase.
- Each higgins can hold one Platoon of Section.
- Units unload from the Higgins on the same water/beach hex, and adjacent water/beach hexes to either side. If there is not enough room for units to deploy, the remainder must stay on the landing craft.
- When a Higgins departs place the next Platoon or Section on it.
- Higgins must roll when attempting to arrive; indicate which hex you want them to arrive at and roll a D6; if the result is 4-6 they have arrived. This roll is -1 if the Higgins is disrupted, -1 if damaged, or -2 if both.
- Rough Terrain: Beach/sand hexes cost double movement for vehicles to enter.
- Pillboxes negate the effects of Covering Fire.
- NCOs Improved Accuracy makes short range 0-2 hexes, not medium range 2-6 hexes.
- Each side is allowed one Hero using thse rules: http://boards.avalonhill.com/showpost.php?p=157736&postcount=1.
- Offboard Commanders cannot apply their Initiative Modifier.
- If a Higgins is destroyed it is replaced at the end of the next turn.
Infantry 75 - 125 Points
Armour  25 - 50 Points
Support  0 - 50 Points
TOTAL: 150 Points
(25 Points) Canadian Platoon
1x Eagled Eyed NCO
1x BREN Gunner
4x Canadian Infantrymen
(25 Points) Royal Engineers Platoon
1x BREN Gunner
3x Canadian Infantrymen
2x Royal Engineer
(25 Points) AVRE
1x Churchill AVRE
(25 Points) Light Tank Section
1x M3 Stuart
1x Crusader II
(25 Points) Armoured Recon Section
3x Humber Scout Car
(25) Elite Infantry Platoon
4x Defiant Paratroopers
1x BREN Gunner
NOTE: Paratroopers cannot use the Paratrooper Special Ability.
(25) Air Support
1x Concealed Spotter
1x Spitfire Mk 1
NOTE: The Spotter must be attached to an Infantry Platoon (Either Infantry OR an Elite Infantry Platoon)
(25) Company HQ - MAX 1
1x Inspiring Lieutenant
2x Vickers MG Team
2x Higgins Landing Craft
Infantry 50 - 100 Points
Armour  0 - 50 Points
Support  0 - 50 Points
TOTAL: 100 Points
(25) Rifle Platoon
1x MG 42
1x Panzerfaust 30
3x Mauser
2x Barbed Wire
(25) Waffen-SS (Max 1)
3x SS-Panzergrenadier
2x SS-Stormtrooper
(25) Anti-Tank Battery
2x PAK 38
2x Minefield
1x Tank Obstacle
(50) SS Panzer Section
1x SS-Panzer IV F2
1x Elite Panzer IV D
(25) Tank Destroyer Section
2x Marder II
(25) Pillboxes
2x Sandbagged MG Team
2x Pillbox
(25)Luftwaffe Air Support
2x Focke-Wulf Fw 190A
(25) AA Battery
3x 20mm Flak 38
2x Luftwaffe Infantrymen
(25) Heavy ATG Battery
2x PAK 40
(25) Mortar Battery
2x 81mm Mortar
1x Disciplined Spotter
1x SS-Haupsturmfurher
8 Points worth of obstacles; no more than 4 units of any one type.