John Brown's Painted Axis and Allies Pieces

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Hey John, sorry I have been preoccupied playing league games, hehe.  You have quite the setup. Very nice!

    I mostly use Vallego paints except for the primer and sealer.  One thing you might want to consider is a carousel for your paints.  I have over 200 paints and it was difficult to find them sometimes. I got this cheap carousel from the war store. It helps me locate the color I want.

    For spray paints I love Plastic Soldier paints but they are difficult to find in the US. I have been using Army Paints instead since the other is not available.

    For decals I use Vallejo Decal fix.  I apply only to where I want to put the decal and let dry at least 15 minutes.  Then I put a small drop of water on the same spot and brush it lightly.  Next I place the wet decal from a brush onto the piece and move it until it is in place.  Next I take a small tissue to absorb the excess water and the decal flattens to the piece.Â

    Good Luck and hope to see your work soon.

    Thanks buddy for information. I will keep some of this in mind. :-D

    Thanks again!


  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Guys, I’m almost finished with the First Phase of the German Luftwaffe in the Night Camo Scheme. I got 10 more to decal and a final protective coat as well as touch ups. I should be able to post pictures, by Tuesday. Sorry for the delay, but I had to learn some things I was doing wrong.

    One of the big things I was doing wrong guys was separating the decal off the paper as it was on the plane and sometimes the decal would shift off the paper on the wrong part of the plane, and I was using tweezers, which made it hard, when your sliding it off the paper, when it is on the plane.

    I finally realized I should use the tweezers to pull the decal off the paper and switch to a needle to place the decal on the plane.

    This made it so much easier, and I use a lot less setting solution, as well.

    I also realize, I will never paint light colored noses and fuselage stripes, after putting a dark coating, such as black, on ever again.

    For now on, if I have a different colored nose and stripes to a plane, I will paint those on first, after the primer.

    The yellow on black was a pain in the rear, too say the least.

    For a beginner, I think I did really well, but I will let you all judge for yourselves, Tuesday.

    I just wanted to give everyone an update, because I know you have been waiting patiently. :-D



  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Guys, I finished the first phase of the Luftwaffe, and I will post pictures after 9 pm CST, tomorrow night. I want the protective coat to dry for 24 hours.

    I can’t wait for you all to see these, I’ve worked very hard on these. :-D


  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Just wanted to let you all know, I will post any pieces I paint on boardgamegeek, including the ones, I will posting tonight.

    Thanks for viewing! :-D


  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    German Luftwaffe Painted in the Night Camo Scheme consisting of 30 planes: The original 3 Night Camo Planes are included in this group, which consists of two BF 109’s and a Stuka dive bomber. Enjoy! :-D

    As night falls on the European landscape, the Luftwaffe pounces on its prey, like banshees screaming through the crisp night air, and suddenly the battle was over, before it began.

    The first two pictures are all 30 planes together.

    German Night Camo Luftwaffe 001.JPG
    German Night Camo Luftwaffe 002.JPG

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    The next two pictures are planes with the yellow markings and white markings. :-D

    German Night Camo Luftwaffe 003.JPG
    German Night Camo Luftwaffe 006.JPG

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    The next two pictures is the planes in all black, and a picture of the Me-262 Jetfighters. :-D

    German Night Camo Luftwaffe 005.JPG
    German Night Camo Luftwaffe 010.JPG

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    The next two pictures are the FW-190 and BF-109 fighters.

    German Night Camo Luftwaffe 009.JPG
    German Night Camo Luftwaffe 011.JPG

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    The next two pictures are the twin engine Me-110 fighters and the Stuka Dive Bombers. :-D

    German Night Camo Luftwaffe 013.JPG
    German Night Camo Luftwaffe 014.JPG

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    The next two pictures are the ju-52 transport plane and the Ju-88 bombers.

    German Night Camo Luftwaffe 015.JPG
    German Night Camo Luftwaffe 017.JPG

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    The next two pictures are of the Do-17 medium bombers and the He-111 bombers.

    German Night Camo Luftwaffe 018.JPG
    German Night Camo Luftwaffe 019.JPG

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Last picture guys, of the Ju-488 heavy bombers.

    I hope you’ve enjoyed them.

    As you can see, I still have to work on a few things, but I don’t think it is bad for a beginner. :-D

    German Night Camo Luftwaffe 020.JPG

  • Awesome work i hope mu pieces will look half as good as yours :)
    Did you use decals?

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Awesome work i hope mu pieces will look half as good as yours :)
    Did you use decals?

    Yes, I had to use decals, because there is no way I could have painted those. I don’t have the skills to do that. One of the things, I need to find out is how to do the stripes better and what brush every one is using and how to smooth out the nose and stripes, so that they don’t look so rough.

    If you compare mine in pictures with everyone else, theirs is smooth and mine is not. I don’t know how they are doing it or what they are using.

    I never done this before, but if I can do this, anyone can. I’ve never even painted before, so join the club.

    The more the merrier, my friend.

    Thanks for the support and compliments, Wizl007! :-D


  • '14 Customizer

    Very nice work John!  Yellow always seems to clump up for me too.  I usually paint some on a piece of paper first to make sure the clumps are out and even dilute with very little water.  You might have to paint an area several times with small quantities to keep the background color from bleeding through.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Very nice work John!  Yellow always seems to clump up for me too.  I usually paint some on a piece of paper first to make sure the clumps are out and even dilute with very little water.  You might have to paint an area several times with small quantities to keep the background color from bleeding through.Â

    Thanks Cyanight, I appreciate it!

    What brush do you use for the stripes?

  • '14 Customizer

    I use the smallest I can find or a pin. I’m not very good with pins though but trying :)

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    I use the smallest I can find or a pin. I’m not very good with pins though but trying :)

    OK, thanks Cyanight, that helps. I appreciate everyone’s help, because I want to get better. I did use IWillNeverGrowUp’s idea of using the protective coat before the decals and after. I think that helped me quite a bit.

    What is the difference of using enamel vs acrylic gloss protective coating on acrylic painted pieces?

    Can you put too much of the protective spray on?

    Does anybody know?

  • @John:

    Can you put too much of the protective spray on?

    If the sculpt ends up looking like a prehistoric insect encased in a block of amber, I’d say that was an excessive amount of spray.  :-D

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer



    Can you put too much of the protective spray on?

    If the sculpt ends up looking like a prehistoric insect encased in a block of amber, I’d say that was an excessive amount of spray.   :-D

    LOL, well as long as mine don’t look like I’m using too much, then I guess I’m doing OK.

    Thanks CWOMarc! :-D

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