AARHE: Phase 3: Revised NA's

  • 6. Afrika Corps
    Looking over this sagain…Just in case its used in a weird sense. How about if “Axis controls Libya, Germany and Southern Europe (or Italy)”.

    8. SS Panzer
    Do we want to give all Heavy Tanks opening-fire ability, or only SS Panzer should have it?

    12. Hitler Youth
    For the cutting down I would remove this one. Already have two INF NAs.

    13. Alpen festung
    The Allies attack again? immediately or later? The Allies do not HAVE to attack again right? I think air units shouldn’t be able to retreat to this new area. And all non-INF land units needs to be converted to INF.

    14. SS Panzers

    16. Pocket Battleship
    “Battleship Jr” ?
    Designate one tank unit and it attacks at a 5 and defends at 5.

    21. German Infrastructure
    As with the way your justification text put, as with the Russian rail…there needs to be some way to destroy it. Maybe it is destroyed by SBR attack larger than a certain no. of IPC in one turn?

    22. German Propaganda
    Specify the territories involved.

    Don’t really like having the General for all players.

  • 6. Afrika Corps
    Looking over this sagain…Just in case its used in a weird sense. How about if “Axis controls Libya, Germany and Southern Europe (or Italy)”.

    ++++ok ill fix it.

    8. SS Panzer
    Do we want to give all Heavy Tanks opening-fire ability, or only SS Panzer should have it?

    ++++naw just SS panzer. having heavy tanks is alot of firepower in itself.

    12. Hitler Youth
    For the cutting down I would remove this one. Already have two INF NAs.

    ++++ ok its gone

    13. Alpen festung
    The Allies attack again? immediately or later? The Allies do not HAVE to attack again right? I think air units shouldn’t be able to retreat to this new area. And all non-INF land units needs to be converted to INF.

    Yes conversion is good idea because its basically underground fighting in the mountains. The option is only performed if the allies attack germany. The german player has this option if he feels he will lose germany then he may retreat to the national redoubt. Its purpose is to prolong and tie up the allies to prevent them from fighting Japan long enough in close games so the axis can win.

    14. SS Panzers

    ++++ right remove

    16. Pocket Battleship
    “Battleship Jr” ?
    Designate one tank unit and it attacks at a 5 and defends at 5.

    ++++ huh? a tank?  this idea is basically to create the graf spee problem its something that was better than a cruiser. It could only be allowed if not using the optional units.

    21. German Infrastructure
    As with the way your justification text put, as with the Russian rail…there needs to be some way to destroy it. Maybe it is destroyed by SBR attack larger than a certain no. of IPC in one turn?

    +++++ ok rephrase it in a manner that you think is good.

    22. German Propaganda
    Specify the territories involved.

    it says in territories under german occupation … this is a micoon NA BTW.

    Don’t really like having the General for all players.

    +++++ ok we can leave it out but it was an optional rule anyway.

  • @Imperious:

    16. Pocket Battleship
    “Battleship Jr” ?
    Designate one tank unit and it attacks at a 5 and defends at 5.

    ++++ huh? a tank?  this idea is basically to create the graf spee problem its something that was better than a cruiser. It could only be allowed if not using the optional units.

    I think, this one should go. I like the idea, but like you already say, with the Cruiser already available as an optional unit, i don’t see this NA being any good.


    21. German Infrastructure
    As with the way your justification text put, as with the Russian rail…there needs to be some way to destroy it. Maybe it is destroyed by SBR attack larger than a certain no. of IPC in one turn?

    If any SBR attack on Germany, then only half of the stationed ground units get a +1 movement modifier. If SBR attack is higher then the territorial income value, then no movement modifier.


    22. German Propaganda
    Specify the territories involved.

    Maybe reduce it to the territories of Western Europe, Scandinavian and Balkans?? Otherwise maybe to strong…

  • top level
    so we remove 12 and 14, we still have 20 NAs
    lets aim to most NAs representing historical achievement but also a few NAs for the historically planned (like Operation Isabella)

    16. Pocket Battleship
    That sentence was my mistake in the cut and paste. Don’t worry.
    But I guess we could remove this one for the cut down.

    21. German Infrastructure
    I am not saying anything needs to be rephrase.
    Yeah Micoom’s suggestion is the idea/direction.

    22. German Propaganda
    I meant specify “continental Europe”.
    We have 3 INF NAs. But thats ok because this one is active. The other two are passive.

    At the moment its just “combined arms”. There is a more little in Blitzrieg.
    I can’t think of how to model it yet. See what you guys think.

  • Germany National Advantages  (Revised list)

    1. Panzer Grenadiers
    During World War II, the Germans had troops that were designed for fighting alongside tanks. These were fully motorized units, so that they could at all times keep up with the tanks. Each of your tanks gives one matching infantry one additional movement allowance. The tank and the infantry unit must leave from the same territory.

    2. Atlantic Wall
    The Germans fortified the European beaches with massive defensive concrete blockhouses that formed part of the German defensive "Atlantic Wall”. During any amphibious assault against Axis controlled Western Europe (except for African territories), all your infantry defend on a 3 during the first cycle of combat.

    3. Fortress Europe
    By protecting the Third Reich on all sides, Germany built fortified defensive lines and established strongpoint on key terrain in Europe. Your artillery in German territories defends on a 3.

    4. German 88’s
    During the first cycle of combat only, on Attack and Defence, your artillery fire in the Conduct Opening Fire phase (instead of the Attacking Units fire and Defending Units fire phases respectively). Casualties are removed immediately. When declared, place 2 free artillery in any Gray territory you control, during the Mobilize Units phase of this turn only.

    5. Panzer blitz
    If your attacking forces destroy all defending units in a territory in one cycle of combat, any of your surviving armor may move 1 territory during non-combat movement.

    6. Afrika Corps
    Once per game place 2 infantry, 1 artillery, and 2 Armor for free in Libya if the Axis control it, during your Mobilize Units phase.

    7. Volkstrum infantry
    Once per game, the German player may purchase Infantry for 2 IPC each. This cannot be performed unless a territory adjacent to Germany, is controlled by any Allied player.

    8. SS Panzer.
    These may be built, 1 per turn. A maximum of 4 can be on the map at any time. They are built as and have the same attributes as Heavy Tanks without requiring the Heavy Tank technology. In combat they may ignore the 1st hit assigned to them as they take two hits to destroy and all their attacks are rolled pre-emptively.

    9. Albert Speer & German Industrial rationalisation
    On turn 5  the territory of Germany is worth 10 additional IPC per turn. (but the original value for any strategic attacks & original value under Allied  occupation).

    10. Defend the homeland
    Once per game the German player may call up to six infantry when the territory of Germany itself is under attack. (money for these units paid for on the following turn even if your getting them this turn).

    11. Commerce Raiders: your transports can now make attacks against unescorted enemy transports. They attack at 1.

    13. Alpen festung: The German player is allowed to create a “national redoubt” if the territory of Germany has been attacked by allied forces. Under combat German units can retreat to this protected area even if all adjacent areas of the map are controlled by allied forces. (use switzerland as this new area). All retreating units are converted to infantry to resemble a true ‘guerrilla’ campaign fought in the mountains of the alps.Furthermore the Germans get to keep the income of germany even if Germany is subsequently captured by the allies. The allies do not gain in the income if this option is used. The Allies must make a further attack and all alied attacks must score two hits just to remove one unit. Hits are allocated one unit at a time.

    15. London blitz:
    German fighters (use divebombers if playing with optional units) may now participate in SBR attacks on England. They cause damage only on rolls of 1-3 with damage equal to what was rolled.

    16. Pocket battleship
    designate one destroyer which can now take two hits and conduct shore bombardment. In other respects it performs like a Battleship.
    ( Note:This NA is not to be used if using the optional units under AARHE)

    17. Z-plan
    The German player rolls three D6. The result equals the total of free IPC that must be spent on naval units this turn. Additional IPC may be allocated from your normal income to complete purchases.

    18. Blitzkreig
    If you have at least once each of the following you may roll one additional dice hitting at 3 in combat: one Infantry, Artilillery,Tank, and Fighter

    19. Fifth colum:
    You convert one neutral one level toward your side each turn.

    20. Operation Isabella
    Spain is an immediate ally to germany as long as the axis first control the suez and gibralter.

    21.German Infrastructure
    At the start of WW II Germany had the best road and rail network of Europe. During the Non Combat Move phase all German ground units in Germany itself gain a plus 1 movement modifier.

    22. German Propaganda
    The Germans were masters of propaganda, spearheaded by Goebels. Through out the war, the Germans tried to convince all people in the Reich (including all occupied territories) that communism was the real enemy and tried to convince them to volunteer for the army and fight a noble war…
    Once during the game the German player may place 1 free INF in up to three German occupied (grey) territories currently under German control.

    here is the current fixed list. need additional corrections.

    i have a bonus NA aftewr reading a book called “luftwaffe over America” by Manfred Griehl

    Germany can allocate one bomber as a super-long range bomber with a movement of 10. It cannot be built until the german player has completed Jet power and long range aircraft Technology. The Bomber cannot be shot down by AA rolls nor other aircraft. It rolls for SBR attacks in the normal fashion in all other respects.

  • Hey, didn’t German production remain at high levels despite Allied Strategic bombing due to putting the industry underground, then key resources were targeted.  This has 2 components: 1. reduced effect of strategic bombing and 2. concentration on oil resources reducing effective fighting power of units.

  • Underground factories is a tech development which performs as you have stated. Look it up on the rules file under tekkys name.

  • @Armchair:

    Hey, didn’t German production remain at high levels despite Allied Strategic bombing due to putting the industry underground

    Besides the Underground Industry tech, there is a economic/total war NA for Germany too.

  • So are these NA’s complete?

    any more edits?

  • you’ve seen my post under above your last list right?

    well then its just about cutting down to 15 or so NAs now

  • OK which do we take out?


    ++++ right but the idea is to give a germans a “happy time” where if they decide to go fully in sub warfare it could be profitable
    also we may want to give germans 6 IPC subs?

    guess its not too bad since we are making Advanced Radar helps detecting subs too
    might need to give everyone a head start in “Advanced Radar” or it’ll be a pain
    note Pacific can have sub warfare too

    ++++The allies have two levels of tech that effect the outcome of sub searching one should raise it from 1 to 2 and other allows fighters to participate and takes the modifier one more potentially bringing it to a three. Three has to be the limit because 4 makes the subs totally useless.

    If a destroyer/cruiser  is present does it make it impossible for the sub to submerge?

    I believe “unlimited 6 IPC sub” is out of scope
    but we could make each country’s “national unit” item of the NA list a standard rule.

    ++++ Yea hmmm. we i guess we should leave it except we can make a new NA where once per turn the german player can make one sub for 6 IPC each turn?


  • Germany National Advantages  (Revised list)

    1. Panzer Grenadiers
    During World War II, the Germans had troops that were designed for fighting alongside tanks. These were fully motorized units, so that they could at all times keep up with the tanks. Each of your tanks gives one matching infantry one additional movement allowance. The tank and the infantry unit must leave from the same territory.

    2. Atlantic Wall
    The Germans fortified the European beaches with massive defensive concrete blockhouses that formed part of the German defensive "Atlantic Wall”. During any amphibious assault against Axis controlled Western Europe (except for African territories), all your infantry defend on a 3 during the first cycle of combat.

    3. Fortress Europe
    By protecting the Third Reich on all sides, Germany built fortified defensive lines and established strongpoint on key terrain in Europe. Your artillery in German territories defends on a 3.

    4. German 88’s
    During the first cycle of combat only, on Attack and Defence, your artillery fire in the Conduct Opening Fire phase (instead of the Attacking Units fire and Defending Units fire phases respectively). Casualties are removed immediately. When declared, place 2 free artillery in any Gray territory you control, during the Mobilize Units phase of this turn only.

    5. Panzer blitz
    If your attacking forces destroy all defending units in a territory in one cycle of combat, any of your surviving armor may move 1 territory during non-combat movement.

    6. Afrika Corps
    Once per game place 2 infantry, 1 artillery, and 2 Armor for free in Libya if the Axis control it, during your Mobilize Units phase.

    7. Volkstrum infantry
    Once per game, the German player may purchase Infantry for 2 IPC each. This cannot be performed unless a territory adjacent to Germany, is controlled by any Allied player.

    8. SS Panzer.
    These may be built, 1 per turn. A maximum of 4 can be on the map at any time. They are built as and have the same attributes as Heavy Tanks without requiring the Heavy Tank technology. In combat they may ignore the 1st hit assigned to them as they take two hits to destroy and all their attacks are rolled pre-emptively.

    9. Albert Speer & German Industrial rationalisation
    On turn 5  the territory of Germany is worth 10 additional IPC per turn. (but the original value for any strategic attacks & original value under Allied  occupation).

    10. Defend the homeland
    Once per game the German player may call up to six infantry when the territory of Germany itself is under attack. (money for these units paid for on the following turn even if your getting them this turn).

    11. Commerce Raiders: your transports can now make attacks against unescorted enemy transports. They attack at 1.

    12. Alpen festung: The German player is allowed to create a “national redoubt” if the territory of Germany has been attacked by allied forces. Under combat German units can retreat to this protected area even if all adjacent areas of the map are controlled by allied forces. (use switzerland as this new area). All retreating units are converted to infantry to resemble a true ‘guerrilla’ campaign fought in the mountains of the alps.Furthermore the Germans get to keep the income of germany even if Germany is subsequently captured by the allies. The allies do not gain in the income if this option is used. The Allies must make a further attack and all alied attacks must score two hits just to remove one unit. Hits are allocated one unit at a time.

    13. London blitz:
    German fighters (use divebombers if playing with optional units) may now participate in SBR attacks on England. They cause damage only on rolls of 1-3 with damage equal to what was rolled.

    14. Pocket battleship
    designate one destroyer which can now take two hits and conduct shore bombardment. In other respects it performs like a Battleship.
    ( Note:This NA is not to be used if using the optional units under AARHE)

    15. Z-plan
    The German player rolls three D6. The result equals the total of free IPC that must be spent on naval units this turn. Additional IPC may be allocated from your normal income to complete purchases.

    16. Blitzkreig
    If you have at least once each of the following you may roll one additional dice hitting at 3 in combat: one Infantry, Artilillery,Tank, and Fighter

    17. Fifth colum:
    You convert one neutral one level toward your side each turn.

    18. Operation Isabella
    Spain is an immediate ally to germany as long as the axis first control the suez and gibralter.

    19.German Infrastructure
    At the start of WW II Germany had the best road and rail network of Europe. During the Non Combat Move phase all German ground units in Germany itself gain a plus 1 movement modifier.

    20. German Propaganda
    The Germans were masters of propaganda, spearheaded by Goebels. Through out the war, the Germans tried to convince all people in the Reich (including all occupied territories) that communism was the real enemy and tried to convince them to volunteer for the army and fight a noble war…
    Once during the game the German player may place 1 free INF in up to three German occupied (grey) territories currently under German control.

    ok we got 20 NA’s you think we need to trim down to 15?

    then in that case i say we get rid of:

    10,12,20,16, 14

  • @Imperious:

    ++++The allies have two levels of tech that effect the outcome of sub searching one should raise it from 1 to 2 and other allows fighters to participate and takes the modifier one more potentially bringing it to a three. Three has to be the limit because 4 makes the subs totally useless.

    People, this is about a discussion between me and Imperious about a proposal to make detecting subs on a 1, instead of a 2.

    Advanced Radar makes it easier. increase by 1.
    Advanced ASW also makes it easier. increase by 1.
    It won’t go to 4.
    Not that I think 4 is too much. Its only detection, they still have to attack it.

    If a destroyer/cruiser  is present does it make it impossible for the sub to submerge?

    In AARHE, you may still submerge.

    ++++ Yea hmmm. we i guess we should leave it except we can make a new NA where once per turn the german player can make one sub for 6 IPC each turn?

    Yeah! What happened to “national unit” NA?

    21. VII submarine
    Once per turn, 2 submarines can be placed in Germany (SZ 5) for 12 IPCs.

    10,12,20,16, 14

    Yeah we could get rid of 10 and 20 since they are both about INF and we still have 7.
    I am ok with getting rid of 16. Blitzrieg too. Since we can’t seem to model Blitzrieg properly, instead of combined arms.
    I am ok with getting rid of 14. Pocket Battleship too. Its a little weird with optional units and stuff.

    But 12. Alpen festung is interesting though. Would love to keep it. (We don’t have too enough hypotheical NAs.) But change it to Germany continue to get 50% of Germany’s income, not 100%.

    Thats 16 NAs. Lets do 16. USSR has 16.

    You haven’t changed Afrika Corps yet. Control of Libya, Italy and Germany required.

  • Ok Tekky add those changes to the file. we go with 16 NA’s

    Please edit that part on the africa korps.

    lets add in the national unit as optional rules section as originally designed.

    I feel after more reflection that we do this:

    Special Combat: Strait Interdiction:

    You may fire at hostile naval units moving between the above mentioned sea zones if you hold the respective territories. Each territory gets one die for every passing naval vessel (including submarines) in “Combat Move” phase and/or one die for each naval vessel  in “Non-Combat Move” phase. Each die roll targets a hostile naval unit independently hitting on a specifc value as follows:

    Territories Sea Zones  number required to hit
    Gibraltar 12/13  (gibraltar straights)                1
    Germany 5/6  (denmarck straights)                      2
    United Kingdom 6/7  (English Channel)                  1

    Also with this:

    I can only find one modifier to increase the search rolls from 2 to 3 and this is now fine. That was the problem i was seeing that we had 2 modifiers to INCREASE search but we really only have one which makes the current form good. If we had two it would go to 4 and be a much different story.

    both of the following are great as they are.

    Advanced Submarine: SS (submarine) attack and defence increase by 1. ASW (Anti-submarine Warfare) search roll targeting them has hit value decreased by 1.

    Advanced ASW (Anti-submarine Warfare): Air units now perform ASW. Naval ASW search and attack rolls’ hit values increase by 1.

    Advanced Radar makes it easier. increase by 1.

    actually advanced radar is for ID defence so its ok.

    Im gonna post Italian NA;s now we have finished 2 players 4 to go.

  • Italy National Advantages

    1. Piggyback Tech
    Italy shared the accomplishments of German scientists during WWII.
    On the turn after Germany obtains a given technology, Italy gets it as well.

    2. Gustav Line
    Hitler ordered a final defensive line south of Rome to protect the “soft underbelly” of Europe after Africa fell to the Allies. The Gustav Line, or the Winter Wall, held off many Allied amphibious landings. During any amphibious assault against Southern Europe, all your infantry there defend on a 3 during the first cycle of combat.

    3. Desert Tracks
    Italian tanks were inferior to German and Allied ones. However, they were lighter and could travel the desert with ease. Italian tanks can move through Sahara. They must both enter and leave Sahara in the same turn. They may never capture the Sahara, and they may not retreat into this territory.

    4. Blackshirts
    Black divisions were paramilitary organizations that were used to spread terror across Southern Europe. Once per game, if your capital gets attacked by at least one ground unit, you may place 2 infantry there before the Conduct Combat Phase.

    5. Elevated Ground
    Southern and South-Eastern Europe was scattered with mountains and high elevations. This gave many advantages to artillery especially Italian mountain guns. Gebirgsjägers–mountain troops–were the only ones besides aircraft who can operate on these conditions. Your artillery in Southern Europe and the Balkans defend on a 3. Units can’t blitz when passing through these territories.

    6. Regia Marina Italiana
    Once per turn, one surface warship (BB, DD, CV, and CA-- if using optional units) can be purchased for 2 IPC less than cost.

    7. Home Defence
    Every Italian or German INF unit in the first round defending in Original Italian territories get a +1 defence modifier

    8. Mediterranean Express
    This allows Italy to move 1 infantry to Libya during non-combat movement.

    9. Afrika Corps
    Allow any German units sent to Africa to become Italian upon landing, and be immediately usable by Italy.

    10. Untrained Forces
    The first time Italian forces meet a given Allied nation in battle, the Italians choose the order of loss for the Allied forces (this is designed to foster a “Kasserine” style result in Italy’s first encounters with enemy forces).

    11. Frogmen
    The Decima Flottiglia MAS was an Italian commando frogman unit created during the Fascist government. This rule allows 1 infantry to attack 1 Allied naval unit that is adjacent to an Italian held territory-containing infantry (Italy specifies targets). Infantry rolls normal attack (1 in 6) and if successful sinks 1 allied ship. Such attack precedes normal attack round. Failure is loss of Italy infantry.

    12. Fascists friendship
    If you controll Malta and Gibraltar, Franco of Spain will join your side. All Spanish territory, troops and IPC go directly to Italy.

    13. Balkan support
    During WWII Hungary, Romania and in lesser amounts Bulgaria supported the Axis forces with man and material.
    Once during the game, if in controll of the Balkans, you may place 1INF, 1ART and 1ARM for free.

  • @Imperious:

    lets add in the national unit as optional rules section as originally designed.

    Yeah. A standard NA.

    I feel after more reflection that we do this:
    Special Combat: Strait Interdiction:

    Ok I’ll adjust it.

    I can only find one modifier to increase the search rolls from 2 to 3 and this is now fine. That was the problem i was seeing that we had 2 modifiers to INCREASE search but we really only have one which makes the current form good. If we had two it would go to 4 and be a much different story.

    Oh I see. No changes needed then.

  • Ok good.

    can you tell me how that convoy thing works?  I know your fixing blockade

    IPC (Industrial Production Certificates) to be stored must have a passable path from the territory to a capital under the player’s control. IPC to be spent must have a passable path from the source territory (or capital for stored IPC) to the Industrial Complex or Victory City. A passable path consists of territories your land units may go through and/or sea zones. Note Stalinist Xenophobia rule applies. A path consisting of sea zones is a “Convoy”. IPC not spent nor stored is forfeited.

    Regions under blockade only receive, at best, maintenance supplies via air.

    An IPC path consisting of sea zone(s) is a “Convoy”. IPC must enter the sea from the source territory or an adjacent territory. It may then travel to the destination via the minimal number of sea zone or one more sea zone. For example, Australia’s income to be spent at United Kingdom may only travel 8 or 9 sea zones.
    Each hostile naval unit besides AP (transport) in a convoy sea zone may perform a convoy attack roll. 1 IPC of friendly convoys in that sea zone is destroyed on a roll of 3 or less. Damage allocation procedure is the same as team combat causality.

  • Do we also need to get around 15 NA’s for Italy? That might be difficult…

    9. Afrika Corps
    Allow any German units sent to Africa to become Italian upon landing, and be immediately usable by Italy

    +++ This one, is not really much of a NA in AARHE, because they already can perform combat together, if wanted.  So maybe change it to.  Place 1 INF, ART, ARM in Libya for free during your mobilize new units round, if you controll it.

    This will be a very strong NA, if your German Ally also has his Africa Corps NA in use…

  • Yes right we need about 5-6 more NA’s lets come up with more and then trim them to 15 or so.

    I remember something made by another poster for Romania. (having to do with the oil at polesti)

    Id also look into something that is vichy france forces defending against the allies ( it would be an italian na)

  • @Imperious:

    3. Desert Tracks
    …Italian tanks can move through Sahara. They must both enter and leave Sahara in the same turn. They may never capture the Sahara, and they may not retreat into this territory.

    Updating to the new terrain rules….it becomes…
    Italian tanks may blitz through Sahara.

    4. Blackshirts
    ….you may place 2 infantry there before the Conduct Combat Phase.

    For free right?

    5. Elevated Ground
    …Units can’t blitz when passing through these territories.

    Don’t need to say it that. Southern Europe is mountainous and units can’t blitz through it by default.

    8. Mediterranean Express
    This allows Italy to move 1 infantry to Libya during non-combat movement.

    Do you need control of SZ 14?

    11. Frogmen

    Can or can’t target submarines?

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