Adventure, excitement, A Jedi craves not these things. However, Britain has all kinds of fun stuff to do to japan If they are feeling frisky.
My personal favorite, attack Borneo with two men from India vs the one… nothing else (this is not a great battle but ahhh Its not really about winning its about controlling japan on the first turn). Take the fighter from the carrier and go get the transport in sz 59. Use your Australian sub and go fight the Japanese sub (if your lucky you kill theres and yours survives or both die… if your unlucky oh well). Use that transport off Australia and take two men from Australia and go get new guinea (again not a great combat… but like I said, If Brittan is feeling frisky)
Ok those are the combats… hopefully you got the transpot off Manchuria with out a loss… where to land? ahh I usually pick china but hey you can land on the carrier your non combating to sea zone 49 (this serves two purposes 1st it keeps japan from being able to take the one transport they have left to Borneo, 2nd it give the Japanese battleship a target it can’t ignore)… then non combat the two British fighters from the capital to western Canada. take the British destroyer from SZ 35 to 36 (WOOT! now the Japanese fleet in SZ 37 can’t be anywhere that it wants to be.) Of course you should take the bomber to Yakut… Now you have a threat on the Japanese build that is hella good, and you have made the British The new prime target for Japan and let the American fleet get away…
After this first turn you should get back to focusing entirely on Germany… I mean really, that British pacific fleet is now gone, so you won’t have to worry forgeting any non combats to get the fleet back to a useful place in 5 turns or so… Side note there is alot more to this strategy that the us should do on turn one and Russia needs to do, also you don’t give up on Africa the first turn you should land in Algeria with you fleet and US joins you… and of course my first turn purchase is usually 5 men 3 tanks to secure the mainland from germany… build fleet on turns 2,3,4, and so on, and get into germany fast… while japan tries to get that turn back you just stole from her.