• Is it correct that you can not do an amf assult when there is a see unit present in the see-sone next to where the assult is?

  • 2007 AAR League

    No it is no correct.

    You may do an amphibous assault, even though enemy sea units are present in the sea zone next to the one you occupy.

    You may even do an amphibous assault, even if enemy submerged submarines occupy THE SAME sea zone that you occupy!

  • Note that even though you can unload troops you can not do bombardment.

  • I too have another question.  Let’s say on G1, you want to take an Inf and Tank to egypt, but that darn destroyer is in the way.  And lets say I don’t want to bring along the battleship but instead bring the filled transport and three fighters, which will do the attacking.  Is that possible? aNd if so, can i still do an amph. assault afterward with my troops?  If anyone wants to know why I’m not bringing alone the BB, it’s because i want to use it to take out the UK BB instead.

  • Moderator

    Yes you can do that… The 3 Fighters will battle and the Transport can land after they are done with the attack… IF all 3 Fighters are shot down then quite literally your sunk…

  • 2007 AAR League

    I think we need to clarify.

    You can only land your troops if you destroy the ship(s) in that see-zone or any neigboring see-zones. If you fail your attack the ships in the see-zone your in or neigboring your transports see-zone you can´t land them.

    The same goes for loading a transport. (but you can only load in the peace move phase)

  • 2007 AAR League


    I think we need to clarify.

    You can only land your troops if you destroy the ship(s) in that see-zone or any neigboring see-zones. If you fail your attack the ships in the see-zone your in or neigboring your transports see-zone you can´t land them.

    The same goes for loading a transport. (but you can only load in the peace move phase)

    Either I am speaking poor English, or you have not summarized the rules on amphib assaults correctly. The correct ruling about amphibs assault is:

    “You may only land your troops if you destroy any enemy ship(s) that is in the same seazone as your transport(s)”

    So any enemy ships in neighbouring seazone do not interfere with either the loading or unloading of transports.

  • 2007 AAR League

    In the offical rules it alsso states this on transports (page 13):

    A transport may not
    load or offload in a territory
    adjacent to a hostile sea zone
    unless the enemy units consist
    only of submerged submarines

    So i would take that as you cant offload if there is an enemy ship (other than submerged submarine) in an adjacent sea zone if it´s not engaged and destroyed during the same Combat phase.

    And you can´t load a transport if there is a enemy ship in an adjacent sea zone in the begining of the turn (only in the peace move phase if it´s defeated)

  • @Nix:

    In the offical rules it alsso states this on transports (page 13):

    A transport may not
    load or offload in a territory
    adjacent to a hostile sea zone
    unless the enemy units consist
    only of submerged submarines

    So i would take that as you cant offload if there is an enemy ship (other than submerged submarine) in an adjacent sea zone if it´s not engaged and destroyed during the same Combat phase.

    And you can´t load a transport if there is a enemy ship in an adjacent sea zone in the begining of the turn (only in the peace move phase if it´s defeated)

    Nix, if that were actually true, then Germany could not amphib UK from SZ6 if UK had ships in SZ2.  And UK could not land troops in Western from SZ7 if Germany had ships in SZ5.

    That is NOT how it works

    You cannot amphib THROUGH enemy ships.  If their are ships IN THE WAY, you have to take them out first, THEN Amphib.  And you can do both in the same turn.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Well we have allways played revised this way, and why isn´t this “how it works”? it says quite clear in the rule book…

    But you are allso wrong in both your assumed cases.

    If UK has ships in sz2 you can land troops in sz6,  Becuse the sea sones adjacent to sz6 is z3,z7 and z5.

    sz7 is adjacent to z6,z8 and z12.

    Personaly i think that this is the rule that changes the tactics for this game more then anything else when compareed to “original” A&A.

    So i really belive you are wrong (and i think it´s a widespread wrong doing, atleast among new players)

  • @Nix:

    A transport may not
    load or offload in a territory
    adjacent to a hostile sea zone
    unless the enemy units consist
    only of submerged submarines

    LOL, the first time we played A&AR, we made the same mistake…

    You believe the TRANSPORT may not be in a territory adjacent to a hostile sea zone
    A better way of stating this way of thinking, would be:
    ‘A transport adjacent to a hostile sea zone may not load or offload in a territory’

    But what it really says: the TERRITORY in which you LOAD/OFFLOAD may not be adjacent to a hostile sea zone

    so, the emphasis of the phrase of the rulebook is on ‘territory’, rather than on ‘transport’
    and if you think about it: this makes MUCH more sense ;-)

    (I hope I can make myself clear in a a language that isn’t my natural tongue…)

  • 2007 AAR League

    Well i get the point….

    My mistake.  But i thought that rule was a good one…  changes the strategy some.

  • Anyway,

    the discussion remains…
    while the original problem (involving the offloading transport being adjacent to a hostile sea zone) is resolved…

    ncscswitch mentioned another way of how you can interpret the sentence in the rulebook…
    he says sz2 is an adjacent hostile sz to the territory you wish to offload, so you could not load/offload in UK when your transport is in sz6.

    If you look closely at the rules, I must say this is possible, while indeed:

    A transport may not load or offload in a territory adjacent to a hostile sea zone, unless the enemy units consist
    only of submerged submarines

    in the example: A transport (in sz6) may not offload in a territory (UK) adjacent to a hostile sea zone (sz2)

    But: this is nowhere near common sense!!!

    So, i believe the best way to interpret and play the discussed rule is:
    A transport may not load or offload in a territory while this sea zone is still hostile, unless the enemy units consist
    only of submerged submarines

  • Try reading Lary Harris Tournament rules and see if it clears up the confusion.

    The printed manual is filled with errors, including things like SBR’s doing damage equal to the roll of the dice, or the IPC value of the territory… whichever is GREATER.

  • yup,

    I noticed that one, too, ncscswitsh, and there are other ERRATA on the official web site of A&AR as well.

  • Just think of it this way:  Since trannies are NOT involved in the attack (they are not even on the battle board) then they don’t have to “waste any part of their move” getting to the objective.  However, any BBs or DDs that contributed to a battle offshore canNOT bombard during the amphibious assault.

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