Now here come some rules I have in mind. I would be happy to hear your thoughts about them:
Italy as member of the Dreibund until early 1915 is not attackable by the CPs until R3.
US as long as neutral is not allowed to build,collect income or move until entering the war.
Greece is neutral until R6 (some input needed how to simulate the british violation of neutrality here in 1915)
Fighters were pimped beginning with R8 (move 3 attack 3 defend 3)
Naval units move up +2 when starting from a port (also beginng with R8)
You can buy Strategical movement (max 3 units per turn) cost 1 IPC per unit. (in the game you get Rail or Movement markers that remind you of that
Rail occurs after the combat phase any 3 Units can be moved from one tt through friendly landtts into zones that are friendly or already contain
units of the same power or an aligned one. (to close gapes in the front)
National collapse
To bring this game to an end from R9 on a national collapse because of a war fatiguee can occur. (much similar to the TT-Rules of LH)
If at the beginng of a powers turn its home tts worth the number on the black collapse chart were contested or in the enemies hand the power suffers
an economical and political collapse. For the rest of the game it cannot collect, buy or mobilize new units.
Exceptional is Russia where this can happen from R7 on (Oktoberrevolution -> see “Lenin” on the seasonal chart)
Russia has to offer the CPs an armistice to stop fighting and fullfill its revolution at home. If the CPs accept there will be no more fighting but the CPs werent allowed to move into tts with the red star symbol (or have to move out of them as fast as possible) If the CPs reject the peaceoffer the Russians have to fight on… Â Still not sure if I should take the more historical 11 IPCs for Russia to collapse.
There were many USW zones, even some in the med. The national flags on the SZs determine the power that loses a part of its income (number in the blue box) if at least one CP Sub (also possible for AH and even OE to do USW) is located there in the collect income phase. US enter the war when Allies have lost 26 IPcs of their income. I also made Subs invulnerable to sea mines. Instead of firing they can submerge, enemy ships hit submerging subs only with a 1. This makes them survive a little longer. (I also gave GE 2 more Subs for the Start-Setup)
I am still working on a tech-chart. Already saw one at bgg I am thinking about one for the CPs and one for the Entente
improved shipyards (both),
poison gas (both),
stosstruppen (CP),
Artillery barrages (both),
War bonds (both),
Increased mobilzation (Allies),
Advanced trench network (both),
Zeppelin raids/Paris gun (terror) (CP)
Late war tanks (Allies)