Nominations for A&A Revised Strategies

  • I unlocked it because I found some good stuff in here. Posting the actual strategies here is fine.

    However this would be better: create a new thread for your suggestion and link to it in this thread.

  • What about the usa/alaska connection, instead of building a IC in europe, just form a tank train from western us to alaska, then transport the tanks each round, you get more tanks faster to Russia than any other way. each transport can carry 1 tank and 1 inf.  you may loose out in the first two to three rounds but by the fourth you should be rolling, provided you protected your transport zones with subs and other large vessels. It seems cheaper and more effective since with an IC you can only put 2 tanks a round in Europe, or 1 tank 1 inf.

  • Becuse im a loser i will try to explain my Airforce strat with Germany

    G1 Purchase:

    2 Bmb, 1 Fig alt 4 Fig.

    The reason i like the bombers is that you get some longrange Air power, that will treaten all lonly US/UK trn running around in the sea, forcing them to defend them with expensive warships that will have no function in the game more then to defend these trns.

    This Buy wiill force Germany to withdraw all forces on G1 to Eastern Europe, leaving only 1 inf in each of the following land areas: Karelia (witch you attack), ukraine (witch you take back if taken on R1), Belorussia. (more about that later)

    You stack all Figs in western europe (to discourage US landing in Algeria or reinforcement of UK on US1)

    General tactic of this strat:   Stack up a sizeable airforce with Germany, Hold Europe untill Japan saves the day……

    Seriouslly enought this is kinda true. Your German Airforce will at first glance be dismissed, but after your oponent gives it a thought he will see them with a frightening sense of respect. Youor Figs and bmbs will force US and UK to build defensive ships to guard Trn´s before any attempt on attacking europe is put togheter, this takes time.

    If/when US/UK lands in Europe your airforce will be the hammer that never dies, meaning they will hit the landing troops with FORCE, meaning only a really large landing will have any chance of succes (meaning a stacking of troops to UK 8 or 9 atleast depending on battles and soo on)

    your 2 Friends above all with this tactic is: Figs (and 2 Early Bmb) and Inf. Buy nothing else…  G1: 4 figs or 2 Bmb, 1 Fig…  G2: 2 figs, 8 Inf (you should have 44 Ipc to spend) G3+ Atleast 1 Fig/turn, take 2 if your can withstand Russian offence. (you might be forcced to withdraw all forces to Germany in G3 (i think it ussually is) and then on G4 move back out to Eastern Europe in force, then you will trade Karelia, Belorussia and Ukraine with Russia.

    The Idea with this is to Marginalise US and UK war effort, and to Slowly Build up a Large force of Figs and Inf, that can move against Moscow when the time is right (witch is when Japan assemble it´s forces against Russia)

    This is my take on the “what needs to be done on G1”:

    You send 1 BB, 1 Trn with 1 Arm, 1 Inf from 14 to SZ15. Attacks Egypt when UK destroyer dies (youo don´t need any Figs, it´s a slim chance you lose the BB, and an ever slimer chance you lose the BB and Trn, but shit might happend)

    1 Inf, 1 Arm from Libya to Egypt
    1 Bmb Germany to Egypt (lands in Libya)

    If Ukraine hasn´t fallen to Russia it´s Fig goes to Egypt (lands in Libya, giving it the option to Attack SZ12 and 7 on G2 and land in western Europe)

    this gives you a total of 2 Inf, 2 Arm, 1 Bmb, 1 Fig in Egypt and generates this result:

    36.1%: left with 2 Arm, 1 Fig, 1 Bom.
    27%: left with 1 Inf, 2 Arm, 1 Fig, 1 Bom.
    24%: left with 1 Arm, 1 Fig, 1 Bom.
    6%: left with 1 Fig, 1 Bom.
    5.4%: left with 2 Inf, 2 Arm, 1 Fig, 1 Bom.

    you ussually will have both Arm left, witch will be used to blitz africa if the arn´t attacked by UK in UK1. But that is actually a good thing since it guarantees Japan takes India on J2.

    the Sub In SZ8 to SZ13
    Figs From Westwern Europe Norway, Eastern Europe and Balkan (if Russia tidn´t take Ukraine) (4 total) If your lucky the sub survives.
    All Figs Land in Western Europe.

    Germany Fig Attacks Karelia with 2 Inf from Norway.(lands in Western Europe)

    That is all attacks that is necessary on G1.

    NCM  1 Inf, 1 Art Southern Europe to Germany
    3 Inf Germany to Eastern Europe
    2 Inf Belorussia to Eastern Europe
    2 Inf, 1 Art, 1 Arm Ukraine to Eastern Europe
    2 Inf, 1 Arm Balkans to Eastern Europe
    2 Arm Germany to Western Europe (to make sure no Allied landing in western takes place, and they can be repositioned allong the other 2 arms in Western to eastern on G2)

    1 trns, 1 DD, 2 Sub SZ5 to SZ6 to draw out an attack on it from UK BB and Trn and Airforce, ussually you will be able to submerge 1 or 2 Subs if they do attack, if they don´t attack you have an exellent oportunity to attack UK navy on G2 (if they don´t take norway and you did buy bmb´s)

    If they take Norway and didn´t attack kill the trn/fleet attacking Norway.

    move the 1 Inf, 1 Art in Algeria to Libya (if Us does attack, or Uk for that matter, it´s better to counter attack,and from Liby you can retake Egypt if UK attacks)

    Place units:

    2 bmb, 1 fig or 4 fig in Germany.

    the Force summary Should look like this:

    *** Western Europe (Weu)
    1 AA
    2 Inf
    4 Arm
    5 Ftr

    *** Southern Europe (Seu)
    1 AA
    1 IC

    *** Germany (Ger)
    1 IC
    1 AA
    1 Inf
    1 Art
    1 Ftr
    2 Bmb

    *** Norway (Nwy)
    1 Inf

    *** Eastern Europe (Eeu)
    3 Arm
    11 Inf
    1 Art

    *** Karelia S.S.R. (Len)
    1 Inf
    1 Flag

    *** Ukraine S.S.R. (Ukr)
    1 Inf

    *** Belorussia (Bel)
    1 Inf

    *** Anglo Egypt (Egy)
    1 Flag
    2 Arm

    *** Libya (Lib)
    1 Art
    1 Bmb
    1 Ftr
    1 Inf

    *** North Sea (NOR/Z6)
    1 Des
    2 Sub
    1 Trn

    *** East Mediterian Seazone (EMD/Z15)
    1 Trn
    1 BB

    Important things to Notice:

    1.  If Uk doesn´t take Norway, your fleet/Sub(s)  can attack SZ2 with the assistance of 2 bmbs from Germany and 1 bmb from Libya (must land in Norway)

    2. If UK takes Norway you can attack The landing fleet with ships/subs and 5 Fig and 2 BmB in SZ 3, If he splits up you can take it down a pieace of the time (don´t be afraid to lose ships), If your fleet is intact you can retake Norway with inf and Figs.

    3. If Russia moves with force to Ukraine you can hit it with 11 Inf, 3 arm, 1 art, 7 Fig 3 bmb He can have 14 Inf and 4 arm and 1 art (give or take a few units depend ing on buy)

    You can strafe this and retreat when out of Inf without losing that much,  but russia´s forces will be Destroyed and youo will in 74,7% of the cases have all your Airforce left (and nearly allways have some units left, if AAgun is precent it drops but you win in 97% of the cases)

    4. You can retake Egypt or Algeria should it fall into enemy hands.

    This strat is focused on taking down Russia, so Japan have to go against Russia and can´t foolaround with the US.

    Thoughts anyone?

  • OK Nix… Devils Advocate time…

    The problem with the strat is that Germany MUST pull back in Europe.  That leaves Russia free to go after Japan.

    And if Japan is heavilly countered by Russia, then it will be a LONG time before Japan can come to the rescue.

    And while the massed FIGs are impressive defense, you are still “piece poor” in Europe for several rounds, allowing even a reduced Russia force to take a significant amount of income (further detriment to Japan’s advance, and of course only accelerating Germany being piece poor).

    As for protection of Allied shipping…  and SZ12 Naval Stack in Turn 2 (UK2 and USA2), combined with a couple of AC’s built by the Allies on Turn 1, makes for a rather impressive fleet, with lots of fodder available (empty fodder after landing HEAVY in Africa) to take out that expensive AF.  Then the next TRN wave hits the beaches in Europe against minimal German land forces.

    At least that is my initial take on it.

  • im telling you guys dont denounce the fig strat just yet ……i had a rough time with it when i played nix…he bought 4 fig g1 against me, im kinda intrigued by the 2 bomber 1 fig purchase

  • can i still post a strategy

    and if i can, can i choose any country

  • Post away!

  • i am sorry my english is not very good

    but is a post away an english phrasis or not

  • It means…

    Yes, please submit your strategy for ANY nation :-)

  • i am sorry i was a little bit confused

  • i am sorry just one question more

    should i post the strategy conserning the ˝old˝ game rules or larry harris tournament rules 1.3

  • Your choice.  Just be sure to specify which you are using if the specific rule set significantly changes the strategy.

  • Best Strategy for Germany on G1 is

    1AC - 16 icp
    8 Inf - 24 icp

    this is w/o a bid…even so just save the extra 2 cp’s

    this strategy goes with the Soviets taking Belorussia and west Russia.

    attack British battleship of Gilbritar, destroyer in Panama…and take Egypt. in E Europe/Russia, take back as many territories as possible. You’ll probably end up having to settle for Belo…don’t overstretch yourselves…make sure that you have adequate forces to take more territory next turn. use airforce to help take out battleship

    as the conflict continues, be sure to build 2 more tranny’s
      - 1 for Baltic to move troops into rRussiaand norway
      - 1 for Mediterranean to contest afAfricand get valuable icp

    keeping a steady flow of infantry to combat your soviet counterparts is crucial…eventually Britainnd us will attack western Europe so be sure to cocontinuouslyut more and more ininfantn Western Europe.and keep your fighters there as long and often as you can.

    i wouldn’t count out getting rockets either…

    best idea for future turns would be 10 infantry($30 icp’s) 1tranny($8icp’s) save 4 on g2

    on g3 get minimum 10 infantry($30) 1tranny($8) and 1 tank($5) save 1

    anything beyond that would seriously depend on what is taking place on the board. but i can’t stress enough how you need to keep a steady supply of infantry. people who play as germany tend to forget about that, and end up getting outnumbered by infantry…only having a select number of tanks and fighers to defend.

    keeping as much pressure on Russia while fighting back the brits and yanks from W europe and norway is no easy task…holding w europe is more important then finland…so watch out…also, if they’re going after your new acquisitions in africa…GOOD that means they’re not putting as much pressure on your European holdings.

    Germany is playing Defense and holding out until Japan can clean out Asia and help them destroy Russia.

    i don’t know if i left anything else out…but i’ll post anything i’ve missed.

    Feds 10   8-)

  • I have a guaranteed win strategy in round one for the axis in a short game.  All you have to do is for the Germans send all troops in Norway, Eastern Europe, Belorussia, and West Russia as well as any tanks/planes that can make it into Karelia S.S.R. while moving all troops in Southern Europe and Germany into Western Europe and sending all the troops from the Balkans into Germany.  Also, purchase all infantry and place them all in Germany.  This should leave you with four victory cities, Berlin, Paris, Rome, and Leningrad, all of which would require extreme luck from the allies to take back any of these cities, and Rome should be impossible for the allies to take back because there are no ground troops in range of Southern Europe.  For the Japanese, destroy the British navy at India and then send all of your troops from French Indochina as well as any transport and plane that can make it into India.  Also send all troops from Manchuria and Kwangtung into China.  Even if you left Japan, Philippine Islands, and Kwangtung empty now, they should all be impossible for the allies to take back because they are out of range of any allied ground troop, and it should be nearly impossible for the allies to take back India which gives the Japanese the cities of Tokyo, Manilla, Shanghai, and Calcutta.  The four Japanese cities plus the four German cities should make eight cities, which is all you need to win in  a short game.  So there you have it, a 99.9999999…% guaranteed win strategy for the axis in a short game in only one turn.

  • Hasn’t anyone thought of the idea of building a aircraft carrier for Germany
    brillient defensive strategy, makes sure that baltic fleet isn’t wiped out
    and also prevents amphibious invasions in german territories

  • OK CS, what happened to your post count???

  • CrazyStaw == Caspian Sub ?

  • @djensen:

    CrazyStaw == Caspian Sub ?

    Apparently not.

    That was MY mistake.  I thought Caspian was CS when the Tournament Registration came in, and that error has perpetuated over several several discussions and to other people over the past couple of weeks.


    It’s long I know.

    I wrote it knowing that I was going to go against a specific player, but it’s still a good strategy as long as each nation gets 3 NA’s of it’s own choice.

    I haven’t addressed how I’m going to stop Germany, but bassically Russia and UK are going to play normally (russia defense, UK half defense, half offense) except for the UK’s begining Pacific purchases.

    Just read it.

  • @dakgoalie38:

    So there you have it, a 99.9999999…% guaranteed win strategy for the axis in a short game in only one turn.

    I want to see your figures.  :p

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