I think lowering the costs as you have suggested would help, perhaps you’d have to raise Carriers back to 18 IPC or even put them at 20 with a BB, or drop the BB down to 18, AC at 18 and DD at 2/2/2 (with 2 bombard if you want) for 8 IPC, or if you want a little more potent DD keep either att or def at 3 and price it at 10.
Lets say you go with:
AC - 18
BB - 18
DD - 10 (2/3/2 - with 2 bombard)
It still seems worth while to get a DD, But the added investment of a BB or AC is certainly worth it, b/c they’d be cheaper then 2 DD’s. Kind of like buying in bulk, you get a better deal if you spend more in one turn.
The problem still remains with ftrs at 10 IPC with a 3/4/4. This out classes a DD and even comes close to a BB. Same with a bom at 15 IPC at 4/1/6.
I think overall though the game dynamic makes navies (no matter what the cost) secondary. The easiest objectives are still Moscow and Berlin.
There is just no way around that. This make a German Naval focus secondary as well, and if Ger doesn’t have a big navy the Allies don’t really need one. Likewise if Germany gets too carried away Russia (who doesn’t even need to worry about a navy) may be able to overrun them.
My thoughts would be, in addition to playing with the Values and Att/Def of units change two VC.
Move the 2nd UK VC city to Aus instead of Ind, and the US from Wus to Hi.
Beaf up Aus with an inf or two from Ind.
Now you give Jap a reason to go Pacific, 2 VC cities right there and 1 to defend in the Phil, and this certainly means the Allies cannot just ignore the Pacific. The Axis can be at 8 VCs in no time and 9 with Kar. Now the Allies really have to shift focus. Similar to an M84 defense in Classic with a high Afr bid.
Oh! Maybe bump up the cost of Trannies to 10. Really make it costly to lose them and really make te allies commit to defending them.
Afterall Trannies are great for fodder and they acomplish the main goal of the navy, get troops from A to B. Also since Ger doesn really need trannies this can give them a bit of a boost.
So forget changing the VC’s how about this:
AC (1/3/2) - 18
BB (4/4/2) - 18 (with 4 bombard, does not need 1-1 ratio [bb to tran] for bombard)
DD (2/3/2) - 10 (with 2 bombard, needs 1-1 ratio [dd to tran] for bombard)
Tran (0/1/2) - 10
Subs (2/2/2) - 8
Ftrs (3/4/4) - 12
Bom (4/1/6) - 16
I think you can even get away with making trans 12 IPC. Really make them have to be defended, instead of making them the easy choice for fodder.