Japanese A&A Pacific 2nd Edition Color Match
Hey All.
If you are looking to match the default color for the Japanese, try Vallejo Liquid Acrylic 804 Transparent Orange and Model color 140 Flat Brown mixed 30 to 1 sprayed on an undercoat of 131 Orange Brown. It’s a dead match.
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More painted pieces for consideration
––First off,…nice work! I firmly believe ALL of us A&A gamers appreciate seeing the painted units of others, and it really adds to the “atmosphere” of a game!
----If you have happened to notice some of my units,…well then,…I’d say that it has been worth it for me on TWO counts. ONE, that I was able to share some enjoyment with others, and TWO, they seem to have “inspired” you to paint your own units. That gives me a great amount of satisfaction as I enjoy sharing with people, am VERY passionate about railroad & military history, and simply LOVE this game of Axis & Allies,….the best game on earth!Tall Paul Â
much agreed Tall Paul. I check out your thread now and again looking for new photos of your units. btw any chance we will see those b29’s you ordered painted up in the near future?? do you have any naval units painted too show and tell?? And are you excited about some of the pieces HBG is coming out with?? the brit expansion set, US set and French! I know I cant wait too paint those p47 jugs and liberty bombers!
much agreed Tall Paul. I check out your thread now and again looking for new photos of your units.
––Next time you look at my “ENTIRE SET” thread you’ll notice that I’m listing all of the COMPLETED units on MESSAGE #1 and listing all of the IN PROCESS units on MESSAGE #2.
btw any chance we will see those b29’s you ordered painted up in the near future??
––Yes, of course,…but they aren’t first in line.
do you have any naval units painted too show and tell??
––Only a few. I have several levels of detail and features, etc. that I will include on my Naval units. Some that have been discussed previously, and others that will be surprises.
And are you excited about some of the pieces HBG is coming out with??
––I’m always excited with ANYTHING/EVERYTHING that HBG produces! ALL of the sets you just listed are great ones, and much needed! I suppose the set that I’m most excited about is the “ISLAND WARFARE” expansion set for GW-39. WOW! I can’t wait!
the brit expansion setYeah!, US setYeah! and French!Yeah! And the French set will have C-47 “SkyTrain” Air Transports! we can paint these up for almost every nation! I know I cant wait too paint those p47 jugs and liberty bombers!
––The Republic P-47 “Jug” is my WW2-veteran Dad’s favorite aircraft of all time. He has literally dozens of stories about the “Jabos”.––In reference to the B-29 question above,…off the top of my head the order of the next units painted will be:
All of the Italian Desert Air Force
3-D Airbases
3-D Naval bases
All of the Japanese Army & Navy Air Forces
Japanese & German Paratroopers, Heavy & Rifle Infantry
Anzac “Commonwealth” Shermans, P-40’s, and BeauFighters
Then several American Army & Navy aircraft (too many to list, see the IN PROCESS list in message #2http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=29550.1
Tall Paul
––In reference to the B-29 question above,…off the top of my head the order of the next units painted will be:
All of the Italian Desert Air Force
3-D Airbases
3-D Naval bases
All of the Japanese Army & Navy Air Forces
Anzac “Commonwealth” Shermans, P-40’s, and BeauFightersGreat Paul thanks for the reply! When you say a entire airforce…how many planes are you painting roughly?? I saw the team warmachine Sherman tank core and my what a number of units!
What are these 3 D air and naval bases if you don’t mind? are they a shapeways product? I have some beaufighters, and boomerangs painted aswell, although I’m a little stumped on how to paint the Anzac pv-2 bomber…i cant find many examples in commonwealth colors. I look forward too seeing yours. I cant wait to paint these victory city markers ossel is creating…will be a absolute treat too see them on the A&A board! -
Some of these are quite impressive. Though I am having a hard time discerning whether some units are GHQ or A&A/HBG plastic. I think the graininess in your earlier photos actually enhanced the effect of realism.
Nice application of the fuzz for smoke on the ICs. Surprised no one had thought of that yet. Seems like it would be problematic at tearing off during gameplay or storage though.
Have you found that nameplates for ships take up too much space on the board?
All that said… how do you store these pieces. Seems like there are a lot of delicate, added details which could very easily break if stored in a traditional box.
––In reference to the B-29 question above,…off the top of my head the order of the next units painted will be:
All of the Italian Desert Air Force
3-D Airbases
3-D Naval bases
All of the Japanese Army & Navy Air Forces
Anzac “Commonwealth” Shermans, P-40’s, and BeauFightersGreat Paul thanks for the reply! When you say a entire airforce…how many planes are you painting roughly??
––Well, the Italian DESERT Air Force is small, so: 8-Fighters, 4-Dive Bombers, 4-Medium Bombers,
4-Heavy Bombers, 4-Air Transports. Also 4-JU-87 “Stuka’s” as there actually was an Italian unit that utilized the German “Stuka”. Like all of the major countries there will also be additional paint schemes to be done later.
I saw the team warmachine Sherman tank core and my what a number of units!
What are these 3 D air and naval bases if you don’t mind? are they a shapeways product?
I have some beaufighters, Shapeways BeauFighters?? and boomerangs painted aswell, although I’m a little stumped on how to paint the Anzac pv-2 bomber…i cant find many examples in commonwealth colors. I look forward too seeing yours. I cant wait to paint these victory city markers ossel is creating…will be a absolute treat too see them on the A&A board!
––I, too, think ossel’s “Victory Cities” will be a GREAT addition to our games. I think they will look especially nice after painting. Just refer to my HBG Minor Factories. These “VC’s” will have even more colors/details! -
Some of these are quite impressive. Though I am having a hard time discerning whether some units are GHQ or A&A/HBG plastic. I think the graininess in your earlier photos actually enhanced the effect of realism.
Nice application of the fuzz for smoke on the ICs. Surprised no one had thought of that yet. Seems like it would be problematic at tearing off during gameplay or storage though.
Have you found that nameplates for ships take up too much space on the board?
All that said… how do you store these pieces. Seems like there are a lot of delicate, added details which could very easily break if stored in a traditional box.
yes I apologize for the graininess…I took the pictures with my iphone uploaded them to computer but files were too big for the forum, so I redid it found out finally towards the end how to upload a smaller file size so they don’t zoom in so much and fuzz out all the detail.
Actually the ic smoke hasn’t torn off yet, its just fluff from my nieces stuff animals and its super light, crazy glue keeps it on. Some of the cables I glued on the ships and antennas on some of the planes snap off tho…I gave up on continuing with those details but they did look good on the stukas and its rugged design!
The only places the name plates on the ships clutter are more the Europe side especially british isle as you can imagine, a little bit in and around the med. But for the pacific side they work great for the japs and americans. We usually just play with the name plated carriers, I just named a few bb, and cruisers that had some historically legendary battles that’s kinda fun to use and play out when making your attacks.
I store them all in the original boxes. And my buddy and I play at least a few times a month so they transport around a lot! the planes on the stands take up a lot of space in the box, so I usually have to leave some bombers and stuff out…just rotate aircraft in…or which ever camo scheme seems to get the lucky dice rolls lol -
oh and they are all OOB units and HBG
oh and they are all OOB units and HBG
Really? Wow. I will have to take another look. Some of those looked far too detailed to be OOB but not like the HBG sculpts. Maybe they just look bigger than they are. Cool though.
yes…I guess the Italian battleship is a FMG product, which had some great details to brush in, and they are on the HBG website. The Lexington carrier is the wasp class from OOB but I just modified it too try and give it that big distinct centre stack, and cut off the head of a US cruiser for the bridge of the ship. The radar antennas and cables and all that I scratch built.
yes…I guess the Italian battleship is a FMG product, which had some great details to brush in, and they are on the HBG website. The Lexington carrier is the wasp class from OOB but I just modified it too try and give it that big distinct centre stack, and cut off the head of a US cruiser for the bridge of the ship. The radar antennas and cables and all that I scratch built.
Yeah, the Lexington was the biggest surprise that I saw. It looked like a mixture of homemade and purpose molded, so I wasn’t sure where that came from. But very nice job crafting it.
hey Lhoffman, I looked back and saw your custom pieces, and they are very well painted. your precision with decals, and deck lines bravo! I saw you painted the HBG me 262’s, and hats off too you. I ordered a few but man were they ever small…I never ended up doing them, but after seeing how nice yours turned out you may have inspired me too try. Although HBG has that axis minor set coming out with a new me262, and I might just wait for those.
hey Lhoffman, I looked back and saw your custom pieces, and they are very well painted. your precision with decals, and deck lines bravo! I saw you painted the HBG me 262’s, and hats off too you. I ordered a few but man were they ever small…I never ended up doing them, but after seeing how nice yours turned out you may have inspired me too try. Although HBG has that axis minor set coming out with a new me262, and I might just wait for those.
Thanks JWO. Glad you got something from them. Many times I will copy pictures of some painted examples that others have done and apply some of those elements to my own. I have my own little library of images set up and I will be adding some of yours to it.
The size of the pieces has never been an issue for me. I more often have problems with the paint schemes I am doing. Although the smallest of decals are usually troublesome. Didn’t realize there was a new Me262 coming out. I will look that up.
I don’t think there is a Me262 being made on the Axis Minor 2 set. I just looked it up, and it isn’t on there.
Jwo, where did you see this?
jwo1984 & others,
hey Lhoffman, I looked back and saw your custom pieces, and they are very well painted. your precision with decals, and deck lines bravo! I saw you painted the HBG me 262’s, and hats off too you. I ordered a few but man were they ever small…I never ended up doing them, but after seeing how nice yours turned out you may have inspired me too try. Although HBG has that axis minor set coming out with a new me262, and I might just wait for those.
––Please let me jump in here and toot “LHoffman’s” horn since he is too modest to do so himself. The paint/decal work that he did on my German Luftwaffe was simply AMAZING! The tiniest of details like cockpit framing are not only there,…but very straight and correct!
––He absolutely deserves loads of applause for his work. Thanks again, Lucas.
----BTW, have you watched those DVD movies I sent you yet?Tall Paul
I don’t think there is a Me262 being made on the Axis Minor 2 set. I just looked it up, and it isn’t on there.
Jwo, where did you see this?
––The ME-262 Jet Fighters were included in HBG’s German Expansion Set and are also available separately from HBG.
Tall Paul
I don’t think there is a Me262 being made on the Axis Minor 2 set. I just looked it up, and it isn’t on there.
Jwo, where did you see this?
––The ME-262 Jet Fighters were included in HBG’s German Expansion Set and are also available separately from HBG.
Tall Paul
He was talking about the new German set.
He has the expansion set Me 262’s, but he thought the new set was going to have them, but the new set does not show the Me 262 jetfighters that were in the expansion set. :wink:
I don’t think there is a Me262 being made on the Axis Minor 2 set. I just looked it up, and it isn’t on there.
Jwo, where did you see this?
John brown you are right, I was mixing up the sets. axis minors have no me262, I was thinking about the kickstarter game HBG is putting out called Amerika. Don’t know if any of you looked into this game but the custom pieces they have coming look nothing short of deadly awesome. Below is the German set for Amerika with the me262
Lhoffman, calling you out again sorry seems your work is just too popular :wink: I really liked your f4 wild cats that you painted. since you are into historically accuracy for your pieces have you ever used or checked out this site:
its called “wings palette” and has virtually every paint scheme for every squadron of all countries involved in the war for there planes! an amazing site. I have used paint schemes for all my wildcats, in fact when HBG didn’t have any wildcats in stock I went out on ebay to buy Guadalcanal so I could have tons for the pacific! (I also wanted to try playing Guad as well)