Allies will attempt to counter this by blocking your Baltic and med. fleet for a turn. This however proves futile most of the time because your fleet can simply meet off France’s coast in your noncombat where you can place the fresh AC you built for your G2 Purchases.
UK buys 1 AC and 1 DD on UK1, and moves the BB and the 2 TRNs to SZ7. UK places the CV on SZ7 (landing the 2 fighters on the AC). and the DD on SZ6 to block German Baltic Fleet.
US moves to land on Algeria and block German Med fleet (move the DD if there’s a SUB there)
R moves sub to SZ7.
On G’s turn it will only be able to attack the allied fleet on SZ7 with 5 ftrs and 1 bmr (against 1 BB, 1 AC, 2 FTRs, 2 TRN, 1 SUB = 20% chance of sinking all ships), thus preventing any unification of both German fleets.