Suggestions for my 100 point Japanese army.

  • 2007 AAR League

    How is this for now…
    *3 Chi-Ha –-- Manuveranility/Knock outs tanks
    3 Type 1 Ho-Ni –-- Best shot at destroying enemy tanks.
    @SNLF Captain ---- Must have
    @Imperial Sniper ---- Counter their Must have, pick off Soldiers
    @Type 92 Machine-Gun Team ---- Help knock out infantry
    @2 Type 89 Mortar ---- Help knock out weak tanks and infantry
    5 Arisaka Rifle ---- Protect flanks, keep enemy busy
    2 SNLF paratroopers ---- Support/Strike fear which will force opponent to keep units by his guns, obj.

    Total= 15 units, 100 points.

    Work in groups * @

    My first attempt. Please give me your comments/Critisism

  • I think your question beings up a good point– which is that the standard game construction deters anyone from using the Japanese because of their weak units-- even their infantry and machine guns are substandard. How, one might ask, did “the Japs” even win a battle with this junk?

    Well, the Guadalcanal scenarios lend some great balance, because they incorporate more terrain and defensive position detail.

    But there are just some things that can’t be incorporated.  Take Operation Barbarossa for example.  When the Germans invaded the Soviet Union in 1941, they routed the Soviets for six months in every sense of the word and captured hundreds of thousands of Russian troops with their Panzered encirclements, and as a result of what was criminal incompetence by Stalin (and delusion that the Germans wouldn’t attack), among many factors.Â

    However, in this game- if one were to play a 1941 scenario with the units provided- the Germans would have no answer for the Russian tanks (which of course mirrors reality).  The KV-1 stat card incorrecty lists that unit as 1942, so if one were to play with historical accuracy, the Germans would have at best the Panzer Mark III (no early Mark IV models are provided, even though they weren’t too effective against Soviet armor either:  The Soviets would have the T-34 and the KV-1.

    The Soviets should win every 1941 skirmish under these scenarios, because you just can’t factor in to a nice fast-playing board game the circumstances that led to the disaster that was 1941 for the Soviets.

    That being said, I love the game… play it as much as often… use hardly any house rules… and think your Japanese army is fine, depending on what your opponent is using.  Use the Banzai Charge!  If you make it through defensive fire, it basically guarantees you will kill the enemy unit.

    -The General

  • The general is right.  Japs have weaker units than the other major contries in the game.  The army you choose look preaty good.  But you shouldn’t always use the same army if you play with the same persons because they will adapt very fast.  If your opponent get a IS-2 you’ll have to be lucky to take it out.  But the good news is that this unit is so expensive that you rarely see one in 100 pts games.

    I trick from my brother si to use a mortar with your SNLF captain.  Infantry will need 6 on their cover roll to survive and you can shoot them safely from 8 hexs !! This is very good to get rid of the enemy infantry even when the have some cover.

    Use your paratrooper to get rid of dug up MGs.  Most of the time they will get killed in the process but if you get rid of the MGs, you infantry (most part of your army) will breath easier.

    As I said earlier you must not always choose the same units or your opponent will choose according to this selection.  I would recommend using one or more 47mm Type 1 anti-tank gun.  They are cheaper than tanks and are less vulnerable to tank attack.

    Good luck.

  • I’m not sure about the 47mm Type 1 anti-tank gun., I’ve used some and they never get to do anything on the enemy tanks, except the T-70, but it’s true it helps against transport vehicle and armored cars.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Thanks for the responce. Now im really pondering if I should wait for the Zero’s instead of making this army right away.

  • I suggest you go with the Japanese Type VIII No-Chi-Kawasaki Tank… it’s 95 points.  Versus Armor 26/24/22.  Defense 12/11.  Speed 11.

    Oh, wait… no such tank exists.  Sorry.

  • 2007 AAR League

    I see the sarcasm, but I bet the zeroes will be pretty good.

  • I think the Americans should get the Enola Gay bomber unit… with the ol’ A-Bomb.  It should have the “Incinerate” special ability.
    That would handle them Japanese dug in defenders… and everything else on the map.

    Enola Gay.  100 points.  Versus Everything.  100,000/100,000/100,000

  • @General:

    Enola Gay.  100 points.  Versus Everything.  100,000/100,000/100,000

    Heh, go ahead and use the Enola Gay, but I’m not helping you count your hits after you toss 100,000 dice!  :-D

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    Don’t forget about the Ho-Ni. That is a great little tank for 12 points.

  • The Guadalcanal scenarios have some Japanese armies made up of all Arisaka’s and Machine Guns.  They are in a defensive position and very tough.

  • 2007 AAR League


    As I look through these first two sets i see that the Japs are better off with just soldiers, but i can be wrong. The jap tanks never did make an allied tank sweat (exept for the chinese). Should i wait for the air units, which were the real japanese “DEAL?”, or should i give it a try as it is. I want to make an offensive Japanese army…

    I said offensive. Almost all armies defend better than they attack, but the challenge is on the offence.

  • I could have sworn you called me at midnight last night and shouted into my ear, “I SAID DEFENSIVE!!!”

  • 2007 AAR League


    Don’t forget about the Ho-Ni. That is a great little tank for 12 points.

    I think the Ho-Ni is a better bet than the Chi-Ha and they are worth the same.

  • 2007 AAR League

    My Japanese army is made!!!  :lol: thanks for the help I got. I will post the pictures soon…

  • 2007 AAR League

    Here it is

  • ezto,
    how effective is your Japanese army
    can you post your army, unless the list in the first
    page is your army  :-D
    but either way can you tell me if it is effective
    and if so against what type of builds

  • 2007 AAR League

    Ill be truthful. My army has no problem dealing with infantry and light tanks 5/5 or below. It is kind of slow moving. It cannot effectively deal with Tanks like the Easy 8 or Churchill though. The Ho-Ni is the best shot, but its a one time shot. The fact that i have 3 of them gives me 3 tries to destroy. I failed to create an offensive army, but I doubt that the Japs can do that at all. If this army was to hold an objective it would come out victorious unless facing a heavy tank. If this army was to capture an objective it would also come out victorious, but not as certain. The fact that the japs have to stop and destroy everything annoys me. They have no way of ignoring troops like other nations do. Best asset Anti-Soldier. Worst asset Anti-Tank.

  • 2007 AAR League

    This game is great, but i cant find anyone to play with. They should make something like AA minies online, just the way they run MTG online.

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