For example:
1 x Commisar
2 x Mosin-Nagant 1891/30
1 x Cossak Captain
2 x Fanatical Sniper
2 x PPsh-41 Submachine Gun
2 x Cossack Cavalryman
2 x Soviet Grenadiers
1 x Su-85
2 x Hero of the Soviet Union
okay what do you think of this japanese army. this is if you were going to face america.(anti shreman) this is just an idea for one.
Imperial Sergeant
Arisaka Rifle X3
SNLF Fanatics X2
Type 1 Ho-Ni
Type 95 Ha-Go X3
SNLF Captain
Type 92 Machine-Gun Team x2
Type 89 Mortar
total: 14 units 9+3x3+2x7+12+3x9+6+2x7+9=100
okay this is one for if your agianst china only 1939 units are used. i would like to hear any suggestions on how to make it better.
the ha gos are to try to overrun the chinease tanks and then they can help (if they surrive) with the infantry. the rifleman supported with the 2 sergs should slaughter the chinese infantry-they can’t do too much oabout the advance. the mortar is to help where ever it is need switching from AI to AT and back.
Imperial SergeantX2
Arisaka Rifle X5
Type 95 Ha-Go X4
SNLF Captain
Type 89 MortarX2
Type 92 Machine-Gun Team
total 15 units, 9x2+3x5+9x4+6+9x2+7=100 pts
Get a HO-NI in there.
Get a HO-NI in there.
why are they better than the Ha-GO. the Ha-Go look like they wouold be better. faster cheaper and better AI(not that important htough). the ha-go could swarm the enemy whil the ho ni has to postion it self to attack beacuse it has no turrent. never played so this is just speculation.
It hits weak tanks from a distance and destroys them. They are basically strong japanese artillery. You could overwelm enemy tanks with the HA-GO, but will never destroy an easy 8 or something better.