I am thinking among the same lines myself.
Yes, you must fight for air superiority before the ground battle. I think fighters should cost 6 or 8, and att 1 and def 2, both in air combat and later in ground strafing. This will be historically correct. Then the Stuka can hit ground units on a 3, or on a 4 if combined with a tank. And the bomber should carpet bombard huge infantry stacks, maybe like the classic AA gun, roll one dice for each inf, every 1 a hit. I also believe that an airbase should be able to scramble 3 fighters to an adjacent territory under attack, and not just seazones.
You should imagine that the actual OOB fighter A3D4C10M4 was played in the older version more like the Stuka. Because of his high defense value at 4 against all ground units.
The newly introduced Tactical Bomber A3-4D3C11M4 need more fine tuning.
If you want a changing paradigm to develop something new for Dogfight, just put on the Tactical Bomber sculpt the combat value of the classic fighter. Then lower the price and combat value of fighter: to get it cheaper but still effective due to cost reduction.
1914G40 Adapted Tactical Bomber: A3D4M4C10 You can keep the +1A offensive bonus with Fg or Tank.
Left to find some combat values for 1914G40 adapted fighter A?D?M4C?.
Able to do a good dogfighting.
About Strategical Bomber:
If like AAA, @1 it should be limited to 3 or 4 Infantries to keep a kind of parity with the OOB A4.
StB A1(x3-4)D1M6C12, but on every attack each bomber can target up to 3-4 grounds units, if there is less than 3-4 ground units, then it is limited to up to 1 roll/ground unit.
This limitation is for 1 StB, another StB will get another up to 4 ground targets.
And this imply that 1 Inf on a territory, attacked by 2 StBs will receive only 2 @1 attacking rolls.
It can simulates the difficulty of targeting scarcely dispersed troops on a given territory.
Probably limited to 3 Infantries is more balance because 1 StB can sometimes hit more than 1 unit.
And have some similitude with the classic heavy bomber which gave 3 rolls.