BTW, if I see the Jap fleet leave the Pacific, I’m liable to send a few ships in there to collect islands. Either you’ll waste valuable resources stopping me, turn your fleet back to stop me, or loose the islands. In any event, the US usually has the cash on hand to blow.
I usually will not pull my Japan fleet out of the Pacific until J3 or so in most cases. By this time, the US has made a comitment already to either send their fleet to the UK, or to come out after Japan.
In the early rounds (J1 and J2) those BB’s help out with amphibs taking Russian territories (or taking back Manchuria and/or Kwangtung). Once the coast is secure, I split the fleet, send part of it south to take Australia and NZ, then either moving to South America, Central America, or the Central Pacific. The other half heads for the Indian Ocean to raid in the Middle East and Africa.
If, after the US moves out of the Pacific, they build new naval forces, the Australia fleet moves back to Japan, as do the capital ships from the Indian Ocean. US builds the fleet on a given round, Japan sees it and on next round starts moving their fleet back. Next round US moves toward Japan, and then Japan finishes moving back (or stikes the US ships enroute, supported by land based bomber(s) and possibly even land based fighters.
If the US does not initially go into the Pacific heavy, they surrender it to Japan until such time as Germany falls and all 3 allies turn on Japan. This of course assumes the Allies do take out Germany before the Axis gets Russia. If Russia falls before Germany, then the Pacific is OWNED by Japan, and the US will be in a war of attrition that they cannot win.