Personal arguements will end, right now

  • This is very simple. We had a good discussion going on about President Bush. I actually rather enjoyed discussing history with Jennifer and the mechanics of how President Bush will be recorded.

    However, at the same time a personal arguement was going on. Despite the arguement, one party decided to continue it. The thread is now over and the discussion will no longer take place.

    F_alk you are on probabation right now. This also goes for anybody who incites and continues a personal arguement within a thread on these message boards. Another such incident which requires the locking of a thread or other action taken by the moderators will result in a suspension for the length of time deemed neccessary by the moderating staff. Consider yourself warned.

    Any such arguements in the future that degregate into these kinds of personal attacks will immediately be locked without warning by the moderators. I repeat, this is your only warning. Those who caused the thread to be locked will recieve the same warning that F_alk did, or (depending upon the severity of the attack) will immediately be assessed a ban or suspension.

    All political discussion will be banned if this continues.

  • If people are being suspended, I would think references to electing Hitler would be at the top of the list, but that’s just me, I guess.

  • All powerful leader, I am all for this, people here are so immature, its hard to make any logical debates! personal arguments need to stop!!!

  • I unclog my nose at you I fart in your general direction…

    ARGH NO! Don’t ban me… GAHHH!!! oh the humanity.

    Just thought some monty python might lighten the mood up a little

  • It never fails to. :)

  • oh come on man, everyone loves monty python! Best import we have gotten from Britian in recent years. Unless you count the spice girls and benny hill! (sarcasm) :)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I love how the fingers get pointed when Yanny just puts out an honest statement that he’s not tolerating certain activities anymore.

    Kinda wish Yanny had been a bit more active the past few months, maybe some unpleasentries could have been avoided instead of whoever was running the show in his absense.

  • @Jennifer:

    I love how the fingers get pointed when Yanny just puts out an honest statement that he’s not tolerating certain activities anymore.

    Kinda wish Yanny had been a bit more active the past few months, maybe some unpleasentries could have been avoided instead of whoever was running the show in his absense.

    Thanks :roll:

  • Yanny,
    OH, YEAH!

    Hitler was elected somwhar? Tell me!
    I wanna move to whar the trains run on time.

    You sarc Benny Hill! I send two…NO! three beauteous, buxsom maidens to chase you & beat you with feathers and balloons!

    cystic crypt,
    That’s why you intern cys. You saved the heart but the kidneys overloaded on toxins.

    “What is the average flying speed of a swallow?”

  • I am interested in for how long i am on probation.

  • For as long as we deem neccessary.

  • Yanny,
    How come you’uns don’t bane F_alk fer them filthy French words in his sig?

  • 'cause dem French wurds are Latin. And I speak Latin, so I know what they mean :)

  • does anybody speak latin? its a dead language, so dont people really just understand it?

  • Two weeks of Latin in college, I’m starting to speak it : ) Much different than High School.

  • really? who do you speak it with? is there a latin speaking community near you? or anywhere for that matter?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Latin’s a very important language to study. Many of today’s languages hail from latin heritage so you can actually use latin to understand your own language more fully.

    I think that’s why it’s a popular foreign language in colleges. I kind of wish, in a way, it was required in Jr. High School and High School instead of letting the children choose a foreign language on their own. At the very least we could require it in addition too a foreign language.

    Then again, I see no problem with the 9 hour school day, much as many on this board may see problem with it, there are some good I can see from it:

    1. A refocusing on hard sciences and mathematics can be established

    2. There would be time to teach Christianity, Muslim, Buddist and other religions’ base premises.

    3. There would be more time for skill training. (Auto shop, wood shop, metal shop, cooking, tailoring, etc.)

    4. There would be structured time for children when their parents are at work instead of allowing them to become hoodlums in the neighborhoods because they are unsupervised.

    I’m sure I can think of more reasons later, but that’s what I could think of right off the top of my head.

  • @Yanny:

    Two weeks of Latin in college, I’m starting to speak it : ) Much different than High School.

    I could kind of understand why certain faculties might require a smattering of Latin.

    In medicine, of coure, many roots, prefixes and suffixes are latin, as well most of the anatomy, many diagnoses (non-eponyms, of course) etc. are also in Latin. naturally Greek has a significant contribution both to English, as well as Latin, in medicine.

    Also law (i’m guessing in America as well as) in Canada requires some knowledge of Latin although i understand this is changing as well.
    Finally, for those looking to improve their vocabulary as well as facility with French, Spanish, Italian (natch), Portuguese, and Romanian - this would be well facilitated by an understanding of much of the framework/architecture of Latin (at least my French had helped me with the structure of Spanish and Portuguese).

  • really? who do you speak it with? is there a latin speaking community near you? or anywhere for that matter?

    Because I enjoy it.

    Tacete! Stay on subject.

  • Because I enjoy it.

    Tacete! Stay on subject.

    imbecile! im not questioning the value of studying it, dont put words in my mouth. im challenging what you said about “speaking” it. its a dead language. nobody speaks it anymore. it is nobody’s first language, it is not changing or evolving. it is closed. people learn it to understand it and read it. they dont speak it.

    and jen gets the going off topic award…

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