I play nothing but 2nd Edition on the Triple A Lobby.
Which event would most likely top off an annoying game?
You know the type. When you’ve played for 256 hours straight, you’re each spending 15 minutes considering only your builds, you’re so close the winners are even starting to complain, the snacks are actually finished, the dog is complaining because he hasn’t been fed or given water in a week, and your youngest daughter is complaining because her school concert starts in half an hour. Imagine how many lives could have been saved if they only thought to end WW2 one of these ways… wow…
Geez, I guess nobody ever gets into any of these situations
Oh, I’m not a parent GG… actually I’m 21 and going to college
In which case you would be a seriously irresponsible parent :wink:
I don’t think you understand. You CANNOT stop a child from screwing up your day if they get it in their mind they are going too. Trust me, I have an 18-month old, he’ll get into anything, I don’t care if you staple gunned it to the clouds over head, he’ll figure out a way to get into it!
I’m referring to thet starving Dog and the Daughter that needs parental encouragement :wink:
Geez, I guess nobody ever gets into any of these situations
Oh, I’m not a parent GG… actually I’m 21 and going to college
neither am I(15)… Must have to be a really good game to get that bad :lol:
Wow… somebody else voted that I’m not an idiot.
Thank you, Jenn :D
Well, the dog is just a last resort source of sustenance anyway, and the daughter I suppose has a point….she should have been included in the game so she wouldn’t want to go to the event either!
If the daughter had any sense, she’d set the house on fire; that has a better chance of getting you people away from the board than anything else. Unless, of course, you decide that the battle for Okinawa is more important than surviving, which I suppose I can sympathize with…
Just in case you were wondering I voted for the kitten… it proves that even a pussy can win a fight :)
Kitty’s are cute.
As for the battle of Okinawa…can’t really say anything for that…however there was a battle for the Phillipines that went on for two days back in High School…why we were so determined to own that plot of land, I’ll never know…all I know is we both dumped way too many resources into it to make it worth while.
you forgot an option
“losing” -
Losing isnt an option.
I suppose I have to back you up on that one, CC; far better that a cat destroys the game, and nobody wins, than to lose.
I don’t loose, I get recruited (forcefully) by the other side.
Actually, to tell the truth, I prefer to loose a game - provided the winner tells me what I did wrong or what they did more right then I did.
I don’t loose, I get recruited (forcefully) by the other side.
Actually, to tell the truth, I prefer to loose a game - provided the winner tells me what I did wrong or what they did more right then I did.
depends on how much of a sportsman is your opponent :wink:
I’ve found that a little flirting can extinguish most opponent’s desire for ultimate and total destruction. wink
I’ve found that a little flirting can extinguish most opponent’s desire for ultimate and total destruction. wink
And I used to wonder why most women are quite good at Diplomacy… :-? ;)
although then you wonder how Queen Victoria in her haggardish state could… oh nevermind :wink: … and plz don’t write me no ugly letter…