Who will be CA governor in 2004(a 60 day question)?

  • Hahaha… needless to say, things will be very interesting. :)

    (let’s just hope PCing doesn’t tear it apart ;))

  • Hmmm…personally, I have little use for any of those states, but I’ll let the residents decide what they want to do. 8)

  • NOTE: There are 4 weeks left before the recall.


    …personally, I have little use for any of those states…

    I take it you are referring to the states claimed by MEChA(which should actually be MECdA, if the dipstick Mexicans who came up with it knew how to create acrostics.) without referring to them.

  • @El:


    …personally, I have little use for any of those states…

    I take it you are referring to the states claimed by MEChA(which should actually be MECdA, if the dipstick Mexicans who came up with it knew how to create acrostics.) without referring to them.

    Those are the ones. 8)

  • Looks like Davis passed his “license to illegals.” Trying to get the “latino” vote, eh? :-?

  • Viva la raza! :)

  • Viva la Caucasian Club!

    If you’ve heard talk radio lately or some of the networks they’ve mentioned a teeenaged girl in CA trying to start a Caucasian Club(open to all races) to talk about the white race. The school authorities won’t allow it.

    They can have Hispanic Club and Black History Club, but Whitey ain’t allowed a club. Two faced SOBs!!

    The girl is of multi-multi-racial(more than 2) background.

  • @El:

    Viva la Caucasian Club!

    If you’ve heard talk radio lately or some of the networks they’ve mentioned a teeenaged girl in CA trying to start a Caucasian Club(open to all races) to talk about the white race. The school authorities won’t allow it.

    They can have Hispanic Club and Black History Club, but Whitey ain’t allowed a club. Two faced SOBs!!

    The girl is of multi-multi-racial(more than 2) background.

    This (unfortunately) doesn’t surprise me. :( Hopes she keeps fighting it! :P

  • @El:

    Viva la Caucasian Club!

    If you’ve heard talk radio lately or some of the networks they’ve mentioned a teeenaged girl in CA trying to start a Caucasian Club(open to all races) to talk about the white race. The school authorities won’t allow it.

    They can have Hispanic Club and Black History Club, but Whitey ain’t allowed a club. Two faced SOBs!!

    The girl is of multi-multi-racial(more than 2) background.

    Question…what exactly are they going to “talk” about?

  • I think the idea is a little ridiculous. Hispanics and Afro-Americans each have a group of similarities that make them interesting.
    Given the weird activity that the US is making a name for itself for (i.e. racism) i can see school leaders being leary of something so broadly-named as the “Caucasian Club”. Maybe a “Icelanders” or a “Swiss” or some similar style, but a club devoted to whitey? Sounds a little silly. Besides, with the exception of schools in certain ghetto areas - America is predominantly white, it teaches white (and not always accurate judging by these forums) history and culture.

  • @cystic:

    it teaches white (and not always accurate judging by these forums) history and culture.

    When you say white history, you mean history according to whites, correct? Just checking.

  • If you’ve heard talk radio lately or some of the networks they’ve mentioned a teeenaged girl in CA trying to start a Caucasian Club(open to all races) to talk about the white race. The school authorities won’t allow it.

    Yeah, I hope she gets it through too. Most of students seems for it too. In fact, those that are opposed are in favor of abolishing the other “minority” clubs too. I want to start a “whitey” club too, and I’m not even white. :P

  • If I remember correctly, she wanted to talk about white culture and ethnic histories as she felt it was being lost in the shuffle of PC classes and “the Melting Pot” as Irish, French, Scottish, German, Italian, Finnish, Swedish, Norweigian, Austrian, English, Jewish, Welsh, Polish, etc. all mix with little but ‘Oktoberfest and St. Patrick’s Day Parade type’ activities celebrating culture.

  • By the way…

    Thanks to a liberal three judge panel(one Carter appointee and two Clinton appointees) of the Ninth Circus Court(actually stated that way in the hearing mentioned below)The California Gubernatoral Recall was off as of Friday

    However, thanks to an eleven member panel of the same Ninth Circus Court it’s back on again!!
    Note : They didn’t want a black mark on their record. It seems that the Ninth Circuit Court has an eighty-five percent overturn rate[[b]that’s right! 85%] for cases kicked up to the USSupreme Court.

    If Ahnold does poorly in the debate tonight it will give Boostyermoney a lock on the election or encourage more voters to vote against the recall.

  • '19 Moderator

    :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

  • '19 Moderator

    Somehow I deleted the text from the last post :oops:

    GI - I live in one of those states. The position of that group is ludicrous, it really pisses me off when people star talking about how they have a greater right to the land I own and live on. Besides, you would think these idiots would know that Mexicans are just as Europeans many of us whities.

    As for the topic I hope that porn star wins. That is the perfect cap to the whole ridiculous thing. I saw a debate where she said she would put web cams in the Governors mansion and apply the Internet view fees to the tax fund. :o

    Who wants to pay $20 for the chance to see the governor of California naked?!?

  • Well, this ludicrosity is over now.

    GI - I live in one of those states. The position of that group is ludicrous, it really pisses me off when people star talking about how they have a greater right to the land I own and live on. Besides, you would think these idiots would know that Mexicans are just as Europeans many of us whities.

    I hope you weren’t offended by my comments, I simply meant that I am unlikely to live or even to visit said states (probably my loss). Anyway, if anybody comes around, I’m sure you can take care of it. :wink:

    As for the topic I hope that porn star wins. That is the perfect cap to the whole ridiculous thing. I saw a debate where she said she would put web cams in the Governors mansion and apply the Internet view fees to the tax fund.

    A new low? for the exalted position of governor.

  • '19 Moderator


    I hope you weren’t offended by my comments, I simply meant that I am unlikely to live or even to visit said states (probably my loss). Anyway, if anybody comes around, I’m sure you can take care of it. :wink:

    Not at all, I only included your name because you made the comment, that is unless you are a radical Mexican! :x

    By the way, I live in downtown phoenix and the majoraty race in my voting district is hispanic. It’s not like they need to over throw the government or anything. :roll:

  • Radical, maybe, Mexican, never! 8)

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