• This is another topic thats probably been discussed already, but what are everybody’s policies on gun control? I was actually pro-gun control for a long time, thinking that civilians should have access to guns at shooting ranges, where the guns would remain, but they should not be allowed to own a firearm. Recently however (in fact, after visiting the NRA, and hearing their arguments, reading the material, and giving the matter serious thought) my viewpoint took a 180. I am now for allowing civilians to own guns, as per the 2nd amendment. Im not a radical (thinking there should be no restrictive laws, or anything like that), so I am in favor of certain restrictions, but basically, allow civilians to own firearms. What are everyone else’s thoughts? Im asking those not in the US as well (CC, Falk, etc.). I want to know what the laws regarding guns are like in your countries, and what your thoughts are.

  • You’re right, it already has been discussed. :wink:

    But I consider myself a con-gun control.

  • My position on this subject I guess has something to do with my background. Where I’m from (WI) everyone (roughly) has at least one firearm, and most have several. The reason? Hunting. If you took away everyone’s guns, you’d probably get a full-scale revolution. In the cities, where there’s no animals to shoot, you get people going crazy and shooting other people. So perhaps gun control needs to be decided on a state basis instead of a national one.

  • What gun do you have? :)

  • Well, currently, I have an M16, but that’s not really mine. :lol: Anyway, I (more specifically my family) have various shotguns, rifles, and a couple of pistols. If you’d like to know the specifics I can find out, I know my brother has acquired a couple more since I’ve been gone.

  • Well, currently, I have an M16, but that’s not really mine.

    Sucks. You should be able to keep your weapon after you get discharged from service. :) I would want to keep mine.

  • Yeah, that would be cool, there’s a lot of other stuff that I would like to have as well.

  • Over here gun control is very strict. You have to have a clean record, a reason for owning a gun, and a license of their use for certain cases, and very strict rules about which reason allows for which kind of weapon, and even then the choice of weapons is very limited. They have to meet very special conditions (no fully- or semi-automatic weapons, no more than three bullets in the clip for hunters.)

    My stance on weapons i pretty much fulfilled with the local conditions. If you do shooting in a club, you can learn and of course make your license, mainyl for the small sporting calibres. Hunters have that too, for different weapons. If you can prove you are in danger, you have reason to carry a hand weapon for self defense, so you can buy one after getting the reason officially approved. That one would be registered of course.

    Then there also is a black market, but that is only for those hand guns that are still hidedable and the criminals way of getting these “self protecting” guns that they can’t get because of their record. Fully automatic weapons are rarely found (by the police) and i can not remember them ever being used in public, nothing in the news ever.

  • haha my veiws on this are in my Sig ;)

  • '19 Moderator


    Over here gun control is very strict. You have to have a clean record, a reason for owning a gun, and a license of their use for certain cases, and very strict rules about which reason allows for which kind of weapon, and even then the choice of weapons is very limited. They have to meet very special conditions (no fully- or semi-automatic weapons, no more than three bullets in the clip for hunters.)

    What would happen if you listed on your application that your reason for needing a fire arm was for protection against the possible rise of a tyranical ruler who would impose laws limiting the the freedoms of your family and friends?

    Just curious.

  • '19 Moderator

    In case it wasn’t clear in that last post I am opposed to gun control laws. The only kind of gun control I aprove of is the kind where I control my guns. :) all 18 of them.

  • what guns do you own dertzfish?

  • '19 Moderator

    I have:
    1. Remington model 700 7mm Mag.
    2. Remington Super Express Magnum 12 Guage
    3. Stevens single 20 Guage
    4. Stevens .22/.410 over and under
    5. Stevens 30/30 Bolt action
    6. Stevens Double 20 Guage
    6. M1 Garand .306
    7. K98 8mm(1941 Issue)
    8. Winchester Model 70 .243 (Pre 64)
    9. Winchester 30/30 Lever action
    10. Winchester 30/30 Lever action (yes I own two of them)
    11. Hawkins .50 precussion muzzle loader
    12. Hawkins 12 Guage Muzzle loader
    13. MAC 90 7.62/39
    14. “Chipmunk” .22 Bolt action
    15. Colt Compact .45
    16. a 380 auto
    17. Ruger P85
    18. Walther P38

    I started to tell about each gun but it would take me to long, so if your interested in hearing about one let me know and I will tell you. they all mean something to me, and most have an interesting story.

  • Wow… you just made me envious. :wink:

    Good to see you again, Dzrt. :D

  • '19 Moderator

    When I was in college my roomate had about three times the number of guns I do. We modified a closit into a safe, man was that an awsome site.

    By the way, when are you going to get to Phoenix so I can get a game together for you? Its only an 8 hour drive :D

  • @dezrtfish:


    Over here gun control is very strict. You have to have a clean record, a reason for owning a gun, and a license of their use for certain cases, and very strict rules about which reason allows for which kind of weapon, and even then the choice of weapons is very limited. They have to meet very special conditions (no fully- or semi-automatic weapons, no more than three bullets in the clip for hunters.)

    What would happen if you listed on your application that your reason for needing a fire arm was for protection against the possible rise of a tyranical ruler who would impose laws limiting the the freedoms of your family and friends?

    Just curious.

    good heavens is that ever stupid.
    you’re preparing to take on the American army? Or the Mexican one? How about an Iraqi army?
    Canada is a little similar to Germany. We have on a per capita basis far fewer killings (murders and otherwise) than the U.S.
    I am all for the most control of guns possible. I do not believe that anyone should be allowed to possess a gun within city limits. I don’t have a problem with people carrying guns to hunt/for pests etc. At the same time, i can’t see why people living in a “civilized country” with appropriate police, government and military institutions need to carry firearms.

  • Becuase a 5 minutes response time isn’t always your best defense against someone trying to harm your family. :(

  • @Deviant:Scripter:

    Becuase a 5 minutes response time isn’t always your best defense against someone trying to harm your family. :(

    that always happens - the old “i need a gun to defend my family” line. I need to find those stats that i’ve read saying that you’re far more likely to be killed with the gun you have than to actually use it to defend anything.

  • see CC, thats just the statistic I used to use to support my position in favor of gun control. however, Ive been reinformed that the statistics presented from those studies were skewed, failing to take into account all the necessary conditions, and not providing scientific results. the actual results, are much different, and combined with some other things, this convinced me to change my position.

  • I need to find those stats that i’ve read saying that you’re far more likely to be killed with the gun you have than to actually use it to defend anything.

    That is a false statement. It’s just something invented by the liberals that included children as “protecting the family.” Right… I love to see a 5 year old protecting his family… :-?

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