Very helpful, thank you guys!
I think I’m going to order the John Keegan and Erwin Rommel books.
Thanks again!
Good Joke!!!
The sad part about it is that it’s true. :x
You might be from California if the fastest part of your commute is backing out of your driveway.
You might be from California if you know how to eat an artichoke.
You don’t know how to eat an artichoke? :o
Jan__, Who loves ya, baby? Those are great!!
You might be a Californian if you can eat sushi without hurling.
You might be a Californian if you applaud every time you read the word “Applaud” or “Applause.”
You might be a Californian if you think the sun setting in the Pacific is the reason the water and climate are warm.
You might be a Californian if you think water only comes in bottles.
You might be a Californian if every time you see the “DON’T WALK” HAND you talk to it.
You might be a Californian if, while you are out of state, police officers repeatedly ask you why you are blowing your car horn while sitting in the parking lot.
Jan__, Who loves ya, baby? Those are great!!
You might be a Californian if you can eat sushi without hurling.
You might be a Californian if you applaud every time you read the word “Applaud” or “Applause.”
You might be a Californian if you think the sun setting in the Pacific is the reason the water and climate are warm.
You might be a Californian if you think water only comes in bottles.
You might be a Californian if every time you see the “DON’T WALK” HAND you talk to it.
You might be a Californian if, while you are out of state, police officers repeatedly ask you why you are blowing your car horn while sitting in the parking lot.
Not nearly as original nor true nor funny. :-? Don’t quit your dayjob.
You might be from California if…
The high school quarterback calls a time-out to answer his cell phone.
You drive your rented Mercedes to your neighborhood block party.
When someone asks you how far something is, you tell them how long it will take to get there rather than how many miles away it is.
You might be from California if…
When someone asks you how far something is, you tell them how long it will take to get there rather than how many miles away it is.
Hold up. I know people that’ve done this that I’m certain are not from CA.
Hey! It may not be Jan__ quality stuff, but who’s gonna encourage the great ones? I’m givin’ 'em a push.
And put the great ones up against mine and they shine even more.
You might be a Californian if you rush home to catch the Tonight Show after you hear the news.
Grigory, its a joke, dont analyze it. I know people who know how to eat an artichoke who arent from CA. (No, I am not one of them, I dont eat artichokes)
The high school quarterback calls a time-out to answer his cell phone.
You drive your rented Mercedes to your neighborhood block party.
When someone asks you how far something is, you tell them how long it will take to get there rather than how many miles away it is.
Again, sad but true. :)
You might be a Californian if you rush home to catch the Tonight Show after you hear the news
I don’t quite understand this one…
The high school quarterback calls a time-out to answer his cell phone.
You drive your rented Mercedes to your neighborhood block party.
When someone asks you how far something is, you tell them how long it will take to get there rather than how many miles away it is.
Again, sad but true. :)
You might be a Californian if you rush home to catch the Tonight Show after you hear the news
I don’t quite understand this one…
because The Tonight Show is just big-chin-guy making fun of the headlines.
The joke is worded oddly tho’ . . . :) -
Teej & cc,
You might be a Californian if you don’t understand the joke.Man are you dense! The Tonight Show tapes at what 5 or 6 pm California time. That’s 8 or 9 pm from Ohio to the east coast.
Schwarzenegger makes his gubernatoral announcement on the Tonight Show. Then he steps outside and makes an announcement for the news media. The Tonight Show ratings went up across the nation, but they skyrocketed in California. Californians heard the news and flocked to their tvs. Get it?!?!
Geezulpeet! I bet you guys don’t understand as much of today’s humor as I do and I’m almost 50!
Teej & cc,
You might be a Californian if you don’t understand the joke.Man are you dense! The Tonight Show tapes at what 5 or 6 pm California time. That’s 8 or 9 pm from Ohio to the east coast.
Schwarzenegger makes his gubernatoral announcement on the Tonight Show. Then he steps outside and makes an announcement for the news media. The Tonight Show ratings went up across the nation, but they skyrocketed in California. Californians heard the news and flocked to their tvs. Get it?!?!
Geezulpeet! I bet you guys don’t understand as much of today’s humor as I do and I’m almost 50!
ahhhh . . . it’s a STOOOpid joke.
gotcha’. -
Man are you dense! The Tonight Show tapes at what 5 or 6 pm California time. That’s 8 or 9 pm from Ohio to the east coast.
Umm… correct me if I’m wrong on this, but doesn’t the Tonight Show tape in the morning to afternoon… I never heard of it being taped so late at 5 or 6 pm before…
Schwarzenegger makes his gubernatoral announcement on the Tonight Show. Then he steps outside and makes an announcement for the news media. The Tonight Show ratings went up across the nation, but they skyrocketed in California. Californians heard the news and flocked to their tvs. Get it?!?!
That there’s a time difference here compared to Ohio?
lmao geez it’s a joke :wink: at least laugh to be polite! tsk tsk.
ha… ha… ha!! it was hilarious el jefe, you are the king my friend :lol:
Hey, I laugh at polish jokes…
and I’m Polish!:D
…Excuse me,
I’m American
of Polish descent.Not Polish-American.
:wink: -
I’ll laught at them when, they’re both funny and true to life. :wink:
From a Jeff Foxworthy act:
“Some men like to keep the lawn nice and short… not me. Lets say you are a robber and are looking at two houses side by side. On the right we have a house that is all perfect. Grass is like a putting green, roses in the flower bed, you say to yourself that this is an easy mark. Now the house on the left the grass if about chest high. A dog is chained to the cloths line and you see a motor haining from a tree branch. Ya know what runs through a robbers mind when he sees that? That is a house where a gun lives! And if you want to know what kind of gun you crawl through a window at 3 in the morning and you will find out.”
Hahaha… so true. :lol: