I knew that various WWII special forces carried daggers or stilettos, such as the famous Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knife, but the type of stiletto with which the above-shown, er, soldiers are equiped aren’t a particular weapon category with which I was previously familiar. The closest equivalent I can think of is Betty Grable’s legs, photographs of which boosted the morale of American GIs in WWII to such an extent that they probably had a significant impact on the course of the war. I think that at one point 20th Century Fox went so far as to insure her legs for 1 million IPCs…um, I mean dollars.
Inside Jokes
Anyone have any inside jokes? Here are a few of mine:
“F**kin’ Suffolk, man!”
“Hey why are you always so dismissive?”
   “Whatever!”Ask and I’ll explain. :-D
Anyone have any inside jokes? Here are a few of mine:
“F**kin’ Suffolk, man!”
“Hey why are always so dismissive?”
“Whatever!”Ask and I’ll explain. :-D
Okay explain! :?
Well, at a party at my place, a buddy of mine had to drive a girl home, and she lived in Suffolk, which from Norfolk is a rather inconvenient drive. Anyway, that became our rallying cry for that day, as well as a way of saying “Man, does that suck!” about anything.
The second one is just something that came up with a guy that I work with. He was being dismissive, I asked him that, and to be a d*ck, he said “Whatever!”
Well, at a party at my place, a buddy of mine had to drive a girl home, and she lived in Suffolk, which from Norfolk is a rather inconvenient drive. Anyway, that became our rallying cry for that day, as well as a way of saying “Man, does that suck!” about anything.
The second one is just something that came up with a guy that I work with. He was being dismissive, I asked him that, and to be a d*ck, he said “Whatever!”
This reminds me of a band practice the day of our music competition (we scored the highest marks - as usual). At one point our band teacher said “you guys are pretty arrogant to think you can pull this off the way you are playing” - i said “no problem!”
I was right.
I still got detention . . . . -
Here’s more:
“You’re pooper than Will.”
“It’s time to go work on my project.” -
Umm…let’s see. Lately my friends and I have been claiming that Mike’s Hard Lemonade is what perverts and pedophiles buy to get their victims drunk. I can’t drink the stuff…but a friend of mine was having a party, and I asked him if he was getting a keg. He said yes, so I asked if it was going to be Mike’s Hard Lemonade.