• Generally I have not seen russia push to hard.  I, as a german player, would hope they do as the southern Russian territories are valuable.  As far as my tt I start with in the Baltic, I use that as a backup for reinforcement and eventually use it for my novograd invasion.  I usually leave them in 113 and my turn 1 purchase is a Str. Bomber, Destroyer, fighter.  Turn 2 I usually buy a AC and a DD in Med.  I usually fly a fighter and or a tactical down to Rome on turn 1 to help with toratno defense, and they can load up on german carrier to help supplement the Italian defenses. I also buy a IC for finland and Romania on turn 2.  Bomber and a mech or two depending on my income from turn 1.(usually 63-67)  On turn 2 I will either strat bomb london or finish off any boats that survived with my luftwaffe.  The key to this defensive posture is to maximize the geographical advantage of the Baltic straights and the gibraltar straight.  Controlling those waterways to allow counter attacks to allied shipping is integral to survival.  This allows Italy to head toward middle east more freely.  Depending on what the Russian and UK players are doing by turn 3 determines my purchase and response.  At this point I usually am throwing a sub or 2 and a DD in both my Baltic and Med navies and start loading up on Inf/art/mech in eastern europe complexes.  When I move on Russia I take E Poland in force and then slowly push Novograd.  If the Russians reinforce Leningrad then the germans can usually withdraw toward finland and be safe from any further advance, while invading in Ukraine.

  • Buying all that turn two as Germany utterly kills any chance at beating Russia before turn 8 or 9 so long as Russia does not throw away units.  Uk can just turtle Egypt and Middle East with ICs in Persia and Egypt.  My past experience seeing axis go for a heavy med play with slow Barbarossa usually results in at most axis holding everything from gib to occasionally Alexandria.  Egypt and Persia just sit quietly and start stacking hard while uk builds a massive navy/Air Force in the Red Sea and Egypt.  When America gets in the war, he will be dumping a lot in the Atlantic to where Germany will have a hard time keeping up in the naval race while still trying to keep Russia down.

  • Do you strategically bomb London? I generally try to bring 3 bombers and 2-3 escorts to London a turn for rd 2-4. This prevents them from being able to reinforce Africa and Middle East effectively. If they do still insist on building their and neglecting their island, you can then bomb their airbase and go seal lion within one purchase if transports in rd 4-5. Also reason I send escorts because any British air loss is much greater than German loss. All if this is fluid in terms of dice results but generally it boils down to 1fght 1 bomber loss from Germany against 1 fight loss and 12-16 damage in London IC.

  • And as far as what I’ve read on here I believe there is a Grasshopper guy who takes a similiar approach. He seems well versed in this game so I reccomend his forums as well. He is like a German Equivalent to Cow as Japan.

  • I only strat bomb london when I am committing to sealion.  UK can build new factories in egypt/persia and starts with one in south africa, so he does not need london for anything.  Germany can’t suddenly buy enough transports to sealion to where UK can’t effectively respond post G2 unless UK completely empties london and can’t get units back home in time.  UK won’t bother intercepting since germany is likely to do better in the air battle but the facilities can potentially knock out a plane or 2.

  • Rememer that as Germany you want to take Novgorod as fast as you can after dow on Russia as it gives you the economic edge especially if the Russian player scoops up middle east territories, you should be in a position that you never have to withdraw and lose ground.

  • Yes I know that you want to take it ASAP, however if a Russian player over loads his northern defenses, it benefits the Germans because they will dominate the Ukraine region and be able to flank onto Moscow. My point to the post was to a question regarding a minor IC in Finland and if in turn Russia will move on Finland to capture it. Even if they do get froggy up north the Germans can create a static line in Russian territory, preventing Russia from obtaining any NO, while using eastern Poland as a launching pad to take out the south.

  • The funny thing is, if germnay is spending that much on naval/ICs, Russia might be able to afford to go north to finland in strength AND hold the southern route.

  • The other thing is- if the Russians try to hold Leningrad then the Germans can usually destroy whatever force the Russians can muster due to airpower and german armor.  This hurts the Russians (and allies) a lot more than if they make tactical retreats to Moscow.

  • @BJCard:

    The other thing is- if the Russians try to hold Leningrad then the Germans can usually destroy whatever force the Russians can muster due to airpower and german armor.  This hurts the Russians (and allies) a lot more than if they make tactical retreats to Moscow.

    Rarely does a smart russia focus on holding leningrad directly like that.

  • @ghr2:


    The other thing is- if the Russians try to hold Leningrad then the Germans can usually destroy whatever force the Russians can muster due to airpower and german armor.  This hurts the Russians (and allies) a lot more than if they make tactical retreats to Moscow.

    Rarely does a smart russia focus on holding leningrad directly like that.

    Agreed, just pointing out that if they did, it would hurt the Allies-  was responding to a prior post.

  • @BJCard:



    The other thing is- if the Russians try to hold Leningrad then the Germans can usually destroy whatever force the Russians can muster due to airpower and german armor.  This hurts the Russians (and allies) a lot more than if they make tactical retreats to Moscow.

    Rarely does a smart russia focus on holding leningrad directly like that.

    Agreed, just pointing out that if they did, it would hurt the Allies-  was responding to a prior post.

    I knew you were responding to another post, I decided to help you out by responding to yours.  And then this response.

  • If I draw Germany this weekend and depending on how the other players react I may give it a try
    Good luck and good gaming

  • Thanks SA, good luck. Keep in mind don’t ever be shy with Luftwaffe purchases. I am in turn 9 of a game with this approach and have bought at least one plane per round. Currently field 6 str B, 4 tact, 5 fight total between my two fronts. Always try to shield your planes with sub/dd and continuously contest key water ways. By turn 5-7 the combined us-UK forces will be to powerful to attack most likely. Strafing is always helpful in these situations also, utilizing enough subs to cover counter shots to ensure no loss of aircraft. Let me know how it goes for u!

  • Planes can be devastating I like to bomb England starting on G2 Harbor, Air base, and Factory or turn them loose in the Med to clean out the U.K.
    I miss the Air base that used to be in Gibraltar
    I’ve been banned from Germany the last 2 weekends, because it didn’t matter if I Drew from the cup first or last it seemed like that I would get Germany like 6 out of 10, one time I drew Japan 9 times in 9 weekends, then I drew U.K and didn’t know what the ____ to do at first
    Tanks again

  • Sweet, how many players do you guys have I your weekly games? All in person?

  • Four plus myself on regular occasions and up to five others when I can get them all organized, there are 2 newbs I’m going to recruit one has checked it out and has sat in as Italy twice and will be here Sat…hes hooked he has bought 2 small boards and the 41 The other has moved to the area from out by Buffalo
    What will I do when I move South…create new groups

  • Nice, I live in Phoenix area, have 2 others who play but we are looking for more. I am from upstate NY originally, we used to have great games of old versions back there!

  • @snake11eyes:

    Rememer that as Germany you want to take Novgorod as fast as you can after dow on Russia as it gives you the economic edge especially if the Russian player scoops up middle east territories, you should be in a position that you never have to withdraw and lose ground.

    Germany can to good effect make use of a 3-4 TT purchased on G2 along with the remaining going towards Arm/Mech in Berlin to support an attack on Novgorod.  Particularly if G1 consisted of a CV, DD and SS.

    The Russians will probably not scramble to prevent a CR and SS from being sunk, and it clears the way to land 5 Inf, 5 Art on Novgorod the same round that the Armor and Mech arrive.  If the Russians retreat out of there, you now have a ferry to move more units back and forth than the 3 you can produce in Novgorod.

    All in all, I think the G2 purchase of 4 TT is almost mandatory because there will always be a threat that Germany purchases 5 more TT and challenges for London at a moment’s notice.

  • Then pray that the allies dont feel like sending bombers on those transports.

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