USA strategy - What do you like to do vs. strong exp. Japan play?

  • I like to build heavy in the Atlantic for the first turn and then go heavy Pac for 2-3 turns.  I personally like it when Japan buys heavy navy- gives relief for India/China/Russia.  I tend to like to stay around Hawaii with the bulk of my fleet, threatening Carolines and Mainland Japan.  If the US can take Carolines, then ANZAC can move its fighters to the Airbase there.

    I agree with you in principle- Queensland is good sometimes, but it can be blocked easily.

  • when i’m the Japs and do what you mentioned above, the USA does 1 of two things, build loads of strategic bombers and desimates my fleet with them and lets anzac clean things up.  keeping me off the DEI.  or they go heavy and go into sz6 and bring in the russians behind me and beffore i know it i have 5 enemies and a front on any side i look.  and than its just a matter of a few more rounds i my japs are dead in in the water.  either way, no matter what round i DOW with jpas, everyone i play goes heavy pacific with the USA, beats me back to my home island and than turn 100% into europe.

    japan can not compete for long agisnt Chins, UK, ANZAC, USA and Russia with the US dumping more IPC than they earn on thier own.  because than the IPC that CHINA, ANZAC and UK make is just iceing on the cake.  i dont see how the Japs can win in the G40.  they always get crushed 1st in the game i play, no matter who plays the japs.

  • Our last two games were both heavy PAC buys.  Our player last week did a 3 carrier US1 buy.  By round 8 Japan was sitting in their own waters with a couple destroyers.  Anz & UK had a double force (1 carrier each, 1 UK bs, 2 cruisers each & 2 destroyers each) sitting down in the islands and PI.  US had a rag-tag force, but still had 2 capital ships and some fodder.  This of course could have changed…China was a very hard push for Japan in this game.

    Our US in the PAC usually doesn’t involve transports.  Those are all ATL.  We use the US as a hammer force and have the UK/Anzac follow up with landings.  If the islands are a good fight, Java is the priority for us and we stage from there.

    US1: 3 carriers (48) - 4 left
    US2: 2 destroyer, battleship, 1 fighter (46) - plane goes Central - 10 left
    US3: 2 cruiser, 2 destroyer, subs, whatever you want (if at war).  If its still minor you can build 2 cruiser, sub or destroyer

    I have never played a game with a J1 DOW…  I want to try it the next time we play, but whenever it gets brought up during strategy talk it gets a bunch of hate.  A J2 DOW is rare.  Japan players in my group usually either go on J3 or let US declare on 3.

  • '17 '16 '15

    bong hits and whiskey

    prefer bourbon but enjoy canadien as well

  • TripleA

    People hate J1? I cannot play a live game of global without it! How do you sit there for an hour before anything happen? Your group would make me upset. I would need another activity to do while playing this game. Perhaps a fighting game would suffice or madden.

  • As the US you don’t need a lot of transports and ground troops in the pacific. This automatically gives you an advantage over Japan as they have to balance naval and troop/transport purchases in order to hold all of their territory.

    To beat Japan you simply have to sink or contain their navy. Easier said than done, but focus getting up to at least 3 carriers. Some players like to match battleships with the IJN as well. They main strategy is to have a large disposable stack of submarines as America. At least 10+ in the Pacific with about 5+ destroyers.

    While you don’t have fleet superiority, never park your fleet in range of Japan’s. As a Japanese player as soon as I see the US muscle up a fleet to somewhere like the Carolines or Queensland and I know I can wipe them out I will not hesitate.

    Peel off 5+ subs if Japan splits off their fleet at any time to cover transports for the DEIs. The more fractures for the fleet you cause the more they will feel the pressure to rebuild. You should have a steady stream of destroyers and submarines flowing from Hawaii. A large destroyer/sub purchase moved to Hawaii makes it hard for Japan to build new fleet out of SZ6 without risking a suicide strike. US Submarines are the worst because that means each new fleet purchase needs at least a destroyer.

    ANZAC with 2-3 subs at any time is also a thorn for Japan since they can strike Japanese navy sitting near the DEI. I’ve seen some devastating hits on Japan with a US player suiciding subs/destroyers into a split fleet and ANZAC sending 5+ subs after to clean up and take out any tipped carriers/battleships.

    Capital ships are nice, but once you have 3-4 carriers and 2 battleships, works on getting two solid stacks of destroyers and submarines for cover.

    And lastly, remember that Japan’s hardest task is putting their fleet in an operable position while still defending SZ6 from US convoys. The nice thing about Japan being in SZ35 or SZ36 is that they aren’t close enough to hit Hawaii. That means if you send 10 submarines at whatever Japan buys in SZ6 they can’t exploit that by counterattacking your reduced Hawaii fleet, and reinforcements for you are only 1 turn away if they move up to try to counter-hit you.

  • You only need enough transports to contest the islands.

  • @Cow:

    People hate J1? I cannot play a live game of global without it! How do you sit there for an hour before anything happen? Your group would make me upset. I would need another activity to do while playing this game. Perhaps a fighting game would suffice or madden.

    The old-timer players (not age, but guys who’ve been playing since '98) in our group are very against it and think its a losing strategy every time.  Most of the time is Japan setting up for a large territory take-over in J3 or J4.

    I have no problems with down-time between nations, its a chance to BS with buddies who aren’t going.  When Japan gets drawn, most of the players read/play video or BS until their next turn.

  • @AK_Grown:


    People hate J1? I cannot play a live game of global without it! How do you sit there for an hour before anything happen? Your group would make me upset. I would need another activity to do while playing this game. Perhaps a fighting game would suffice or madden.

    The old-timer players (not age, but guys who’ve been playing since '98) in our group are very against it and think its a losing strategy every time.  Most of the time is Japan setting up for a large territory take-over in J3 or J4.

    I have no problems with down-time between nations, its a chance to BS with buddies who aren’t going.  When Japan gets drawn, most of the players read/play video or BS until their next turn.

    Very true AK_Grown, a large part of the game is the interaction between the players and A&A provides plenty of time for that.

    I personally like a G1/J3 declaration of war…gives Germany the initiative, lets Japan deal with China and get into position. Plus keeps US from getting their crazy bonuses for a few turns.  Also this lets Japan try to bait UK or ANZAC into an unprovoked attack.

    As far as an allied strategy:

    US: Continuous destroyer and sub chain from Western US, Hawaii, and Australia.  This threatens SZ6, protects Hawaii, and gives cover to ANZAC transports.  You can also mix in some battleships and loaded carriers.

    ANZAC: Build subs and transports in order to threaten DEI and lone Japanese transports.  Fighters are also a good purchase.

    UK: Hold out until US destroys Japanese fleet and help China keep Burma Road open.

    Soviets: Never consolidate your infantry in Asia.  If Japan leaves Korea and Manchuria weakened then consider attacking.

  • Carolines is the best place to be with your fleet, go there if possible.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    The most -FOOLPROOF- and -SIMPLE- way for any noob to create an effective(ish) navy for the US, is to ensure your navy is the same OR larger than your opponents.

    Keep in mind the U.S. can easily get an ANZAC plane or two, or ship or two, and that if you move your navy into positions of superior defence, than on an equal piece for piece basis, in general your navy will outlive your enemies.

    Just play the match making game if you have absolutely NO idea of what else to do, or what to buy.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Of course there are exceptions to these rules, (Like if Japan is TERRIBLE at the game)  but in general as the U.S. if you have what they have, you are better off, and have got somewhere to start from.

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