• Just got the 2nd edition, never played alpha 3. Ill be playing the allies tonight, what are the main things i must do (or must prevent)? What are the basic strategies?

  • TripleA

    Hold egypt.

    Hold Russia.

    Don’t lose UK on round 3 to Germany and if you do at least put enough defense to kill 8 of the 9 armor that attacks it.

    Merge UK and China if possible.

    Get ANZAC fighters to Java and then Asia if possible.

    That is basic stuff.

  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    First few rounds are defensive and reactionary for UK & USSR, need to adjust to the Axis openers and the dice rolls to pick targets of opportunity.

    US should build subs and bombers, very useful in either theatre.

  • What are your typical round 1 buys for USA and UK?
    Do you start building a fleet in UK?

  • @HipHopBernie:

    What are your typical round 1 buys for USA and UK?
    Do you start building a fleet in UK?

    Unless the Germans ignored your starting UK fleet, you cannot purchase a fleet around England because it will be easily wiped out by the Germans.  You need to slowly build up a fleet at Canada until it is sufficient in size to deter a German air/naval attack…

  • With the Americans, is it better to face off against the Italians/africa, or do you target Norway?

    What are the best buys for Anzac?

  • @HipHopBernie:

    With the Americans, is it better to face off against the Italians/africa, or do you target Norway?

    What are the best buys for Anzac?

    I like to mass a fleet at Gibraltar and threaten Africa, Italy, Normandy, Western Germany, and Norway.  The Axis cannot be prepared for all possibilities- take what is weak.

    ANZAC I like to buy Subs, DDs, and always have at least one transport.  Harass Japan in the South.  Take a DEI if you can.

  • Aight ill try that out.

  • What are your typical round 1 buys for USA and UK?

    US1: Fleet in PAC, troops in ATL
    UKE1: Inf & Tank (Tank in S. Africa)
    UKP1: Inf & AA

    Do you start building a fleet in UK?

    If I decide to build a fleet with UKE - I’ll do it in Canada or S. Africa.  For the UKP, its all about what Japan is doing.  If they are going heavy China, I might link up fleet w/fleet and let China fall (UK/Anz or US).

    With the Americans, is it better to face off against the Italians/africa, or do you target Norway?

    I prefer a heavy US PAC build to relieve pressure on China/Rus/UK.  I’m still figuring out optimal buys for both sides in the event UK falls quick.  Figuring out what territory to hit all depends on what Germany is leaving open and cannot counter attack.  Denmark is usually a surprise for German players who get too relaxed.  Might not be optimal but it screws their fleet if they left it sitting in the Baltic.

    What are the best buys for Anzac?


    Personal opinions from a guy with about 10 months global play.

  • I would for-go the tank on turn 1 to fully discourage a sea lion on turn 3.  US if you plan it correctly with a combo of bombers covered by subs can decimate Mediterranean navy and economy. Spend rest in US PAC to neuter Japan.  I would reccomend mass sub and destroyers with bomber support with US PAC to maximize attack capabilities early on.  This also paves way for an occupation force of your AC and BB ships for the DEI/Asian coast.  With UK Atlantic I don’t do Toronto usually, as I try to utilize geographical advantages with the Suez and Gibraltar to protect my shipping and then use my air power for maximum home defense.  With the 4 UK fighters(Scotland and Gibraltar included) along with a purchased fighter turn 1 and the French fighter you are in decent shape to oppose a German invasion. By protecting your suez shipping with the canal you can afford to use the air power in North Africa defensively in Egypt while taking Persia turn one or shucking troops with SA to attack Ethiopia.  IMO this gives the axis the toughest sled to go in the ATL. Pacific UK and ANZ are much more subjective to Japanese movements for turn 1 but generally they are their to supplement American power once it’s established and hold on for dear life on mean time. Big fan of destroyers for ANZ to utilize blocks to set up American bomber and sub offensive capabilities. Also don’t be to shy with China, as an assertive China occupying VC on Asian coast can delay game long enough for American offensive to take hold in PAC while undercutting Japanese offensives in other areas. With Russia, barring a G1 I would buy a fight, 1 tank, 1 mech, 2 art, 3 inf.  You have to maintain an offensive capability by turn 3-4 with Russia for counter purposes.  By playing a static front you can create a stalemate with Bryansk in time to bring your Siberian reinforcements.  Always retreat all infantry to counter positions from turn 1 immediate if Germans did not attack. If they do then you need go protect yourself from blitz by consolidating and countering.  Also send your starting mech tank from Stalingrad toward Middle East for extra income.  Will help later one and that NO maximizes the allies earning potential. There are always instances created by innovation or dice rolling that will make some of these ineffective, but this is a good start for you!

  • With the Americans, you tell me to use the sub/bomber combo in the atlantic, and sub/destroyer combo in the pacific.
    But when do you start making carriers/battleships/cruisers? Should i wait for turn 2?

    For UK, if i see that he aint setting up sealion, is it better to buy a couple of planes or to start my fleet?

  • @HipHopBernie:

    With the Americans, you tell me to use the sub/bomber combo in the atlantic, and sub/destroyer combo in the pacific.
    But when do you start making carriers/battleships/cruisers? Should i wait for turn 2?

    For UK, if i see that he aint setting up sealion, is it better to buy a couple of planes or to start my fleet?

    It all depends on what you want to do and what the Axis are doing.  The US is probably the most variable country to play; in that it is difficult to formulate a strategy ahead of time (well, more detailed than, "i’m going to focus on xxx the first turn).

    I never buy Battleships- a DD and Cruiser for $20 is a better buy (you get 5 offensive and defensive pips vice 4, and there’s a chance for two hits).  In fact, rarely do I buy Cruisers- Destroyers are the infantry of the sea.

    Typically I try to match Japan in number of carriers and build escort DD/SS in a bid to challenge her fleet. - makes Japan buy ships instead of land troops for Asia. 
    In the Atlantic a sub or two per round to send into the Mediterranean is great because German air can’t hurt you and the Italians need destroyers to hit you).  3-4 subs in the med taking out Italian convoys quickly takes them out of the game.

  • I guess you have more options with DD/SS/carriers than you do with cruisers and battleships.
    BJ, does this include UK in the Atlantic?

  • I like carriers and destroyers with UK- no subs- they don’t defend against German air so Destroyers are better.

  • So much of the early Allied strategy is reactionary you can’t sum it up in one post.  You’d have to create each scenario and then offer suggestions.

    In example, a G1 DOW on Russia would lead to a different UK build than a G2 or G3 DOW on Russia.
    A G1 build of Naval indicates a Sea Lion, which is an entirely different build for UK.
    A G1 build of all ground units is another entirely different build for the UK.

    A J1 DOW is pretty straight forward build for the UK and US.  A J2 or J3 is very much different.

    Those are just a couple of scenarios.  The basics are this:  React to the impending threats early.  Push your own agenda as the Axis strategy becomes more clear.

    The primary keys for the Allies are:
    Sink Japan’s Navy by any and all means necessary.
    Don’t let London Fall.
    Make it costly for a determined Germany to take either London or Moscow.
    Shut down Italian expansion before they get too big.

    How you do that is up to you. 
    My friend loves the US 10 Sub purchase in the mid game in the pacific.  That usually puts Japan on the defensive.
    He also likes to get a Carrier out in the UK the moment the Germans move on Russia, reinforced by 3 scrambling Ftr and 2 Ftr on the CV.  He leverages this to either help the US get a TT rotation going into Africa and then later on by defending his TT builds to keep putting units every round on Europe.
    He doesn’t believe Japan can win the Pacific as long as he puts SOME US resources there, but he tries not to overspend - his entire goal is to sink Japan’s ships and not spend an IPC more than he has to do it.
    He does everything he can to get India and Anzac into the DEI - as that is the Key to stifling Japan’s growth.  Taking one DEI for Japan is the equivalent to almost half of the Chinese territories Japan doesn’t start with.  It costs less for Japan to get a DEI, so he prefers to keep Japan fighting over the islands instead of reinforcing mainland China.

    Anzac is just… slow to play.  He generally keeps them far out of the battles outside of taking DNG and flying aircraft to reinforce DEI and/or China.

    Russia he plays depending on Germany.  I’ve seen him play the counter attack game where he leaves a token force (2-3 Inf) in a territory backed up by a stack of Inf/Art and then he counters the German advances with aircraft and units.  I’ve seen him buy Armor/Mech if Sea Lion is obvious.  He’s always playing aggressive with Russia or at least passive aggressive.  It generally works.

    London is touch and go, but generally he doesn’t expect me to REALLY do Sea Lion, so he puts up a token force in London.  I took London once while he was playing cat and mouse counter attack in Russia - that created problems for him.  I’ve seen him go with 1 Armor in S.Africa and he cleans up Africa of Italian units.  He almost ALWAYS lands units on Greece on UK1.  I’m not sure why, but he does.

    Long story short, you have to react as the Allies early.  There is no single blueprint - the closest thing you have is the 6 Inf 1 Ftr on UK1 for London if you scrambled, 10 Inf if you didn’t.  The US fleet build in the Pacific is pretty straightforward on US1:  CV and BB at a minimum.  Everything else, including those purchases are dependent on the Axis moves.

  • We did turn 1 last night (well not completely, its Italy’s turn).


    • he built a carrier with destroyer and sub
    • he didn’t sink my whole fleet (i retreated to Canada)
    • took France but not Normandy


    • All out on china
    • Made a factory on the mainland

    Against Japan, i believe i should hit Korea with the Russians. He has nothing in Korea, and the korean infantry are now in Manchuria. Does it really matter if i don’t get the Mongolian troops? I know he wouldn’t attack Russia, so i need to help China. Sent my first american ships to Queensland. For UK Pac, i made anti-air.

    Against Germany: I made infantry in London, and still have all my planes + the fighter from Gib. I think he wants to feint a hit on London but actually hit Russia. Are the russian ships useful at all?

  • The Russian ships are pretty much a speed bump for Germany. If Germany doesn’t feel like invading Russia through the Baltic Sea those two Russian ships will probably just sit there all game because Germany will just refuse to let them out of the strait.

  • In any case, i moved the ships to block a seazone for when he decides to attack (probably turn 3)

  • @Spendo02:

    Long story short, you have to react as the Allies early.  There is no single blueprint - the closest thing you have is the 6 Inf 1 Ftr on UK1 for London if you scrambled, 10 Inf if you didn’t.  The US fleet build in the Pacific is pretty straightforward on US1:  CV and BB at a minimum.  Everything else, including those purchases are dependent on the Axis moves.

    I agree with your entire post except for this.  Perhaps against a newer player in a face to face game the BB has an ‘intimidation’ factor, but 9 times out of 10 I think it is better to buy two DDs for 16 and use the 4 left for something else- or buy a DD and a Cruiser (gives 5 Pips vice 4).  With two ships you have potential for two hits and they can be used for blocking/being in two different SZs if need be.  20 IPCs for a big BB that needs protecting seems like a waste for me.  Yes, they can take damage, but a lot of the time its not sitting at a Naval Base, so you have to either live with the damage or retreat it to a Naval Base.

    I have played every official A&A game available and I think the last game where I bought a BB was the original Pacific with the US, and I regretted it even then.

  • USA: I put two carriers and a DD in the Pacific. Put 2 subs in Atlantic.

    For turn 2, ill probably make 2 DD and 6 subs

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