Two Corps if Jackson is alive, three without Jackson.
Hispanic History Month(The #2 Minority)
Should we encourage our local and national education associations
to have a Hispanic History Month?Why not? They are an increasing part of the population.
Besides, they’ll be a much bigger part of the American
business and political world soon.From some of the articles I’ve read in my local paper
regarding Hispanics IN, OH and KY they are stepping
forward in larger #s. I know they are also becoming
more involved in FL (the Elian Gonzales/Clinton fiasco
was one event which stirred them up.) I’ll bet the same
is happening in CA, AZ, NM, TX(Tony Sanchez ran for Gov. as
a Democrat, but lost in 2002) and many cities across the USA. -
I’d think there is already a Hispanic history month. I mean, everything has a month these days. Down south I believe it’s “Confederate History Month”.
But it ain’t National like BHM!
Fine, I’ll let you have a Hispanic history month…
…as soon as you let me have a white (or caucasian) history month. :roll:
This is kind of funny to me. I live in Phoenix AZ and Hispanics are not the # 2 minoraty here. In fact in my voting district I (basicaly White) am in the #1 minoraty! Hispanics are the majoraty. It has been prdicted that within the next ten to fifteen years hispanics will be the majoraty throughout the Phoenix area.
By the way, we do have a Latin American History month, week, day and many other events and Fiestas.
But that is in the south west of course.
That reminds me, I was in Mexico last weekend.I went down to Puerto Penasco (Rocky Point) There were more whites than Mexicans there :P
I was in Mexico last weekend.I went down to Puerto Penasco (Rocky Point) There were more whites than Mexicans there
:lol: When I was in Mexico a few years ago I hardly saw a native Mexican, in the resort areas anyway.
Isn’t there a town/region in Mehico where a lot of gringos have settled
and call home. I heard about it a few years ago.Don’t Mehicans pronounce Texas “Tay-haas?”
When I was there, years ago,
I spent time in the Yucatan Peninsula,
and Texas was not mentioned
(afaIr.) -
I dont know much about the areas around Texas or the Yucatan, but I can tell you that Peurto Penasco and Cabo San Lucas, both near the Sea of Cortez (Gulf of Califoria to you Gringos) are full of vacation/retirement homes owned by Americans. When I say Owned I guess that is a technicallity they usualy get 100 year leases, because you can’t own property in Mexico if you are not Mexican. There are always techincallities though.
Fine, I’ll let you have a Hispanic history month…
…as soon as you let me have a white (or caucasian) history month.
Ooooh. Works for me. :roll: The way I see it, we wouldn’t have as many race problems if people would get over having a National-whatever-history-month. We can celebrate our cultures, fine. But these months only hinder a national unity.
Speaking of Hispanics (and don’t accuse me of being racist because I am one) I went to JCPenney today and I heard more people speaking Spanish than I heard speaking English. I’m so glad I’m in my fourth year of Spanish. It’s almost necessary to speak it now (at least to eavesdrop) :D I think that whites and Hispanics are going to be competing for majority in California in the near future.
Anyhow, race is overrated. Let’s get over ourselves and be AMERICANS. That is if you’re not ashamed of it. I’m 100% PROUD OF IT, BABY!!!