• Orca’s are bad a** though the only animal known to kill for amusement.

    Orcas are cool, definitely, but I can’t see an Orca taking down a Giant Squid. They may be fast, but they’re not fast enough to avoid 12 arms coming at you :lol:.

    Also, I think cats (mainly the house ones, but possibly also the big cats) kill for pleasure too. Ever seen one with a mouse? :o

  • '19 Moderator

    I think house cats kill because they have the leftover instinct of a hunter, but no Idea why or what to do with their prey.

    I have seen video of an Orca brutally destroying a seal by flinging it in the air over and over.

  • I read a news article once where an orca simply killed a shark without trouble. Then again, I’ve heard of dolphins killing sharks too.

  • I think a Sperm Whale could kill a Killer Whale because it would take a Killer Whale way to long to finish off the Sperm Whale. It just could not do enough damage before it got tired. A couple good chomps from the Sperm Whale would kill the Orca. Pretty much the same would be true of the others as well. Except the Pirahnas I suppose, but can you imagine the size of school it would take to kill a Sperm Whale!?

  • I own a pirhana, so again, I vote pirahna!

  • its relatively easy to kill a shark, hit the gills. this will stun/injure the shark.

    if you can hold them in place, they will simply suffocate, and otherwise you could just tear them apart.

  • '19 Moderator

    Relatively easy for an Orca maybe, I don’t think I will go out and try it though. :wink:

  • My question is why the HELL are there 2 votes for a jellyfish? Guys, come on!!! :-? :x :)

  • because everyone else will eat him and die.

  • That is not fully true marine… :roll:

    Everything has a predator in the ocean, there is something on that list that could eat the Jellyfish without dying. :wink:

    But not all of the Jellyfish stings. Only there spaghetti like legs(I’m not sure if you call them flagella on a Jelly…)can sting you! :)

    So therefore, something could eat the top of it and weaken it enough that it can’t do anything! :)

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