Global 1942 alpha3.435 no tech

  • ADiceRolls: 1@1 1@3; Total Hits: 21@1: (1)1@3: (1)

    DDiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2)

  • Us turn 3

    Brazil 3inf 2mech 1art
    Gibraltar 4inf 1tank 2pln
    Morocco atk 2inf 1mech 1tank 1crz bomb vs 1tank
    ADiceRolls: 3@1 2@3; Total Hits: 23@1: (3, 4, 1)2@3: (3, 6)

    DDiceRolls: 1@3; Total Hits: 11@3: (2)

    Sz 86 3trans

    Sz91 4trans 1crz 1dst

    Sz101 1trans

    East us 2anti

    West us 2anti 2inf 1art 1mech

    Sz10 2dst 2trans 1sub

    Sz29 1ac w 2pln 1dst 1sub 1trans

    Line islands 1inf 1art 2pln 1tac 1strat 1airbase 1navalbase

    Sz62 1bs 2trans

    Wales 3inf 1tank

  • Us build 3trans 3dst 2inf 1art 1airbase 70ipc
    So correction to sz 10 3dst 2trans
    Correction to anzac buy 1ac instead of previous buy
    Us lost inf in morocco

  • Corrections to Russia are incorrect. I went back from round 1. Add what he built + what he starts with and he has 5 art not 6art in Ukraine.

  • Us gets paid 73
    China gets paid 3

  • Anzac  buys1 dst

    New zealand 1inf
    Wales 2inf 1art 1pln 2anti
    Sz 54 1crz
    Sz 62 1ac w2pln 1dst

    Anzac gets paid 11ipc

  • Us correction
    Gib- 2inf mech arm 2ftrs

  • India buys 2inf and has 8dmg left

    India 12inf 1art 3anti
    Sz71 1ac w 1pln 1crz 1dst 1bs 1trans
    S africa 2inf
    Blitz through kenya w 1tank 1mech vs 1inf
    ADiceRolls: 1@1 1@3; Total Hits: 11@1: (1)1@3: (4)

    DDiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2)

    1 inf ethiopia
    1inf anglo egy 1french inf
    Egypt atk 2 inf 2art 1pln 1tac vs 2inf 1art
    ADiceRolls: 4@2 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 44@2: (2, 1, 1, 3)1@3: (5)1@4: (2)

    DDiceRolls: 3@2; Total Hits: 23@2: (1, 1, 6)

    Sz 110 1dst
    Sz109 2ac 1bs 1sub 1pln
    Londan 2inf 1french inf 1strat 3pln 4anti

  • Planes land in anglo
    Uke 28ipc
    Ukp 6ipc
    Frech dst in sz 91

  • 1uk inf and 1uk tank gets on us trans in sz 101

  • Uk 1inf 1anti board us trans in sz 91

    Sub atk india

    ADiceRolls: 2@6; Total Hits: 22@6: (1, 4)

  • Uk loses 1 ipc

    Grems go

  • Sub in sz98 convoy raid
    ADiceRolls: 2@6; Total Hits: 22@6: (3, 5)

  • UK PAC loses 3 ipcs

  • Correction UK atl loses 3 UK PAC loses 1

    UK atl paid 25

    Germany 4
    Doc on Russia

    Buys: ac btlshp airbase =51 ipcs

    Bessarabia- 12inf 2mech 2 art 5arm(blitz thru E. Poland)
    Baltic states- 10inf 8art 5arm
    Karelia- 7inf art arm
    Vyborg- inf
    Sz110- crz btlshp 2ftr 3tac vs. dest (scramble 3 ftrs??)
    Roll with out scramble
    ADiceRolls: 4@3 3@4; Total Hits: 54@3: (2, 1, 5, 3)3@4: (3, 6, 4)
    DDiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (3)

    Egypt- inf arm 2bmrs vs 2art
    ADiceRolls: 1@1 1@3 2@4; Total Hits: 11@1: (6)1@3: (5)2@4: (2, 5)
    DDiceRolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (5, 5)

  • Sz110 win no losses

    UK loses art
    ADiceRolls: 1@1 1@3 2@4; Total Hits: 21@1: (6)1@3: (6)2@4: (2, 1)
    DDiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (6)

  • Oops skipped Italy lol. That changes a whole lot!!! Egypt still fallen the same as I rolled it because It would be same units just more attack !

    Dow Russia
    Buy- 2bmrs 3subs= 42ipcs

    Egypt (already rolled)
    Persia- 4inf ftr vs. 2inf
    ADiceRolls: 4@1 1@3; Total Hits: 14@1: (6, 6, 6, 4)1@3: (2)
    DDiceRolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (5, 1)

    Bessarabia- 4inf art mech arm
    Gibraltar- 2inf 2 art bombard of btlshp 2crz vs 2inf art arm 3ftrs (1french)
    ADiceRolls: 4@2 2@3 1@4; Total Hits: 44@2: (3, 4, 1, 6)2@3: (3, 1)1@4: (1)
    DDiceRolls: 3@2 1@3 3@4; Total Hits: 33@2: (1, 1, 6)1@3: (5)3@4: (5, 3, 5)

  • Persia 1 for 1
    ADiceRolls: 3@1 1@3; Total Hits: 13@1: (3, 6, 5)1@3: (2)
    DDiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)

    Gibraltar Italy loses 2 inf art/ US loses 2inf art arm
    ADiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2)
    DDiceRolls: 3@4; Total Hits: 33@4: (1, 2, 4)

  • 2 US ftrs left in gib
    2 Italy inf take Persia

    Ncm and the rest of board

    Sz92- 2trans dest 2crz btlshp
    Sz94- sub
    Egypt- mech 2arm
    Iraq- ftr
    Persia- 2inf
    S. France- 4inf 3art
    Bessarabia- 4inf art mech arm
    Greece- 2inf
    N. Italy- 2aa guns
    S. Italy- 2aa guns 3bmrs
    Sz95- 3subs

    Italy gets paid- 37 ipcs

  • Ok now Germany. Same buy all attacks the same except
    N. Persia- arm

    Ncm how it looks after Germany

    Sz110- trans, crz, ac w/2 tac 2btlshp
    Normandy- 3aa 2inf 2art 3mech arm tac 2ftrs
    W. Germany- 3aa guns 2bmrs
    Poland- 3inf 2art
    Finland- 2inf
    Vyborg- inf
    Karelia- 7inf art arm
    Baltic states- 10inf 2mech 8art 9arm
    Bessarabia- 12inf 2art 2arm
    Sz99- trans
    Egypt- inf

    Convoy raid by Russia sz125
    ADiceRolls: 2@6; Total Hits: 22@6: (5, 6)

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