• Playing games on Triple A, I get annoyed by the fact that France and Anzac go between Italy and Germany.

    There is really no point and it makes you email back a France and Anzac turn that is little more than a few moves, slowing down the game.

    What about a turn order like:


    That would cut it down to 5 posts a turn instead of 6 and 4 posts instead of 5 afterwards.

    I don’t see major strategical changes other than the french sz 93 fleet on the loose f1, perhaps sinking the italian dd and tranny in 96. A blocker could be added or a piece moved.


  • In theory, on the tabletop it gives the allies something to set up and think about I guess to speed play during Italy but in reality I imagine most of us are getting a beer or screwing around anyway.

  • On a boardgame it would be very boring for Axis players to watch allied play 5powers before its italys turn.

  • 5 Allies before a single Axis.

    The new Alpha +3 rules were rough enough with watching US and UK go before Italy…

    I don’t like it, sure it helps Ger/Itl player, but my god that has to be boring - especially in the later rounds when US/UK are moving 75+ units a turn.

  • Also, france/anzac can potentially can open italian blockers in the current order, some like to send 2 anzac inf against single italian infantry and that french fighter can pick off transports and dds (especially if their is some french navy left)

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    Originallly ANZAC went before Italy, but then it was changed (alpha 2 I think?).  I think it had something to do with the 2 ANZAC infantry in Egypt.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    The whole reason for the seperation is the EASTERN FRONT.

    If the french get their fighter into Russian territory, it limits the ability of italy to can opener for germany.

    The direct one two punch, with NO stops in between is brutal.

  • The french can also make a sucide attack on the italian units at F1… that will give the allies an advance in europe… bisides if the germanys do it really really bad when taking paris the French can re-take Paris in F1 and get 4 units right away, which will sink the germans for a round or two in most importent phase of the game

  • If you retake paris Germany would get another 19 ipcs, right?

  • @Jeff28:

    If you retake paris Germany would get another 19 ipcs, right?

    The IPC bonus is only for the first time you capture a capitol.

  • @snake11eyes:


    If you retake paris Germany would get another 19 ipcs, right?

    The IPC bonus is only for the first time you capture a capitol.

    Not true. If a capital is liberated, that nation gains income based on their current holdings at the time. If that capital is retaken by the enemy, they get that nations IPC’s again.

  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    i agree the rump session of Anzac and France is annoying.

    I suppose though, if France went before Italy it could use it’s fleet to help crush Italy.  You’d need to beef up Italy then to withstand the UK and France.

  • '12



    If you retake paris Germany would get another 19 ipcs, right?

    The IPC bonus is only for the first time you capture a capitol.

    There is never a bonus for capital captures except for the Russian NO regarding Berlin.  Jeff28 is right, if France somehow recaptures Paris F1, then they will collect income at the end of their turn which will just be harvested again by Germany on G2.  It may feel like you’re getting some kind of bonus for sacking Paris, but you’re just collecting their starting income that they never get a chance to spend.

  • if France somehow recaptures Paris F1, then they will collect income at the end of their turn

    Plus the one time 12 IPC’s to spend on whatever units they want to place immediately in France for liberating it.

  • @Eggman:



    If you retake paris Germany would get another 19 ipcs, right?

    The IPC bonus is only for the first time you capture a capitol.

    There is never a bonus for capital captures except for the Russian NO regarding Berlin.  Jeff28 is right, if France somehow recaptures Paris F1, then they will collect income at the end of their turn which will just be harvested again by Germany on G2.  It may feel like you’re getting some kind of bonus for sacking Paris, but you’re just collecting their starting income that they never get a chance to spend.

    Instead of bonus I should have said boost from the IPC’s taken. I didn’t know you were able to take the income multiple times though, glad to learn something new.

  • @Eggman:



    If you retake paris Germany would get another 19 ipcs, right?

    The IPC bonus is only for the first time you capture a capitol.

    There is never a bonus for capital captures except for the Russian NO regarding Berlin.  Jeff28 is right, if France somehow recaptures Paris F1, then they will collect income at the end of their turn which will just be harvested again by Germany on G2.  It may feel like you’re getting some kind of bonus for sacking Paris, but you’re just collecting their starting income that they never get a chance to spend.

    Not true. There is a German NO (bonus) for controlling Moscow, 5 IPC’s.

  • '12





    If you retake paris Germany would get another 19 ipcs, right?

    The IPC bonus is only for the first time you capture a capitol.

    There is never a bonus for capital captures except for the Russian NO regarding Berlin.�  Jeff28 is right, if France somehow recaptures Paris F1, then they will collect income at the end of their turn which will just be harvested again by Germany on G2.�  It may feel like you’re getting some kind of bonus for sacking Paris, but you’re just collecting their starting income that they never get a chance to spend.

    Not true. There is a German NO (bonus) for controlling Moscow, 5 IPC’s.

    You misread my comment.  I was replying to a person who seemed to claim that you get a bonus the first time you capture an enemy capital.  That has nothing to do with the NOs for holding a territory.

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