@simon33 said in Lebowsky (Axis) vs Simon33 (allies+0):
hold on, I think I need to edit USA
Is the edit ok? I’ll reapply assuming you didn’t see it.
ok i did something wrong.
Input ErrorThere was an error in your dice throw: “space” is not correct syntax.
where i typed space it’s just a space
ok i wont let me
Input ErrorThere was an error in your dice throw: “and” is not correct syntax.
ok put : in front of aaa. no coma’s at all. and and with :
Rolls: 4@1 3@2 2@3 ; Total Hits: 44@1: (1, 1, 3, 2)3@2: (2, 6, 5)2@3: (1, 5)
hey i got it woohoo :-D
i wont be able to move rite now. but i will a little later
ok. sorry for the delay. my water froze and it took me a couple days to get it thawed.
lets see if i do this rite.
3 inf and a fighter from kar to BSt
i have a prob. i moved my pieces the other day when i was trying to figure the game out. i just dont no witch properties i took them from. i tried to reload and it wont let me. its not that i want to do anything different with the pieces. i just wanted to type in where they came from and went. i can type in what im bringing in though
if you would please. let me no what i should do
no you cant type it anywhere. your gonna have to move them and remember where they cam from. this is where my board helps. i do all moves here, and just adjust battlemap when im done.
type it out like i did so its not confusing.
24 ipcs, your purchase, any money saved also
3 inf + 1 fig kar> bst
if you move from 2 differnt countries, type them seperate
2 inf + 1 bom russ>belo
2 inf arch> belo
put spaces in between combats so i can read them.
as you type them here you can jump back and forth to battlemap to confirm where they came from.
i think my format is easy to read and follow.
hey mojo, u winning or what?
yes everything has been very clear thankyou. is there a way i can get to the board rite after you got done? i was just getting use to how things moved and it goes back to where i was practicing.
TC old buudy your back. Awesome. How you doing. Did ya start a game yet. You talk to 505. His been mia for about a month
Kabloom. I’m not sure what your asking
not yet, gonna look over this g-40 game, see what its all about.
i dont no witch country’s i took the pieces from to do the battles. when i was figureing it out i diddnt no i had to type in where i was taken the pieces from and to. now that i moved when i restart it puts me to the spot where i have allready moved. and thats why i dont no how you want me to type it in seems i dont no where i took all the pieces from. i hope you understand what im saying because i dont no how else to say what i mean. sorry for the confusion.
Ok 1 step at a time. Type your battles out here. Then roll your dice. After combat is over adjust your board. You click on a piece and drag it. Top right corner click delete, then go to piece and click to delete it. Click ecs to go back to normal. So start with your purchase and combat moves, and ill walk ya thru the rest. Tc gotta be laughing. I have had move help than anybody to figure this stuff out, and now I’m helping someone. Crazy times
I haven’t seen G40 yet. Its a differnt map, and I haven’t figured out how to load it yet. I’m gonna buy the board soon.
ok kabloom i’m here for a few minutes.
start it up.
24 ipcs, purchase
declare combats. i’ll help
ok russia buys a tank, a artillery, and 5 men
all my pieces are allready moved
i have 3 men and a fighter going in to BSt,
i have 3 men and 3 tanks going in to Bel,
i have 4 men 1 art and 2 tanks going into Euk
and i have 2 men 1 art, ant a tank going into Ukr
Ok you need to type where units are coming from. So if 3 inf + 1 fig all came from kar? So type 3 inf + 1 fig kar (arrow) bst. Type all your battles like that. If units come from differnt countries type seperate lines stating where they come from (arrow) and to