Will the game feature the Schlieffenplan?
I mean is it possible for GER to take Paris Round 1 ?
yes and yes.
General moves and special moves:
Germany’s Schleiffen Plan:
If Germany invades Belgium on turn one, the forces that capture the territory get an immediate second impulse to move and/or attack. Note: this is the only time during the game in which air units can land in the newly-captured (Belgian) territory.
This bonus move is done immediately before non combat movement, and the new captured territory may function as a production center or as a rail hub.
Units which do not take their bonus move may entrench instead or make a non-combat move to an adjacent territory. Rail may be used. Aircraft may remain in Belgium
If the attack on Belgium is not done then this advantage is forever lost. Furthermore, any attack on Belgium will cost a diplomatic penalty (see attacking a minor power).