The Great War 1914-1918: Clash of Empires

  • Do railroads figure into the game into a direct way (literally on the map, as strategic movement, etc.), or is this wrapped up in the movement structure in general?

    Special  moves:
    Strategic movement:
    Ships may make a strategic non-combat move from any originally controlled port to port, subject to the following:

    1. The move must begin and end in a friendly port.
    2. The move may not move into or pass through any enemy ships.  However, submerged subs are ignored.
    3. The quantity of ships transferred is limited by the printed economic value of the attached land area where the port is connected too.
    4. Ships are subject to mine and coastal fortress pass-through attacks.

    Railroad transportation:
    Rail movement is allowed from anywhere within contiguously controlled and connected land areas, limited as follows:

    1. If you are not in a factory space, rail movement can be to any originally controlled factory (including allied factories) or an original starting home territory. No limit of moves of this type.
    2. If you are in a factory space, you can rail to either item #1, or any space you control. No limit of moves of this type.
    3. If you control both sides of the Suez or Dardanelles, you may pass thru these areas.

    These moves are valid if:

    1. You can trace the movement through a continuous line of controlled territories.
    2. The movement does not cross any sea barriers that are not controlled (such as the English Channel, or a blocked Dardanelles strait).
    3. The movement is not into a contested area.
    4. The line is not traced through Russia (unless you are Russia).
    5. The territory is not newly captured (exception: Belgium).

    Russia may only use rail movement within their own Nation.  Until Russia surrenders, nobody may use her rail lines.

  • '14

    How have you worked colonial warfare into the game? Are these omitted, or are they abstracted some way into the game? I won’t whine if there isn’t a separate German askari sculpt, a KAR sculpt, and a Force Publique sculpt… though it would greatly impress me if someone made these…

  • How have you worked colonial warfare into the game? Are these omitted, or are they abstracted some way into the game? I won’t whine if there isn’t a separate German askari sculpt, a KAR sculpt, and a Force Publique sculpt… though it would greatly impress me if someone made these…

    The game does not model the fighting in Africa, however an expansion was made ( to be released as a separate map that connects to our map on the bottom). That’s all i can say right now.

  • I would like to know if the release date is still August 1st? Or maybe earlier?
    Do you know something new about the ottoman Infantry sculpts? I hope they weren´t germans…

  • I want the 8/1 release date, while the producer wants earlier.

    Ottoman infantry question will need to wait till i call them for update

  • Customizer

    Rail movement should not be allowed in Africa or through Persia. These countries had single lines from the coast to the inland capital, but not between colonies.
    The UK planned a line from Cairo to the Cape, but this was never completed.

    I assume you can never rail into enemy controlled tt; it doesn’t state this specifically.

    Why is Belgium an exception?

  • Rail movement should not be allowed in Africa or through Persia. These countries had single lines from the coast to the inland capital, but not between colonies.
    The UK planned a line from Cairo to the Cape, but this was never completed.

    The map barely even has but a sliver of land for Africa. The effect is negligible in playtest. No one nation really goes after worthless areas so they can move along the coast. Besides, these are 3+ month turns. By basic roads the distance could be traveled.

    The third problem is The Ottomans get marginalized, due to playtest results ( we thought of everything).

    I assume you can never rail into enemy controlled tt; it doesn’t state this specifically.

    It does indeed state this

    These moves are valid if:
    1)  You can trace the movement through a continuous line of controlled territories.
    2)  The movement does not cross any sea barriers that are not controlled (such as the English Channel, or a blocked Dardanelles strait).
    3)  The movement is not into a contested area.
    4)  The line is not traced through Russia (unless you are Russia).
    5)  The territory is not newly captured (exception: Belgium).

    Why is Belgium an exception?

    You will see when you play a game first as to why.

  • Will the game feature the Schlieffenplan?

    I mean is it possible for GER to take Paris Round 1 ?

  • Will the game feature the Schlieffenplan?

    I mean is it possible for GER to take Paris Round 1 ?

    yes and yes.

    General moves and special moves:

    Germany’s Schleiffen Plan:
    If Germany invades Belgium on turn one, the forces that capture the territory get an immediate second impulse to move and/or attack.  Note: this is the only time during the game in which air units can land in the newly-captured (Belgian) territory.

    This bonus move is done immediately before non combat movement, and the new captured territory may function as a production center or as a rail hub.

    Units which do not take their bonus move may entrench instead or make a non-combat move to an adjacent territory.  Rail may be used.  Aircraft may remain in Belgium

    If the attack on Belgium is not done then this advantage is forever lost.  Furthermore, any attack on Belgium will cost a diplomatic penalty (see attacking a minor power).

  • Sounds nice.

    I found some errors or strange tt-names like Kosovo for Serbia/Belgrad or Moscow as Capital for Russia.

    Can you say something about Spain? Seems that its not white-neutral like Switzerland. Can one alliance
    bring Spain on its side (with money?) ?

  • '14

    Has a photo of the map been posted? Not sure if I missed it; I’ve seen the photos of the unit sculpts.

  • @protevangelium:

    Has a photo of the map been posted? Not sure if I missed it; I’ve seen the photos of the unit sculpts.

    Yes IL posted an image on page 3 in this thread.

  • '14



    Has a photo of the map been posted? Not sure if I missed it; I’ve seen the photos of the unit sculpts.

    Yes IL posted an image on page 3 in this thread.

    Thanks. I’ll check it ou.

  • Can you say something about Spain? Seems that its not white-neutral like Switzerland. Can one alliance
    bring Spain on its side (with money?) ?

    Spain will be in optional rules as a new player and activated under conditions. We did this due to the “Canada” effect that some people will cry about a nation represented on the board is not a separate playable entity.

  • @Imperious:

    I want the 8/1 release date, while the producer wants earlier.

    Ottoman infantry question will need to wait till i call them for update

    Earlier than 8/1 release date means within the next 2 months…  8-)

    Did you call the producers for update (Ottomans) ?

  • Doing that today.

  • '14

    Is there a place to place a pre-order?

  • @Imperious:

    Doing that today.

    Did they pick up the phone ?

  • Ok the producer just got back from China…

    He will forward sculpt shots of some of the other infantry. He said all the naval came out perfect, but some of the air units were not done correctly by this Chinese firm.

    The game is looking at a Christmas release, not August 1st

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Ok the producer just got back from China…

    He will forward sculpt shots of some of the other infantry. He said all the naval came out perfect, but some of the air units were not done correctly by this Chinese firm.

    The game is looking at a Christmas release, not August 1st

    Thanks for the info IL. It is too bad on the release date, but better to fix it and get a better product out the first time, than to release it when it is not done properly. :-)

    Thanks again,


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